Appropria. tions, to pay authorized deficiencies. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Salary of commissioner... COMMISSIONER OF SOLDIERS' CLAIMS. COMMISSIONER OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Salary of commissioner... EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Salary of secretary to the governor.. SUPERVISOR OF PUBLIC PRINTING. SUPREME COURT AND LAW LIBRARY. Salary of assistant law librarian.. REPORTER OF SUPREME COURT. Salary of the reporter... $1,875 00 Converting barn into cottage and building new barn and farm buildings and furnishings.. $55,283 00 Electrical generating plant... DAYTON STATE HOSPITAL. Ordinary repairs and improvements. Dairy barn LIMA STATE HOSPITAL. Expenses of commission...... MASSILLON STATE HOSPITAL. Rebuilding furnaces under four boilers and installing mechanical stokers.. For reservoir HOME OF THE OHIO SOLDIERS, SAILORS, MARINES, THEIR For wiring and fixtures for electric light.... OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. $1,519 15 Tunnel for heating school of mines building.... $5,500 00 12,000 00 Appropriations, to pay authorized deficiencies. Appropria tions, to pay authorized deficiencies. Interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum, FREEMAN T. EAGLESON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES M. WILLIAMS, President of the Senate. ANDREW L. HARRIS, Governor. 256G. Appropriations, to pay unauthorized deficiencies, etc. STATE OF OHIO, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. COLUMBUS, May 20th, 1908. I file herewith in the office of the secretary of state, Amended House Bill No. 1346, with my approval, except as to the following items, which items are disapproved for the reasons hereinafter stated: "To the Drake Coal Co. of Cleveland in full .$523 23" The facts, briefly stated, upon which my objection to this item is based, are as follows: The board of managers of the reformatory entered into a contract with the Drake Coal Company to furnish coal required by the institution, at stipulated prices for the various grades, for the period of one year. The Drake Coal Company failed to deliver during the contract period, twenty-one (21) car-loads of coal, for which requisition had been made by the reformatory in strict compliance with the terms of the contract. The board of managers of the reformatory because of the necessities of the institution, were obliged to go into the open market and purchase these twenty-one car-loads of coal, after numerous requests upon the Drake Coal Company to supply them as per their requisitions and in accordance with the contract. For the twentyone car-loads of coal which the board of managers were forced to buy in the open market, the institution was obliged to pay $523.23 more than they would have paid had the Drake Coal Company fulfilled its contract. The officials tions, to pay of the reformatory accordingly deducted this amount in set- Appropriatling with the company. The superintendent of the reform- unauthorized atory is opposed to the allowance of the claim. deficiencies,. etc. OHIO NATIONAL GUARD. "To C. J. Bricker, Orrville, Ohio, for damage to horses .$326 00" This claim was refused by the adjutant general's department, the contract price for the hire of the horses was paid, and the horses were returned to the owner in as good condition as when received, as is shown by the statement of the veterinarian who was sent to examine them. These horses were hired for service during the encampment at Strasburg, August 12th to 20th, 1906, at the rate of $1.50 each per day. When camp was discontinued on or about August 20th, Mr. Bricker stated that two of the horses were iame and unable to travel from Strasburg to Orrville, and that they needed some rest and attention. Thereupon the state provided care for the animals until they were ready to be returned. For the time the horses were so cared for it is sought by this item to obtain payment at the rate of $2.00 per day for each horse, when the agreed price of hire was $1.50 per day. The adjutant general's department which made the contract and has knowledge of the facts protests against the allowance of this item, which is hereby also disapproved. ANDREW L. HARRIS, Governor. I have this day made public the fact of the filing in my office of the above items of appropriation and written objections thereto. May 21st, 1908. CARMI A. THOMPSON, Secretary of State. [House Bill No. 1346.] AN ACT To make appropriations to pay unauthorized deficiencies and liabilities existing prior to February 15, 1908. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: SECTION I. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund, not otherwise appropriated, to pay deficiencies and liabilities as herein. specified, existing prior to February 15, 1908, to-wit: Quarterly pay enlisted men under act of March 23, 1904, as follows: Non-commissioned staff and band. Company A.. Company B. Company C.. Company D. Company E. Company F. Company G. Company H. Company I.. Company K. Company L. Company M. Non-commissioned staff and band.. Company A.... Company B (Paulding) Company B (Carey) Company C.... Company D.. Company E.. Company F.. Company G. Company H.. Company I.. Company L. Company M. |