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Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation, Bill to confirm the doings of, No. 62

Boston and Maine Railroad Corporation, Bill to increase the capital

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Boston and Roxbury, Bill to alter the boundary line between,

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Carter, James G., Report relative to, v. "G. R. M. Withington and others."

Charles River Branch Railroad Company, Bill to incorporate,

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Charlestown, City of, Bill additional to act to establish,

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Chicopee School Funds, Bill to incorporate trustees of,



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Connecticut River Railroad Company, Bill to increase capital stock of,


Copway, George, Report on memorial of, v. "Indian Tribes, &c."

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Dorchester and Milton Extension Railroad Company, Bill to incorporate,
Dram Shops and Tippling Houses, Bill concerning,

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Eastern Railroad Company, Report and Bill authorizing, to extend

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Essex, County of, Bill to establish additional terms of the Court of

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Fictitious Names, Bill to prevent persons from transacting business un

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Fitz, Abel, and others, Bill authorizing, to extend their wharves in

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Harvard Branch Railroad Company, Bill concerning,
Harvard University, Report on powers of the Legislature in relation to,
Hastings, Charles C. P., and others, Report on petition of,
Highways, Bill authorizing Railroad Corporations to alter the direction

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Hingham Wharf and Land Company, Bill additional to act to incor

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Housatonic Agricultural Society, Bill additional to act to incorporate, No. 71

Howe, William A., and others, Report on petition of,

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Indian Orchard Railroad Company, Bill to incorporate,
Indian Tribes in Western and Southwestern States, Report on memorial

of George Copway, in relation to a permanent home for, Indigent Children supported at the public charge, Abstract of Returns of, Insane, Report relative to, and an additional Hospital for, (v. H. Nos.

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Report of facts in relation to Bill for establishing a second



73, 96






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Insane Persons charged with Criminal Offences, Bill concerning,
Intoxicating Liquors, Memorial of G. B. Weston and others, for altera-

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Land and Mill Owners, Bill to protect the soil of Massachusetts, and

the rights of, (v. H. No. 108,)


Library, v. "State Library."
Lockwood, Rhoades G., and others, Bill authorizing to extend their

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Lynn, Town of, Bill to establish a Police Court in, (v. H. No. 16,)
Marriage, Bill concerning the publication of intentions of,
Massachusetts Health Insurance Company, Bill authorizing to make in-

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Medway Branch Railroad Company, Bill to incorporate, (v. H. No.

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Middleboro' and Plympton Railroad, Bill to establish,

Mileage of Members of the Legislature, Treasurer's statement of, (v.

Milford Bank, Bill to incorporate,

Mill Owners, v. "Land and Mill Owners."

Mount Pleasant Branch Railroad Company, Bill to incorporate,

Municipal Court in Suffolk County Bill concerning appeals to,
Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, Bill concerning,

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New Haven and Northampton Company, Report on petition of, (v. H.

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Slavery and the Slave Trade, Resolves concerning, (v. H. No. 33,)

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Southbridge and Blackstone Railroad Company, Report, and Bill to

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Springfield Aqueduct Company, Report on petition of, (v. H. No. 148,)
Springfield and Longmeadow Railroad Company, Bill to incorporate,
State Arsenal at Cambridge, Report, and Resolve in relation to,




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State Lunatic Hospital, Sixteenth Annual Report of Officers of,
State Lunatic Paupers, Bill relative to,

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State Paupers, Report on so much of Governor's Address as relates to,

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State Reform School, Reports of officers of, and documents relative to,
Steam Boilers, Bill to prevent the explosion of,

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Stockholders in Corporations, Bill to secure the equal rights of, (v. H.

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Taunton, Town of, Amendments to Bill to establish a Police Court in,

Taunton and Middleboro' Railroad Company, Bill concerning,

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Taxes, Bill additional to Act for more equal assessment of, (requiring

returns by banks, &c., of collateral securities, &c.,)
Another Bill, same title as above, (requiring returns by ferry

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Taxes on Real Estate, Amendment to Bill concerning, (v. No. 160, and

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Travel of Members of the Legislature, Resolve relating to, (v. No. 87,)

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Usury, Petition for repeal or modification of laws relative to,
Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, Bill concerning,
Waltham, Town of, Bill to annex part of Newton to,

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Waltham and Newton Branch Railroad, Bill concerning,
Waltham and Watertown Branch Railroad, Bill to establish,

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West Dedham Branch Railroad Company, Bill to incorporate,

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Western Railroad Corporation, Report relative to refusal of, to transport

produce, &c.,


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Westfield Water Power Company, Bill to incorporate,

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Weston, Gershom B., and others, Petition of, v. "Intoxicating Liquors."
Williamsburg and Whately, Report on boundary line between,
Wilson, James B., and others, Report on petition of,
Withington, George R. M., and others, Report on Memorial of,
Worcester Children's Friend Society, Bill to incorporate,
Worcester County Bank, Bill to incorporate,
Worcester Insurance Company, Bill to incorporate,

No. 11






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