recommendation that she be summarily banished from the country. But his superiors, not seeing the matter in this light, or perhaps fearing to proceed farther in this merciless and illegal persecution of a lady of the highest respectability, mitigated the sentence recommended by the brave and mag.. nanimous Adjutant, by banishing her, during the war, to the residence of her father, in the loyal State of Kentucky. Thus was closed this disgraceful chapter in the history of the persecution of American citizens by a Government which boasted that it was the best the world ever saw, and yet was guilty of acts of oppression and perfidy to its own citizens, which would disgrace a Russian autocrat or a Turkish despot. HIRAM WENTWORTH. HE following letter is from a victim of despotism. As THE it speaks for itself, we make no comments. The letter is addressed to Hon. M. Y. Johnson, of Galena, Ill., a fellow-prisoner in Fort Delaware, formerly an inmate of Fort Lafayette: "HON. M. Y. JOHNSON: "Dear Sir: Yours of the 16th arrived on the 17th, in company with a note from Senator Rice, which I will copy verbatim, for you to dispose of as you may think proper. Such a document ought not to be kept in the dark. Here it is: “WASHINGTON, Dec. 14, 1862. "Sir: Yours of the 11th inst. is received-you were suspected of disloyalty arrested-offered your freedom if you would take the oath of allegiance-this you refused—thus confirming the suspicions of your disloyalty-as it appears optional with yourself whether you remain in prison longer or not—I cannot see the necessity of giving myself any trouble upon the occasionyou say you ask no favors-your independence may keep you company until you are satisfied that you cannot receive all the blessings and protection of a free country, while refusing to support her institutions. "Respectfully, yours, "HENRY M. RICE.' "So much from Mr. Rice- the Honorable Henry M. Rice the squaw-compelling Rice, of Minnesota. It's all very fine, Mr. Rice, but what has become of my constitutional rights? Did my being suspected of disloyalty' annihilate them? Did an arbitrary arrest deprive me of my birthright? Having been arrested and imprisoned on suspicion of disloyalty, have I not clearly the right to demand either an unconditional release, or such a trial as the Constitution provides for those accused of that a des crime? 'Tis a fine thing to offer a man his freedom, if he will swear allegiance to a tyrant who is murdering him piecemeal, without the shadow of a cause. 'Tis an extravagant eulogy on the recent conduct of his Dakota relatives in Minnesota perate attempt to make savage treachery virtuous by comparison'—for this Indian fur-trader (whose popularity with the redskins alone elevated him to Congress) to tell a loyal, native-born citizen (who has been in close confinement nearly seven months, rather than plead guilty to a false charge which would make his name infamous forever) that his independence may keep him company until he is satisfied that he cannot receive all the blessings and protection of a free country, while refusing to support her 'institutions.' My independence, which this descendant of Esau attempts to ridicule, was purchased with the blood of a noble ancestry, and will be scrupulously maintained at all hazards. He could not have consigned it to better company or safer keeping. I am already satisfied that the blessings and protection of a country whose institutions come and go at the bidding of one man, are not worth receiving; but I am receiving them, satisfaction, health, and Esau's opinion to the contrary notwithstanding; and if 'refusing to support her institutions' is a proof of disloyalty, refusing to support her Constitution becomes an evidence of loyalty, for many of the former are flagrant violations of the latter; and yet his blockheaded stupidity informs me that my refusing to take the oath of allegiance confirmed the suspicions of my disloyalty. Well, supposing it did? I have challenged suspicions repeatedly, and received no answer. Did my refusal to plead guilty preclude me the right of a trial? His extreme dulness accuses me of asking no favors; but does it therefore follow that I shall receive no justice? His unblushing treachery says, in other words, that I may remain here until I am satisfied with purchasing my inalienable rights at Abolition prices which means forever. "During the last Presidential canvass, I was three times arrested for expressing Union sentiments in a Southern State. At the commencement of the war, I declined the offer of a commission in the Confederate army, and enlisted as a private in the first regiment of Minnesota volunteers. After serving nearly five months in that capacity, I was discharged for military inability,' (wearing long hair,) my protest to the contrary notwith 6 standing. I subsequently served as an independent soldier more than a month, gratuitously, in the same regiment; several weeks after which, I was suspected of disloyalty'-and by whom? Why, by a drunken lieutenant, who had never seen me before in his life; but who said, nevertheless, that he believed me to be 'a damned rebel spy, and that if he could have his way, he would hang me on the spot with a piece of telegraph wire.' Having, however, no authority to hang me, he graciously contented himself with arresting me and taking me to Martinsburg, where he tried to lionize himself by reporting that he had captured Colonel Ashby, which created so much excitement, that the guard found it quite difficult to prevent my being taken from them before they could get me to the Provost-Marshal's office; and the Marshal found it necessary to double the guard, and send also an advance guard to clear the way to the jail, where he ordered me to be kept for my own safety till the false report could be satisfactorily contradicted, and the mob dispersed, which numbered not less than two thousand men. Thus the scene closed at about 9 o'clock P.M. of the 6th of June last. About twenty-four hours later, the Marshal (Major Walker, of the Tenth Maine regiment,) ordered my release, provided I would leave town immediately. I countermanded his order, by informing him that I did not now propose to 'leave town,' till I could have daylight to do it by, and my own time to do it in. The next (Sunday) morning I was unconditionally released; but, owing to the religious habits of Virginia cars, I did not leave town' until Monday, when I returned to Harper's Ferry, where I had previously engaged myself as brakesman on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; and there, about 2 P.M. of the same day, I was again arrested whether on 'suspicion of disloyalty,' or on the supposition that I had neither money, friends, nor constitutional rights, I cannot tell: all I can say is, I was kept there two days, in a filthy guard-house, without being allowed to send a telegram, or even a letter, to Washington, and was then sent to Baltimore, without the privilege of going or sending to my boarding-house, in Harper's Ferry, for a carpet-sack full of clothing, before starting. After several days treatment in the Baltimore city jail, the overseer of that extensive liberty-mill came to my cell, and asked me if I was willing to take the oath of allegiance; to which I replied, 'I am now, as I have ever been, a loyal citizen of the United States; and whenever anything disloyal to the Constitution has been proved against me, I shall be ready to renew my allegiance.' The operator then said, 'The question is, will you take the oath of allegiance? I want a monosyllable for an answer - yes or no.' As I had one of the words he mentioned at my tongue's end, of course, I instantly relieved the patriotic agony of the suffering miller, by giving him his inevitable toll. He seemed to accept it as a great favor, and ground me some seven weeks without any extra charge. The operation was performed in a small apartment, vulgarly called a cell, where I fared sumptuously, on rye bread and bean soup, every day. I was then favored with a gratuitous pleasuretrip to Fortress Monroe, and afterward lodged in another citizenfactory, which was also conducted on the oath principle by General Morris, who also wanted a monosyllable.' As the one I experimented with in the city succeeded so well, I supposed it would win in Fort McHenry; but General Morris is a crabbed old cuss; I don't think anything would suit him; he only ground me two weeks in a stable hay-loft-on hard bread and salt horse, at that. I was glad to get 'shut' of him, and regard my second attempt with the talismanic 'no' as a great Union victory,' after all. It wins in Fort Delaware every time. I repeated it, the day I received the letter, with the utmost assurance, as I now consider myself permanently located. I must confess 'I cannot see the necessity' of my 'supporting her institutions,' as long as her institutions' insist on supporting me; nor is it 'optional with myself whether I remain in prison longer or not,' while honor is demanded of me as the price of liberty. "Mr. Johnson, one favor- a message to bear: Tell Abe Lincoln I've no allegiance to spare; Though my life for political sins should atone: I am proud of the chains that I wear for thy sake, But, oh! why dost thou slumper? Awaken! awake! "Yours, truly, "FORT DELAWARE, Dec. 20, 1862." HIRAM WENTWORTH. |