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EXPENDITURES FOR WORKING THE ROAD. For repairs of road, maintenance of way, exclusive of wooden truss bridges and renewals of iron, For repairs of truss bridges,

For renewals of iron, including laying down,
For wages of switch-men, gate-keepers and flag-men,
For removing ice and snow,

For repairs of fences, gates, houses for flag-men,
gate-keepers, switch-men, tool-houses,
Total for maintenance of way,

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For salaries, wages and incidental expenses, chargeable to passenger department,

For salaries, wages and incidental expenses, chargeable to freight department,

For gratuities and damages,

For taxes and insurance,

For ferries,

For repairs of station buildings, aqueducts, fixtures, furniture,

For interest,

For amount paid other companies, in tolls for passengers, and freight carried on their roads, specifying each company,

For amount paid other companies as rent for use of their roads, specifying each company,

For salaries of president, treasurer, superintendent, law expenses, office expenses of the above offices, and all other expenses not included in any of the foregoing items,

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$560 00

42,000 00 42,000 00

7 per ct., payable quarterly.


From the fact heretofore stated, to wit, that this road is rented to the Housatonic Railroad Company, for a rent of seven per cent. upon the capital stock, said Housatonic Company keeping our road, cars and engines in repair, and they alone keeping all accounts for repairs and renewals, the Berkshire Railroad Company is unable to make any definite Having requested the proper officers of that company to make the foregoing return, they only gave us the items above, respecting the running of the trains and the number of passengers carried.






BERKSHIRE, SS. Sheffield, January 4th, 1849. Then personally appeared the said Charles W. Hopkins, Charles Hunt, Ira Sherman, and Increase Sumner, and made oath that the foregoing report, by them signed, is true, according to their best knowledge and belief.

Before me,

EDWARD F. ENSIGN, Justice of the Peace.




To the Honorable the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts :

THE Directors of the Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation do hereby make the Eighteenth Annual Report of their acts and doings, under their act of incorporation, in the within return, according to the form prescribed by the act of the Legislature, passed April 16th, 1846.

All which is respectfully submitted.



Boston, Nov. 30th, 1848.

SUFFOLK, SS. January 1st, 1849. Then personally appeared the within named William Sturgis, George W. Lyman, Joseph Tilden, John A. Lowell, and Ebenezer Chadwick, and severally made oath that the within return, by them subscribed, was true, according to their best knowledge and belief. Before me,

J. THOS. STEVENSON, Justice of the Peace.

Return of the Boston and Lowell Railroad, under the Act of April 16, 1846, ch. 251.

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Funded debt paid since last report,

$1,800,000 00

1,800,000 00

$1,800,000 00


Funded debt, increase of, since last report,

Total present amount of funded debt,

Floating debt, per last report, [including unpaid

Floating debt paid since last report,

100,790 00

41,260 00

Floating debt, increase of, since last report,

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For graduation and masonry, per last report,

557,707 82

For graduation and masonry paid during the past year,

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For superstructure, including iron, per last report,

683,619 70

Total amount expended for superstructure, including iron,

For superstructure, including iron, paid during the past year,

683,619 70

For stations, buildings and fixtures, as per last report, For stations, buildings and fixtures, paid during the past year,

323,809 32

30,803 23

Total amount expended for stations, buildings and fixtures,

354,612 55

For land, land-damages and fences, per last report, For land, land-damages and fences, paid during the past year,

84,132 62

1,164 98

Total amount expended for land, land-damages and

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For passenger and baggage cars, paid during the past year,

[blocks in formation]

For merchandise cars, paid during the past year,
Total amount expended for merchandise cars,
For engineering and other expenses, per last report,
For engineering and other expenses, paid during the
past year,

Total amount expended for engineering and other


Total cost of road and equipment,

5,000 00

46,171 62

84,782 51

84,782 51

2,013,687 40


Length of road,

Length of single track,

Length of double track,

Length of branches owned by the company, stating whether they have a single or double track,

Weight of rail per yard in main road,

Weight of rail per yard in branch roads,
Maximum grade, with its length in main road, [ex-
cept 1500 feet of 30 feet per mile grade, rising
from the depot at Lowell,]

Maximum grade, with its length in branch roads,
Total rise and fall in main road,
Total rise and fall in branch roads,

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Shortest radius of curvature, with length of curve in main road, [except about 900 feet of 1200 feet radius, at the depot in Lowell,] Shortest radius of curvature, with length of curve in branch roads, [except 2 short curves of 500 and 625 feet radius, at the Woburn depot,] Total degrees of curvature in main road, Total degrees of curvature in branch roads, Total length of straight line in main road, Total length of straight line in branches, A Aggregate length of truss bridges,

Whole length of road unfinished on both sides,


Miles run by passenger trains,

Miles run by freight trains,


254 miles and 59 71-100 ft. None.

25 miles and 59 71-100 ft. S 13 miles and 585 33-100 feet. Single track. 14 miles single track, 45 lbs. per yard.

*444 do., 56 lbs. per yard, 6 do., 63 lbs. per yard. 56 lbs. per yard.


10 ft. per mile for 6 28-100 54 ft. per mile for 5000 ft. 189 93-100 feet.

73 54-100 feet.

2800 ft. R. 1694 ft. long

1975 ft. R. 662 ft. long. 665° 1′ 42′′.

107° 40'.

184 miles and 824 feet. 14 miles and 491 feet. 54 feet.




Miles run by other trains,


Total miles run,


Number of passengers carried in the cars,


Number of passengers carried one mile,


Number of tons of merchandise carried in the cars, Number of tons of merchandise carried one mile, Number of passengers carried one mile, to and from other roads,





24 9-10 miles per hour; express trains, 28 2-10.

Number of tons carried one mile, to and from other roads,

Average rate of speed adopted for passenger trains, including stops,

Average rate of speed adopted for freight trains, including stops,

Estimated weight in tons of passenger trains, including engine and tender, but not including passengers, hauled one mile,

Estimated weight of merchandise trains, including

engine and tender, but not including freight, hauled one mile,

Expenditures for WorkING THE ROAD.

For repairs of road, maintenance of way, exclusive of wooden truss bridges and renewals of iron,

12 miles.



$36,394 63

* The report for 1847 should have given 464 instead of 203 miles, of 56 lbs. per yard.

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