fioners may act as juftices. Inhabitants may give evidence. Commiffioners to fue or be fued in the name of the treasurer or clerk. To enable lady Southampton to place walls, &c. at the end of the streets adjoining the eftates of other perfons where no communication of way or paffage at the time of paffing this act. Appeal. Rates or proceedings not to be quafhed for want of form or removed by Certiorari. Plaintiff fhall not recover after tender of fufficient amends. Distress not unlawful for want of form. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act.
An act for changing the fcite of Downing College, in the univerfity of Cambridge, and for providing a fund for the purchase of such scite, and erecting the proper buildings thereon.-[July 2, 1801.]
Will of fir George Downing baronet, dated December 20, 1717. Proceedings in the court of chancery. Conveyance of a piece of ground called Dolls Close in Cambridge, to the heirs at law of fir George Downing to build the college. His Majefty's charter dated September 22, 1800. recited. Power given to the college to purchase a new fcite under the direction of the court of chancery and to fell the old one. Incapacitated perfons may convey fuch new fcite to the college. Purchasers to pay their purchafe money into the bank Until a purchase of real estate, money to be laid out in the purchase of navy, victualling, or exchequer bills to be depofited in the bank. Certificate of accountant general to be a fufficient discharge to purchasers. Power is given to the college under the direction of the court of chancery to borrow money upon mortgage for defraying the expences of the building. General faving. Publick act.
Paffed in the forty-firft Year of the Reign of King GEORGE III. in the Year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and one; being the firft Seffion of the firft Parliament of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, which began the twenty-fecond Day of January, and ended by prorogation the fecond Day of July, one thoufand eight hundred and one.
Those references marked thus, Chap. 5*. will be found among the Public Local and Personal Acts, at the End of the Seffion.
When upon any account declared or recorded in the court of exche- in England, or on judgement of quer that court, any debt fhall be due to his Majesty, a copy of fuch account, &c. fhall on application be exempli- fied and tranfmitted to the exche- quer court in Ireland, where it shall be inrolled and procefs iffued against the debtors. Body and effects there, and the debt when recovered, to be remitted to the exchequer in Eng- land, and the like regulations on de- clared accounts recorded in the court of exchequer in Ireland. Chap. 90. Ale Licences.
See Stamps. Chap. 86.
Contributors towards raifing 28,000,000l. by way of annuities for every 100l. entitled to the principal fum of 125l. 3 per cent. confolidated annuities, from Jan. 5, 1801, and a principal of 50%. 15s. in 3 per cent.reduced annuities, from Oct. 10, 1800. Chap. 3. 2. See Ireland. Chap. 45.
OR better prevention of forgery
Canals, Navigable.
OR making and maintaining a
For the notes and bills of exchange F navigable canal from the river FOR
of perfons carrying on the business of bankers. Chap. 57.
For more effectually preventing the forgery of bank notes, bank bills of exchange and bank post bills. Chap. 39.
Bills of Exchange. See Stamps. Chap. 10. Bonds.
See Stamps. Chap. 10. 86.
For encouragement of learning in Great Britain and Ireland, by fe- curing the copies and copy-right of printed books to the authors of such books or their affigns. Chap. 107.
Thames at Rotherhithe, to Mitcham in Surrey and divers collateral cuts and branches. Chap. 31*. 2. For enabling Charlotta Bethell, widow, to make and maintain a navigable canal,from the river Hull, to Leven Bridge in the Eaft Riding of Yorkshire. Chap. 32*. 3. For making and maintaining a railway from Wandsworth, to Croy- don, and a navigable communica- tion between the river Thames and. the faid railway at Wandsworth in Surrey. Chap. 33*.
4. For enabling the company of pro- prietors of the grand junction canal more effectually to provide for the discharge of their debts and com- plete their works. Chap. 71*. 5. For making and maintaining a navigable canal from Croydon in
Surrey, into the grand Surrey canal at Deptford, and for fupplying Croy- don, Streatham, Dulwich and Nor- wood in Surrey, and Sydenham in Kent with water, from the faid. canal. Chap. 127*.
Cape of Good Hope.
A& 37 Geo. 3. c. 21. refpecting the trade of the Cape of Good Hope, revived and continued. Chap. 19.
1. Duties on playing cards imported into Great Britain. Chap. 87. 2. See Stamps. Chap. 86.
Where in any fuit between party and party or proceedings in cafes of minors, &c. orders fhall be made for payment of money, &c. by the court of chancery in England, a copy thereof fhall be certified to the court of chan- cery in Ireland, where it thall be in- rolled, and procefs iffued, and the like regulations as to the court of chan- cery in Ireland. Chap. 89.
See Ireland. Chap. 33.
Commons, Houfe of. See Parliament. Chap. 52.
To extend the powers of act 27 Geo. 2. c. 3. for fecuring to confta- bles and others, the expences of con- veying offenders to gaol, and for al- lowing to high conftables their charges in certain cafes. Chap. 78.
For altering the laws now in force relating to the importation and ex- portation of copper, for repealing
cirtain duties and drawbacks on fuch emportation and exportation, and for fubftituting new duties and drawbacks in lieu thereof. Chap. 68.
1. To fufpend until March 25, 1801, fo much of act 41 Geó. 3. c. 16. as relates to other grain than wheat, and for indemnifying perfons who have dreffed any meal or flour of fuch other grain finer than is pre- fcribed by the faid act. Chap. 1. 2. To repeal act 41 Geo. 3. c. 16. and to indemnify millers and others who have dreffed, fold or ufed any meal or flour of a finer description than allowed by the faid act. Chap.
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