Total amount expended for locomotives, For passenger and baggage cars, per last report, For passenger and baggage cars, paid during the past year, Total amount expended for passenger and baggage cars, For merchandise cars, per last report, For merchandise cars, paid during the past year, Total amount expended for engineering and other Total cost of road and equipment, CHARACTERISTICS OF ROAD. Length of road, Length of single track, Length of double track, Length of branches owned by the company, stating whether they have a single or double track, Weight of rail per yard in main road, Weight of rail per yard in branch roads, Maximum grade, with its length in main road, Maximum grade, with its length in branch roads, Total rise and fall in branch roads, Shortest radius of curvature, with length of curve in main road, Shortest radius of curvature, with length of curve in branch roads, Total degrees of curvature in main road, Total degrees of curvature in branch roads, Whole length of road unfinished on both sides, DOINGS DURING THE YEAR. Miles run by passenger trains, Miles run by freight trains, Miles run by other trains, Total miles run, Number of passengers carried in the cars, Number of tons of merchandise carried in the cars, Number of passengers carried one mile, to and from Number of tons carried one mile, to and from other roads, Average rate of speed adopted for passenger trains, including stops, Average rate of speed adopted for freight trains, including stops, Estimated weight in tons of passenger trains, including engine and tender, but not including passengers, hauled one mile, $1,248 60 2,515 32 3,763 92 Estimated weight of merchandise trains, including engine and tender, but not including freight, hauled one mile, EXPENDITURES FOR WORKING THE ROAD. For renewals of iron, including laying down, For wages of switch men, gate-keepers and flag-men, For repairs of fences, gates, houses for flag-men, For salaries, wages and incidental expenses, chargeable to passenger department, For salaries, wages and incidental expenses, chargeable to freight department, For gratuities and damages, For taxes and insurance, For ferries, For repairs of station buildings, aqueducts, fixtures, furniture, For interest, For amount paid other companies, in tolls for pas- For amount paid other companies as rent for use of INCOME DURING THE YEAR. For Passengers:— 1. On the main road exclusively, including branch owned by company, 2. To and from other roads, specifying what: For Freight: 1. On main road and branches owned by company, 2. To and from other connecting roads: U. S. Mails. Rents, Total income, Net earnings after deducting expenses, $121 80 581 44 This railroad being in the process of construction, no further answers can be given to the interrogatories in this return. CHARLES W. WILDER, JAMES H. CARTER, JOEL PRATT, CYRUS HOLBROOK, JOHN T. FARWELL, SAMUEL HAUGHTON, CALEB C. FIELD, Directors of the Fitchburg and Worcester Railroad Company. Leominster, January 2, 1849. WORCESTER, SS. January 2, 1849. Personally appeared all the subscribers to the above statement, and made solemn oath that the same is FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FRAMINGHAM BRANCH RAILROAD COMPANY. To the Honorable the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : The Directors of the Framingham Branch Railroad Company make the annual report, as follows: At an adjournment of the annual meeting of the company, held on the 21st June, 1848, it was voted to accept the act passed 18th March, 1848, extending the time for the building the road. Since that time, some surveys have been made, and proposals for the grading, masonry, &c., have been received, and accepted; and it is intended to proceed with the construction of the road as soon as the necessary stock is obtained. MIDDLESEX, SS. January 29, 1849. Then Eben. Barker, John Wenzell, J. W. Brown, James S. Draper, and Charles H. Peirce, made oath that the foregoing return is true. Before me, JOSIAH ADAMS, Justice of the Peace. THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GRAND JUNCTION RAILROAD AND DEPOT COMPANY. Return of the Grand Junction Railroad and Depot Company, under the Act of For graduation and masonry, per last report, 9,741 00 For graduation and masonry paid during the past year, 8,503 57 Total amount expended for graduation and masonry, 18,244 57 For bridges, per last report, For bridges, paid during the past year, Total amount expended for bridges, For superstructure, including iron, per last report, For superstructure, including iron, paid during the past year, Total amount expended for superstructure, including For stations, buildings and fixtures, as per last report, past year, Total amount expended for stations, buildings and fixtures, For land, land-damages and fences, per last report, For land, land-damages and fences, paid during the past year, 439,776 00 95,055 76 Total amount expended for land, land-damages and fences, 534,831 76 |