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Charlestown, City of Report on exemption from Taxation on account of certain highways—statement of party appearing, go to Children, Truant, Bill additional to act concerning, o go go

Constitution, Report and Resolve to amend relative to the organization of the State Government—Articles of Amendment,

Addenda, - to †- o o + = * Minority Report, - - go * *s to o Resolve and Amendment relative to the choice of Governor and other officers, go o * > * = o Danvers and Georgetonn Railroad Company, Bill to incorporate, - go Dedham, tonn of, Report and Bill to set off to Walpole, - so to Defendants in actions on Joint Contracts, Bill concerning, - - to Depositions in Criminal cases, Bill to provide for taking, - $o ge Discharged Convicts, Report and Bill relating to, - - wo go so Divorce, Bill relating to, - so «o ago. so £o to o

Dorchester and Milton Branch Railroad, Bill cohcerning, * - so e-
Dracut, Report and Bill concerning annexation to Lowell, Ho: *

Eastern Avenue Corporation, Report and Bill to establish, - go }
Minority Report, <-o 4 = to
Endicott, v. “Le Roy.” •

Essex, and Salem and Lonell, and South Reading Branch Railroad Compa

nies, Bill concerning, ise * * * go o s Female Education Society, Report and Resolve in favor of, so Fitchburg and Worcester Railroad, Bill to authorize the issue of Preferred

Stock, - o go go * so go. to. Flaz Culture, Report concerning the, do - or * * = o Gambling, Bill more effectually to prevent, - to so *

Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Report on Votes for, go {-
Address of, - * o * so o so
Messages from, - go o * * * * to-
Harvard College, Report and Bill to change the organization of the Board
of Overseers, (v. H. No. 10, Memorial,) * & wo

Haverhill Bridge, Bill regulating the Rates of Toll, go e- go

Homestead Exemption, Report and Bill to exempt Homesteads from attachment, &c. - , , - so * &= to Idiots, Second Annual Report of doings under Resolve of May 8, 1848, Idiotic Children, Report and Resolves concerning, go so ge Industrial Exhibition, in London, Report on Resolve of the House of Representatives, for defraying expenses, &c. - go - * =

Insane, Second Hospital for the, Bill authorizing the erection of, o

Institutions for Savings, Bill féquiring returns from Treasurers of, o

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Justices, Trial, Bill to repeal an act for the appointment of, - - - - No. 105

Lands, Public, Report of Joint Standing Committee on, (v. also H. No. 23,) 118
Land Agent, Annual Report and Account of, for 1850, - so s 7
Larceny of Real Property, Report and Bill concerning, - * 80
Lien of Mechanics, &c., Bill additional for the - * > so go 98
Le Roy, (Endicott,) Bill to incorporate the town of, so so to 93
Lotteries, Report that no further legislation is necessary, to- s 25
Lonell, City of, Bill further additional to an act to amend charter, to 3 113
Lonell and Lanrence Railroad, Bill to authorize construction of Branches, 64
Lunatic Hospital, Eighteenth Annual Report of Trustees of, wo * -o 1
Marshpee, District of Report of the Commissioner, * * > so 121
Massachusetts Historical Society, Memorial of, so to *E. io 14
Mattopoiett, Bill to incorporate the town of, s so s * 87
Messages, from the Governor, * = goe to a * > go - 12, 121
Millbury and Southbridge Railroad, Bill to incorporate, - - - go 42
Mortgaged Real Estate, Bill concerning Taxation upon, - too to 15
Municipal and other Records, Bill (amended) for the better preservation of, 18.
Mystic River Railroad, Bill to incorporate, * * = so ge 45
Mystic River, Bill for the widening of the Draws in the Bridges over,
Bill to authorize the city of Charlestown to fill up o: 91
Flats in, - to is * * * to a *
Nen, Bedford, Bill additional to act for building bridge over Acushnet .
River, se go to e - - go Ano {o 111
Nerv London, Willimantic and Palmer Railroad, Bill confirming the doings -
of, &c. so go t- &o o go go wo 21
Nerv Hampshire, Resolutions of Convention of, - so & o & 12
Nen, Marlborough, Report and Bill to set off and annex to Monterey, - 49
Normal Schools, Report of Committee of Education of 1850, se * * 4
Report and Resolve concerning, s {-8 to 86
North Beverly Branch Railroad, Bill to incorporate, 3- †- o 109
North Brookfield, Bill to set off and annex to Brookfield, - too , * 92
Parker River Bridge, Resolve in relation to, go so & * - 78
Petition of Mark Trafton and others, relative to the Fugitive Slave Law, 99
Personal Liberty, Report of Committee of Senate, and Bills, (v. 51, 121,) 89
Phonetics, Report of Committee on Education, - ap. ion s 123
Probate Bonds, Bill concerning, - so so go so so 31
Proceedings, Practice, and Rules of Evidence of the Courts of this Common-
nealth, Bill to amend. Also, Schedule of Forms, - * = 74
Public Schools, Bill to repeal an act concerning, - o r
Mr. Warner’s Amendment, wo so go : 43
Recital of Revised Statutes, chapters 23 and 274,

Public Lands, Report of Joint Standing Committee on, . - - No. 118

Report of Commissioners of, for 1850, -> - * > 8

Report of Agent, (v. H. No. 47,) (v. also H. Nos. 23 & 105.)

Punchard School in the Tonon of Andover, Bill to incorporate, - o 13

Quanapomit Railroad, Bill additional to act to incorporate, - wo 48

Railroad Corporations, Bill concerning the manner of voting at meetings of, 124

Annual Reports of, for 1850, - - gos 22

Bill relating to Annual Reports of, to- to 33

Bill concerning, - so -> - e 34

Railway Commissioners, Bill establishing a Board of, - - o 83

Representatives in Congress and Electors of President and Vice President of \

the United States, Bill concerning the election of, - - o 37

Representative Districts, Single, Bill for dividing the cities and large towns
of the Commonwealth into, o so co- - to 120

Saugus Branch Railroad, Bill to authorize extension of, - - -> 47

School Districts, Report and Bill to authorize to raise money for the sup-

port of, --> - - to a go o- to o 85

Seat of Government, Report and Resolves concerning the removal of, - 96
Amendments of Messrs. Saunders and Hyde, e- 119

Sippican, Bill to incorporate the town of, - - - to- 88

Sheep Pasture in Beverly, Bill to incorporate Proprietors of, - go 77

Slavery, Report, Resolves and Bill additional to act further to protect
Personal Liberty, (v. also 89, 121,) o - - to- 51

Shopbreaking and aggravated Larceny, Bill relating to, - - - 100

State Library, Annual Report on the state of, o o - e 5

State Lunatic Hospital, Eighteenth Annual Report of Trustees of, (v.

“Lunatic Hospital,”) <- to & o - o 1

Sterling and Worcester Railroad, Bill to establish, - - - 90

Stoneham Branch Railroad, Bill to incorporate, - - - g- 72

Stockholders in Manufacturing Corporations, Bill concerning, - to 115

Stockbridge Water Company, Bill to incorporate, - - - - 26

Supreme Judicial Court, Opinion of, in answer to certain interrogatories, 62

Treasury Office, Statement of Expenses of, for 1850, - - * 6

Trial Justices, Bill to repeal an act for the appointment of, - o 105

Troy and Greenfield Railroad, Report and Bill to enable to construct a

Tunnel through the Hoosac Mountain, - - - t- 57

Truant Children, Bill additional to act concerning, (v. “Children,”) - 122

Usury, (v. “Banks and Usury.”)

Valuation of 1856, Joint orders and Report on, - - - - 60

Addenda, -- goe == - - - 60%


Vermont, Resolutions of, for the promotion of Peace, wn so

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Voters in the Commonnealth, Report of the Secretary, stating the number

borne on the check lists, - so wo o o to Warren and Charles River Bridges, Report of Committee on Agent's Report, o go o to-3 so &- o es Ware River Railroad, Bill to establish, - gs o so go West Roxbury, Report and Bill to incorporate, - to - . : Minority Report, - tom so *-> o

West Nenbury Railroad, Bill to incorporate, o wo Eo *

Wilmington, Tonyn of, and vicinity, Report and Bill to provide additional
Railroad accommodation, (v. also 84.) - so s is

Worcester and Nashua Railroad, Bill to increase capital stock of, go

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