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puty, who

must be ap

appoint a de- a proper and fufficient officer to execute fuch part of the duties of the faid office as have been heretofore performed by deputy; proved by the fuch officer firft to be approved by the lord chancellor, or lord ford chancel- keeper, or lords commiffioners fo' the cuftody of the great feal, of Ireland, refpectively, for the time being, by inftrument under the hand and feal of fuch lord chancellor, lord keeper, or lords commiffioners respectively.


His Majesty may remove any mafter of the rolls upon an addrefs of parliament.

[blocks in formation]

IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it may be lawful for his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, to remove any mafter of the rolls, upon an addrefs of both houfes of parliament of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.


An act for reviving and further continuing, until fix weeks after the
commencement of the next feffion of parliament, feveral acts, made in
the thirty-eighth, thirty-ninth, and fortieth years of his prefent
Majefty's reign, and in the last feffion of parliament, for empowering
bis Majefty to fecure and detain fuch perfons as his Majesty ball
fufpect are confpiring against his person and government.—[ April
18, 1801.]

WHEREAS An ato further continuing, until fix weeks
HEREAS an act was passed in the last feffion of parliament,

after the commencement of the next feffion of parliament, several
acts made in the thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth years of his pre-
fent Majesty's reign, and in the laft feffion of parliament, for em-
powering his Majefty to fecure and detain fuch perfons as his
Majefty hall fufpect are conspiring against his person and go-
vernment; which act was to continue in force until fix weeks after
the commencement of the next feffion of parliament, and no longer: And
whereas it is neceffary, for the public safety, that the provifions of the
faid act fhould be revived and continued: be it therefore enacted by the
King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent
of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present
of parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That
every perfon, who fhall be in prifon within that part of the united
kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain, at or
upon the day on which this act fhall receive his Majefty's royal
affent, or at any time after that day, by warrant of his faid Ma-
jefty's moft honourable privy council, figned by fix of the faid
Privy council, or by warrant figned by any of his Majefty's prin-
cipal fecretaries of state, for high treason, fufpicion of treason, or
treasonable practices, may be detained in fafe custody, without
bail or mainprize, until the expiration of fix weeks after the
commencement of the next feffion of parliament; and that no
judge or juftice of the peace fhall bail or try any such person fo
committed, without order from his faid Majefty's privy council,
figned by fix of the faid privy council, until the expiration of fix
weeks after the commencement of the next feffion of parliament;
any law or ftatute to the contrary notwithstanding,

IL And


land of 1701, for preventing

wrongous im

II. And be it further enacted, That the act made in Scotland, A&t in Scotin the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and intituled, An act for preventing wrongous imprisonment, and against undue delays in trials, in fo far as the fame may be conftrued to prifonment, fo relate to cafes of treafon and fufpicion of treafon, be fufpended far as may reuntil the expiration of fix weeks after the commencement of the late to treanext feffion of parliament; and that until the faid day no judge, pended till fix fon, &c. fufjuftice of the peace, or other officer of the law in Scotland, thall weeks after liberate, try, or admit to bail, any perfon or perfons that is, are, the next or fhall be, in prifon within Scotland, for fuch caufes as aforefaid, meeting of without order from his faid Majefty's privy council, figned by fix parliament. of the faid privy council.

From fix

weeks after

III. Provided always, That from and after the expiration of the next meetfix weeks after the commencement of the next feffion of parlia- ing of parliament, the said perfons fo committed shall have the benefit and ment, perfons advantage of all laws and ftatutes any way relating to or pro. have the be committed to viding for the liberty of the subjects of this realm.

nefit of all

IV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing in this laws providact shall be construed to extend to invalidate the ancient rights ing for the liand privileges in parliament, or to the imprisonment or detaining berty of the of any member of either house of parliament, during the fitting fubject, &c. of fuch parliament, until the matter of which he ftands fufpected Privileges of be first communicated to the house of which he is a member, and not invaliparliament, the confent of the faid house obtained for his commitment or dated by this detainer.


V. Provided nevertheless, That any perfon or perfons in prifon Perfons at the time of paffing this act, against whom any bill or bills of against whom indictment for high treafon have been already found, fhall and indictments may be tried on fuch indictment, as if this act had never fon are alreafor high treapaffed.

dy found, to


VI. And whereas it may be highly important that fuch perfons as be tried therehave been or shall be fecured and detained on charges of high treason, fufpicion of high treason, and treasonable practices, under warrants from one of his Majesty's principal fecretaries of ftate, under the authority of the faid recited atts, or of this act, should be kept wholly Separate and apart from each other, fo as to prevent all communication between them and with other perfons, except fuch communication as his Majesty may think fit to permit, and under fuch restrictions as may be advifeable; and it has been found by experience to be very difficult to keep fuch perfons feparate as aforesaid, and to prevent fuch communication as aforefaid, without fending fuch perfons to different places of confinement; and doubts may arife how far the powers of his Majesty's principal fecretaries of state, to change the places of confinement of perfons fo committed extends, and it is expedient to provide that the fame shall not be fo exercised as to deprive the perfons so committed of any right to be tried or difcharged, which they might reSpectively have had if their respective places of confinement had not been changed: now, to obviate all doubts and difficulty in refpect thereof, be it further enacted and declared, That it fhall be The fecretary lawful for one of his Majefty's principal fecretaries of ftate, of state may as he fhall fee occafion, to order any perfon committed to any order perfons gaol, or other prifon, on any charge of high treafon, fufpicion of high treafon, high &c. to be re

F 2

committed for

moved to any high treafon, or treasonable practices, either before or after inother gaol. diament found, to be conveyed to and detained in any other gaol or other prifon, until difcharged by due courfe of law, and to iffue all warrants neceflary for fuch purposes: provided always Perfons fo re- nevertheless, That no perfon who fhall be removed by any fuch moved not to warrant as aforefaid, fhall be, by means of fuch removal, deprived be deprived of of fuch right to be tried or difcharged, as fuch perfon would by right to be law have been entitled to if not fo removed; and in every case in tried or difcharged. which any fuch perfon would have been entitled to have been tried or difcharged, if fuch perfon had continued in the gaol or prifon to which fuch perfon was before committed, it fhall be lawful for fuch perfon to apply to be bailed or discharged, in the fame manner as fuch perfon might have done if fuch perfon had remained in the gaol or prifon to which fuch person was before committed as aforefaid.

from Ireland

VII. And whereas, in the disturbed ftate of Ireland, it has been found neceffary to fend divers perfons who have been committed to prifon in Ireland, on charges of high treafon, fufpicion of high treason, or treasonable practices to Great Britain, for fafe cuftody, and for the purpose of preventing improper intercourfe between fuch persons and other perfons engaged, or fufpected of being engaged, in the like treaPerfons fent fons or treasonable practices; and it may be found expedient to fend to Great Bri- other perfons to Great Britain, under like circumftances; be it tain, for fafe enacted, That every perfon who hath been fent to Great Britain cuftody, may as aforefaid, before the paffing of this act, and every person who, be detained in after the paffing of this act, fhall be fent to Great Britain for fuch place as his Majefty fafe cuftody, by order of the lord lieutenant or governor general, fhall think fit, or other chief governor or chief governors of Ireland; and of fix provided they or more of his Majesty's privy council of Ireland, fhall and may are charged be detained in cuftody in Great Britain, in fuch place of fafe cufwith high treafon, &c. tody, as to his Majefty fhall feem fit; provided fuch perfon fhall by warrant of be charged with high treason, fufpicion of high treason, or treaa fecretary of sonable practices, by warrant under the hand and feal of one of his Majesty's principal fecretaries of ftate.


But no perfon fhall be detained fo as to prevent his trial or dif

of Ireland.

VIII. Provided always nevertheless, That no perfon fhall be detained as aforefaid, fo as to prevent the trial or discharge of fuch perfon in due courfe of law, whenever fuch perfon fhall, by the law of Ireland, be entitled to such trial or difcharge; but in charge when all cafes in which any perfon fo detained would, by the law of entitled there- Ireland, if in cuftody there, be entitled to be tried or discharged, it (hall be lawful for fuch perfon to apply to the court of king's bench in England, or to any judge of that court, or to the court of jufticiary in Scotland, or to any judge of that court, to be dif charged; and if it fhall appear to fuch court, or to fuch judge, that fuch perfon, if in cuftody in Ireland, would be entitled to be tried or discharged, it fhall be lawful for fuch court or fuch judge to order fuch perfon to be discharged, or to be fent to Ireland, to be dealt with according to law.

IX. And whereas many perfons engaged in the late rebellion in Ireland, and in other treasonable practices there, have fled from Ireland, and are now in Great Britain; and other perfons may come from


of state may

Ireland to Great Britain, under the like circumstances; and it may be expedient not only to arrest fuch perfons, for the purpose of fending them to Ireland, to be tried for fuch offences, but also to fecure and detain fuch perfons in Great Britain until they can be properly fent to Ireland, to be tried or discharged in due courfe of law: be it further The fecretary enacted, That it shall be lawful for one of his Majefty's principal order perfons secretaries of state, by warrant under his hand and feal, to order in cuftody for any perfon, who shall be in cuftody upon any charge of high high treafon, treafon, fufpicion of high treason, or treasonable practices, done ted in Ireland, or committed in Ireland, to be fecured and detained in Great Bri- to be detained tain, until such person can be properly fent to Ireland, to be tried in Great Brior difcharged in due courfe of law.

&c. commit


tained fo as to

prevent his

to by the law of Ireland.

X. Provided always nevertheless, That no perfon fhall be de- But no perfon tained as aforesaid, fo as to prevent the trial or difcharge of fuch thall be deperfon in due course of law, whenever fuch perfon fhall, by the law of Ireland, be entitled to fuch trial or discharge; but in all trial or difcafes in which any person so detained would, by the law of Ire- charge when land, if in cuftody there, be entitled to be tried or discharged, it entitled therefhall be lawful for fuch perfon to apply to the court of king's bench in England, or to any judge of that court, or to the court of justiciary in Scotland, or to any judge of that court, to be dif charged; and if it (hall appear to fuch court or to fuch judge that fuch person, if in cuftody in Ireland, would be entitled to be tried or discharged, it fhall be lawful for such court or fuch judge to order fuch perfon to be discharged, or to be fent to Ireland, to be dealt with according to law.

XI. And be it further enacted, That this act hall continue Continuance in force until the expiration of fix weeks after the commence- of act. ment of the next feffion of parliament, and no longer.


An act for granting to his Majefty a certain fum of money for the service of Great Britain, to be raised by a lottery.—[ April 30, 1801.]

701,250l. to he raised by a lottery, to confist of 60,000 tickets, at 11l. 138. gd. each. All perfons who have made depofits of 11. 38. 9d. for each ticket, pursuant to the refolution of the house of commons, are required to pay the remainder of their fubfcriptions at the times following, (viz ) 11. Ios. by July 10, 1801; 1l. 10s. by Auguft 28; 11. 10s. by October 23; 21. 10s. by December 18; and the remaining 31. 10s by January 22, 1802; and the contributors, for each 111. 13s. 9d. advanced, fhall be entitled to fuch fhare upon each fortunate ticket as is herein mentioned; and thofe that pay contributions before December 17, 1801, to be allowed discount at 31. per cent. per annum, and to have lottery tickets delivered at 11l. 138. 9d. each. Cashier to give fecurity, to the fatisfaction of the commiffioners of the treasury; and to pay all monies received into the exchequer. Commiffioners of the treafury empowered to apply the money paid in by the cashier. 500,000l. the amount of the prizes, to be paid out of any fupplies granted this feffion. Managers and directors of the lottery to be appointed by the treasury. Method of the lottery books. Managers to examine the books, with the tickets, and deliver them to the cafhiers of the bank, taking a receipt for the fame. Cafhiers to return the books, with the undifpofed tickets, with an account of money received and paid in. Undifpofed tickets to be delivered into the exchequer. Tickets of the middle columns to be rolled up, and fastened with

F 3


thread or filk, and cut off, indent-wise, into a box marked with the letter A, and put into another box, to be locked up and fealed. Books to be prepared with two columns, on each of which 60,000 tickets are to be printed. The number and value of the fortunate tickets. Two prizes of 20,000l. each; three of 10,000l.; four of 5,000l. ; five of 2,000l. ; nine of 1,000l. ; twelve of 500l.; fifty of 100l.; one hundred of sol. ; eighteen thousand of 181-10,000l. to the owner of the first drawn ticket on the fifteenth day; 20,000l. to the owner of the first drawn ticket on the twenty-first day; 20,000l. to the owner of the first drawn ticket on the thirty-fecond day; and 1,000l. to the owner of the first drawn ticket on the fortieth day. Tickets in the outermoft column of laft mentioned books to be rolled up and tied, and cut off into a box marked with the letter B, &c. Public notice to be given of putting the tickets into the boxes. Lottery to begin drawing on March 3, 1802. Method to be ob ferved in drawing, &c. Number of the fortunate tickets, and the fums, to be printed. Difputes to be adjusted by the managers. Forging tickets, &c. felony. Offenders (not in prifon) difcovering perfous guilty, to receive a pardon, and 50l. reward. Managers to be fworn, Cashier may receive the fums fubfcribed, giving a note for the fame, which fhall entitle the bearer to a ticket for every 11l. 138. 9d. paid. After July 10, 1801, the cashier may deliver tickets not exceeding in value half of the fum actually fubfcribed, and fhall give receipts for the refidue of fuch fums, after value of the tickets fo delivered. Contributors not making good their payments, within the times limited, forfeit their depofits, and the tickets to be returned to the managers, &c. Commiffioners of the treasury may reward the managers, &c. as they fhall think fit. The 500,000l. for the payinent of the fortunate tickets, to be charged on any fupplies granted this feffion; and fhall be paid to the proprietors, without any deduction, on August 2, 1802, &c. Managers to give notice of the times for exchanging tickets for certificates. Certificates to be numbered, &c. and figned, &c. Commiffioners of the treasury empowered to defray the incidental expences attending the execution of this act. No fee to be taken for receiving or paying contribution monies, for receipts, &c. on penalty of zol. No perion to take down the numbers of the tickets at the time of drawing, unless employed as a clerk by the managers, or licensed fo to do. Perfons fo licenied to receive from the ftamp office numerical books, which shall be stamped on every leaf. Commiffioners to grant fuch licences only on account of licensed lottery offices. Five pounds penalty on unlicensed perfous taking down or publishing the numbers of tickets drawn, &c. On complaint, the magiftrates of London may grant warrants for apprehending offenders. Perfons in the actual commiffion of fuch offence may be apprehended by any perfon, and carried before a maftrate, who may commit the offender, if penalty be not paid. sol. penalty on perfons fummoned as witneffes, not appearing, &c. Commiffioners of ftamps fhall not be required to grant a licence for dealing in lottery tickets, unless it fhall appear that the party is able to answer the penalty required by law, and he fhall have depofited fifty tickets, &c. Perfons to whom licences are granted to give bond, agreeably to 22 Geo. 3. c. 47. At the end of twelve months after expiration of licences, the commiffioners may give up bonds, or put them in fuit. Licences of per fons neglecting to depofit, or divide into fhares, fifty tickets, to be void; and the defaulters to be published in the Gazette, &c. In cafes where licences under 22 Geo. 3. c. 47. are declared void, in fuch cafes licences granted after the commencement of this act fhall be void for offences against this act, or 27 Geo. 3. c. I. Licences may be refuted to perfons convicted. 201. a day penalty on perfons continuing on their houses the words "Licensed to deal in Lottery Tickets," after expiration of their ficence, &c. Executors, &c. may be authorised to carry on bufinefs for the refidue of the term of licences. No tickets to be divided into any other fhares than halves, quarters, eighths, and fixteenths, on penalty of 50l. Perfons counterfeiting fhares, &c. guilty of felony. Perfons preparing, or having in their cultody, any register or lift of tickets, but as in this act mentioned; or keeping any place for examining tickets, by any other


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