New York State Library INDEX TO THE DOCUMENTS OF THE SENATE. DOCUMENTS NOT NUMBERED. ARRANGED FIRST. Rules and Orders. Election Sermon. Adjutant General, Annual Report of, Alien Passengers, Message of Governor in relation to, Bill relating to, Amherst, Town of, Statement of facts in relation to petition of, Auction Duty, Petition for repeal of law imposing, (v. H. No. 112,) No. 7 157 162 41 70 19 109 66 145 Blackstone Savings Bank, Bill to incorporate, 123 Blind Persons, v. "Perkins Institution, &c." Board of Education, Bill relative to the office of Secretary of, 143 Boston Corner, Resolves of New York relative to the annexation of, to that state, (v. H. No. 158,) 144 Boston Harbor, Bill ceding to U. States, jurisdiction over part of Great 50 Report of Commissioners on survey of Chelsea Creek 53 Preliminary Report of Commissioners on flats in, 54 flats in, 119 |