| Great Britain - Law - 1765 - 578 pages
...faid collector or receiver, and every or any of them, by warrant obtained under the hand and féal of the lord mayor of the faid city for the time being, or of the alderman of the ward where fuch rate and afleíTment (hall have been made (which warrant the... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 528 pages
...Ihall and may be lawful to and for fuch collector or collectors by warrant under the hand and feai of the lord mayor of the faid city for the time being, or the alderman of the ward wherein, the premifles for which fuch inhabitants or occupier» (hall be rated... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1765 - 528 pages
...(hall and may be lawful to and for fuch collector or collectors by warrant under the hand and féal of the lord mayor of the faid city for the time being, or the alderman of the ward wherein the premifies for which fuch inhabitants or occupiers (hall be rated... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1765 - 608 pages
...and recovered in manner aforefaid ; and for want of fufficient diftrefs it (hall be lawful to and for the lord mayor of the faid city for the time being, or any juftice or juflices of the peace for the county, city or place where the offence (hall be committed,... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1762 - 802 pages
...and that nothing in this an contained ihall extend to leñen or take away the tolls or duties due and payable to the mayor and commonalty and citizens of the city of London^ or to the mayor of the faid city for the time being, VOL. XXXVII. ü LXXXV. And force for fe- That every ли... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1808 - 736 pages
...contained, {hall extend or be conftrued to extend to repeal or anywife alter the Duties of Package, Scavage, Balliage or Portage, or any other Duties payable to...Kingdom of Great Britain, or to repeal or anywife alter any Special Privilege or Exemption to which any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, is... | |
| Great Britain - 1809 - 688 pages
...Package, Scavage, Baillage, LO jg, or Portage, or any other Duties payable to the Mayor and Cotrmonalty and Citizens of the City of London, or to the Lord...being, or to any other City or Town Corporate within Great Britain, or any other fpecial Privilege or Exemption, to which any Perlon or Perfons, Bodies... | |
| Great Britain - 1811 - 624 pages
...mail extend, or be conftrued to extend, to repeal or in any wife alter the Duties of Package, Scavage, Balliage or Portage, or any other Duties payable to...being, or to any other City or Town Corporate within this Kingdom, or to any Subjeft or Subjects of His Majefty, or to repeal, Goods of Portugal ilefcribed... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1811 - 628 pages
...Authorities of the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, or their Succefiors, or the Lord Mayor of the faid City for the time being, or to prohibit, defeat, alter or diminifh any Power, Authority or Jurifdiftion which at the lime of making... | |
| Great Britain - 1814 - 612 pages
...conftrued to extend to repeal or in any s c ava £ e wife alter the Duties of Package, Scavage, Baillage or Portage, or any other Duties payable to the Mayor...of the City of London, or to the Lord Mayor of the laid City for the time being, or to any other City or Town Corporate within Great Britain, or any other... | |
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