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of the profecutor, and the other moiety to the churchwardens of the parish in which the offence fhall have been committed for the ufe of the poor of such parish.

ven under Irish act 37

III. And whereas by an act made in the thirty-feventh year of the reign of his prefent Majefly it is amongst other things enacted, That, before any licence for the fale of fpirituous liquors by retail, fhould be granted to any perfon, fuch perfon should enter into bond to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, in the respective fums therein mentioned, conditioned amongst other things, that fuch perfon should not fell The bond giSpirituous liquors on a Sunday, before a certain time therein limited, and which time hath been further refrained by the faid act paffed in Geo. 3. c. 41. the fortieth year of the reign of his faid Majefty, be it enacted, f. 10, before That it fhall be a part of the condition of every fuch bond as any licence be aforefaid, that the perfon to be licenfed fhall not fell any spiritu- contain the granted fhall ous liquous by retail on a Sunday, at whatever part of the day condition that the fame may be done, and that all words by the faid acts, or the perfon of them, directed to be inferted in the condition of fuch licensed shall not fell any bonds, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, fpirits at any fhall no longer be inferted therein, any thing in the faid acts, or time of the any of them, to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. day on a Sunday.



An act to indemnify persons who have omitted to qualify themselves for offices or employments in Ireland according to law.-[June 20, 1801.]

WHEREAS several perfons, well affected to bis Majefty's Preamble.

and to the united church of England and Ireland, have, through ignorance of the law neglected, or been, by fickness or other unavoidable caufes, prevented from taking and fubfcribing the declaration, and from receiving the facrament of the Lord's fupper, and delivering a certificate thereof, according to the directions of an act paffed in the parliament of Ireland in the fecond

year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act A&t of the to prevent the further growth of popery; therefore, be it enacted parliament of ireland, by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice 2 Anna. c. 6. and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons,

in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the Perfons negfame, That all perfons, who have incurred any penalty or in- lecting to qua capacity, in the faid recited act mentioned, by neglecting to lify themqualify themfelves according to the faid act, thall be and are felves accordhereby indemnified, freed, and difcharged from all incapacities, recited act, ing to the difabilities, penalties, and forfeitures incurred by reafon of fuch fhall be inomiffion or neglect as aforefaid, and that no act done by any of demnified; them, not yet avoided, fhall be queftioned or avoided by reafon provided they of fuch omiffion or neglect; but that all fuch acts fhall be and and subscribe are hereby declared to be as good and effectual as if fuch perfons the declararefpectively had taken and fubfcribed the faid oaths, and received tion thereby the faid facrament, and delivered the certificate thereof, and appointed, on made, repeated, and fubfcribed the faid declaration at fuch time, March 25,

take the oaths

or before

place, 1802.

But this act

place, and manner as in the faid act is mentioned, any thing in the faid act to the contrary notwithstanding: provided always, That fuch perfon or perfons do and shall take and fubfcribe the faid oaths, and make, repeat, and fubfcribe the faid declaration in fuch manner and form, and in fuch place or places refpectively, as are directed and appointed by the faid recited act, on or before the twenty-fifth day of March one thoufand eight hundred and two.

II. Provided always, That this act, or any thing herein connot to restore tained, fhall not extend to restore or entitle any perfon or any person to any office al- perfons to any office or employment already actually avoided by ready avoided judgement in any of his Majefty's courts of record in Dublin, or by judgement, already filled up by any other perfon or perfons; but that such or filled up by office or employment (hall be and remain in the perfon or perfons who is or are now entitled by law to the fame, as if this act had not been made.

any other



iffued from

CA P. L.

An act for granting to his Majefly a certain fum of money for defraying the charge of the workhouse and foundling hofpital in Dublin, for the year one thoufand eight hundred and one; and for amending an act, paffed in the parliament of Ireland, in the fortieth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for the better management, fupport, and maintenance of the foundling hofpital in Dublin; and for amending and further continuing an act, pafled in the thirty-eighth year of his prefent Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for the better management of the workhouse and foundling hofpital in Dublin.'-[June 20, 1801.]

Moft gracious Sovereign,

E, your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal fubjects, the Ireland, in parliament affembled, having granted to your Majefty a certain fum of money for defraying the charge of the foundling hospital in Dublin, for the year one thousand eight hundred and one, do moft humbly befeech your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's most excellent There shall be majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That out of any monies granted for the fupply of the prefent year for the fervice of Ireland, there fhall and may be iffued and paid, at the receipt of the exchequer in Ireland, to the governors of the workhouse and foundling hofpital in Dublin, any fum or fums of money, not exceeding the fum of thirteen thoufand eight hundred and forty-fix pounds three hillings and one penny fterling, being fifteen thousand pounds Irish currency, for defraying the charge of the faid workhoufe and foundling hofpital, for the year one thousand eight hundred and one.

the Irish exchequer to the

governors of the workhoufe and foundling hofpital in Dublin

3,8461. 38. 1d.

fterling, for defraying the charge thereof, for the year 1801.

II. And

[ocr errors]

Ireland, 40

II. And whereas by an act paffed in the parliament of Ireland, Act of the in the fortieth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, parliament of An act for the better management, fupport, and maintenance of Geo. 3. C. 33 the foundling hofpital in Dublin; and for amending and further continuing an act, palled in the thirty-eighth year of his prefent Majefty's reign, intituled, An act for the better management of the workhouse and foundling hofpital in Dublin,' nine feveral perfons therein named, together with the chancellor of his Majefty's exchequer in Ireland for the time being, were conflituted governors of the faid workhoufe and foundling hofpital in Dublin, with fuch powers and fubject to fuch removal as therein specified: and whereas it is expedient that the number of governors of the faid workhouse and foundling hofpital fhould be increased; wherefore be it enacted, That it thall and may be lawful for the governors of the faid Five goverworkhoufe and foundling hofpital in the faid act named, or any nors of the workhoufe five or more of them, at a meeting or meetings to be held for and foundling that purpose, to elect three other fit and proper perfons to be hofpital may, governors of the faid workhouse and hofpital; and every fuch at a meeting, perfon fo elected, thall be a governor of the faid workhoufe and elect three hofpital and a member of the corporation, and thall from others; thenceforth have the fame power and authority in all matters relating to the faid workhouse and hospital as any governor in the faid act named.

their ftead.

III. And, in order to keep up a number of governors of the faid workhouse and hofpital, be it enacted, That, from time to time, and in cafe of upon the death, refignation, or removal of any of the faid three their death, perfons who fhall be fo elected, the other furviving or remain- &c. others refignation, ing governors (five at least being present) fhall, at a meeting or thall in like meetings to be held for that purpose, elect fome fit and proper manner be perfons to be a governor or governors in the place and ftead of appointed in the governor or governors dying, or refigning, or becoming vacant; and every perfon who thall be fucceffively elected thail thenceforth have the fame power and authority as any other governor of the faid workhouse and hofpital: provided always, That no perfon who fhall be elected a governor, in purfuance No election valid uniels of the powers in this act, shall be capable of acting as fuch unlefs he fhall have been approved of by the lord lieutenant, or approved of other chief governor or governors of Ireland for the time being; lieutenant. and where fuch approbation fhall not be made, the election of such person fhall be void; and every perfon who fhall be elected fhall be fubject to fuch removal as by the faid act is authorised, in refpect of the governors therein named.

IV. And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be law. The gover. ful to and for the governors of the faid workhouse and foundling nors may direct 400l. hofpital, out of any funds appropriated by any act or acts of Irish curparliament heretofore made, or otherwife, for the maintenance rency, to be and fupport of the faid hofpital, to direct any fum of money, not paid as a reexceeding four hundred pounds Irish currency, to be paid to any officers, of their officers, or fervants, as a reward for any fervices rendered to the faid workhouse and hofpital.


ward to their


British fhips, cr veffels belonging to


An act to permit Portugal wine to be landed and warehoufed with out payment of duties, under certain restrictions, for a limited time.-[June 20, 1801.]


HEREAS it is expedient to allow Protugal wine to be warehoufed for a limited time, and under certain regulations, on the importation thereof; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and conPortugal wine fent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this imported after prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, May 15 1801, That all fuch Portugal wine as fhall be imported into the united directly from kingdom, from and after the fifteenth day of May one thousand Portugal in eight hundred and one, directly from Portugal in British ships, or veffels belonging to perfons of any kingdom or ftate in amity with his Majefty, however the fame may be navigated, or in perfons of any veffels authorifed by any order of his Majefty in council for that purpose, into fuch ports in the united kingdom as are mentioned and enumerated in this act, may, upon the entry thereof being firft duly made with the proper officers of the customs and excife, be landed from on board the thip or veffel in which the fame fhall be imported, and depofited in fuch warehouse or warehoufes as fhall from time to time be for that purpose provided at the charge of the refpective importer or importers, or proprietor or proprietors, of fuch wine, before the payment of any duty, either of cuftoms or excife, thereon, under and fubject to the conditions, regulations, and restrictions, in this act

ftate in

amity with his Majefty, or authorised by order in council, into ports enume

rated in this

act, may be landed and warehoufed, before pay

ment of any duty. Warehouses

fhall be ap

customs and

excife, and bonds in double the

duties given for payment thereof, before the wine is removed, and within two years after landing.


II. And be it further enacted, That every fuch warehouse fhall be approved of by the respective commiffioners of the culproved by the toms and excife in England, Scotland, and Ireland, if in London, Leith, or Dublin, and if in any other port or place, then by the proper collector and comptroller of the customs, and collectors and fupervifors of excife at fuch port or place; and fufficient bonds or fecurity, in double the value of the duties of cuftoms payable on the importation of fuch wine in British-built thips or veffels, fhall be given to the collectors of the customs, and the like bond or fecurity, in double the value of the duty of excise, to the proper officers of excife, who fhall be appointed or employed to take the fame in his Majesty's name; which bonds or fecurities fuch collectors and officers refpectively are hereby empowered and required to take, that all and every the duties of cuftoms and excife refpectively, to which fuch wine is or may be fubject and liable, thall be duly paid before the fame fhall be taken from or removed out of any fuch warehouse, and within two years after the time the fame fhall be fo landed and depofited in any fuch warehouse as aforefaid; and in cafe the fame shall not be taken from or removed out of fuch warehouse within fuch two years, then that the faid duties fhall be duly paid at the end of fuch two years; fuch duties to be computed according to the


gauge of fuch wine, to be taken at the time the fame shall be fo landed and put into fuch warehouses as aforefaid.

lowed the be

III. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no No wines to wines fhall be landed, without payment of duties, or be ware- be landed, without payhoused under the authority of this act, except at one of the ment of duty, under-mentioned ports, (that is to fay), London, Liverpool, except at cerLancaster, Bristol, Hull, Chefter, Colchester, Exeter, Plymouth, tain ports, Southampton, Weymouth, Gloucester, Pool, Portsmouth, Great nor any alYarmouth, Lynn, Dover, Newcastle, Falmouth, Dartmouth, Ipswich, nefit of this Newhaven, Rochester, Leith, Aberdeen, Greeno k, Port Glasgow, act, which Dublin, Drogheda, Dundalk, Newry, Belfast, Galway, Limerick, fhall not arLondonderry, Cork, Waterford, Sligo, New Refs, Youghall, or Wex. rive before ford; nor hall any importer or importers, or proprietor or pro- unless it be Aug. 18, 1801, prietors of any fuch wine, which fhall not arrive at the port of made appear importation in Great Britain or Ireland refpectively before the that it was eighteenth day of Auguft one thoufand eight hundred and one, fhipt in Porbe allowed the benefit of this act, or be permitted to land and tugal before Aug. 1, 1801, warehouse his or their wine, before payment of the duties, unlefs and it be the importer or importers, or proprietor or proprietors thereof, landed before fhall make it appear to the fatisfaction of the refpective commif- Nov. 1, 1801, fioners of the cuftoms in England, Scotland, and Ireland, refpec- tities herein in the quan tively, as the cafe may be, that the wine which fhall be entered mentioned. for or proposed to be warehoufed under the authority of this act, was actually and bond fide shipped in Portugal for importation into Great Britain or Ireland, on or before the first day of Auguft one thousand eight hundred and one, nor unless such importer or importers, or proprietor or proprietors fhall actually land and depofit, before the first day of November one thousand eight hundred and one, and in one or more warehoufe or warehouses approved as aforefaid, either in London, or at one of the before enumerated ports, the quantities of wine herein-after mentioned, that is to fay; if in London not lefs than two hundred pipes or reputed pipes of Portugal red wine, or fifty pipes or reputed pipes of Portugal white wine, if at any one of the other before enumerated ports, except the ports of that part of the united kingdom called Ireland, not less than one hundred pipes of Portugal red wine, or twenty five pipes or reputed pipes of Portugal white wine.

But less than IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it fhall the fpecified be lawful for any fuch importer or importers, proprietor or pro- quantities of prietors of any fuch wine, to import and depotit in any fuch wine may be warehouse, any lefs quantities than are by this act specified as the depofited, quantities to be depofited by the fame perfon, provided that the whole be deprovided the whole quantity required by this act fhall be depofited purfuant pofited within to the provisions of this act, within the period limited by this the time act for the importation of fuch wine: provided alfo, That in cafe limited for the whole quantity required by this act fhall not be depofited by otherwife it importation, any fuch importer or importers, proprietor or proprietors, before may be fold fuch period as aforefaid, then and in fuch cafe the full duties of for payment customs and excife, payable on fuch wine, fhall be immediately of the duties. payable and paid; and in cafe of non-payment of such respective


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