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See FRONTISPIECE. This bell, the first in Philadelphia, was imported from England in 1752, for the State House, but, having met with an accident in the trial-ringing after it was landed, it lost the tones received in the fatherland, and had to be conformed to ours by a recasting.

The ringing of this bell first announced to the citizens, who were anxiously
awaiting the result of the deliberations of Congress, (which were at
that time held with closed doors,) that the Declaration of Independ-
ence had been decided upon; and then it was that the bell "Proclaimed
Liberty throughout the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof."

It was subsequently cracked, and is now to be seen in Independence
Hall, proper.


To this picture we call a moment's attention.


The first scene, or centre, represents the private office of Secretary Seward in the State Department. The hand of an unseen person, with the forefinger on the bell, is that of the Hon. Secretary, whose left hand contains an order for the arrest of a citizen, which is about being received for execution by the hand of an unknown Marshal. In the second, or upper left corner, is seen the arrest of the victim in his bed, by the Marshal, on the authority of this winged messenger. A guard is stationed in the chamber door to prevent the egress or ingress of the family or friends.

In the third, or the upper right corner, the same citizen is seen in the custody of two soldiers, who are taking him toward his place of imprisonment. This practice, Mr. Seward, the American Inquisitor General, adopted from the Spanish Inquisition, which made all arrests by night, that no traces of the missing person might exist. The fourth, or lower right corner, presents the interior of a cell. with the emaciated form of the victim, sitting on his pallet, guarded by a sentinel. In the last, or lower left corner, is the interior view of another cell, in which "Liberty in shackles weeps."

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Description of, see page 687, 71 321




Description of, see page 652, 509 716

Description of, see page 17.



THE importance of the subject required that some one should write a history of "THE PRISONERS OF STATE" during the Administration of the late President Lincoln. This was due to the Muse of History — to "The Prisoners of State" to Posterity and to the Country.

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By a resolution of a Convention of "The Prisoners of State," held in the city of New York, the Author was selected the Historian of the "Association of State Prisoners." This work, therefore, comes before the public in an authentic form.

It has been impartially prepared, and

"Will a round, unvarnished tale deliver."

"Nothing extenuate,

Nor set down aught in malice."

Everything appertaining to the history of our country -her institutions- the sovereignty of her people - her liberties her progress, and her destiny-must necessarily interest the American citizen.

The liberty of the citizen is the great prop of Free Government.

The reader will at once see the importance of putting on record the facts detailed in this volume, while they are fresh in the minds of the people.

As a matter of history, how interesting, not only to the reader of to-day, but, also, to the youth of the country, for generations to come!


This work contains an authentic account of the Arrest, Imprisonment, and Terrible Sufferings of American Citizens. incarcerated as Prisoners of State; together with the Orders for Arrest, Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus, Prohibiting the Employment of Counsel, etc., etc.

The horrors of prison-life in Forts Lafayette, Warren, McHenry, Delaware, Mifflin, Old Capitol Prison, Penitentiaries, and Military Camps, and their condition, are truthfully delineated.

The book contains Preface, Introduction, translated copy of the Magna Charta, with its Seal; the Constitution of the United States, with the recent Amendments; History and Incidents of the Old Capitol Prison; together with narratives of about seventy citizens, from all of the Northern States, except New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, including in the number Foreign Ministers, United States Senators, Members of Congress, Members of State Legislatures, Judges, Lawyers, Ministers, Doctors, Farmers, Editors, Merchants, Ladies, and indeed all the walks of life are represented.

It is, in addition, embellished with a number of Engravings. The frontispiece is ornamented with "Liberty Bell,”. and "The Little Bell," while pictures of the State House, Philadelphia; Fort Warren, Boston Harbor; Fort Lafayette, New York Harbor; Old Capitol Prison, Washington; and the "Key of the Bastile," Paris, illustrate the other portions of the work.

J. A. M.

PHILADELPHIA, August, 1869.


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« Proclaim Liberty throughout all the Land, unto all the Inhabitants thereof.

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