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Persons dif

guifed abetting riots, &c. to be deemed felons.

and twenty three, any perfon or persons whatsoever, wearing any vizard, mask, or disguised habit, or having his or their face or faces, or body or bodies disguised, shall within the faid place called Suffolk-place, or the Mint, or within any the limits, or pretended limits thereof, join in, or aid or abet any riot or tumult there, or shall, in any vizard, mask, or other disguise whatsoever, knowingly and willingly there oppofe the execution of any legal process, order or warrant, or affault and abuse any person or perfons ferving or executing any fuch process, order or warrant, or for having so done, all and every such person and perfons, being lawfully convicted of any fuch offence, shall be adjudged guilty of felony, and shall forfeit and suffer as in cafes of felony, without benefit of clergy; and all Concealers, persons aiding, assisting or abetting, or knowingly harbouring &c. to be or concealing any fuch disguifed person or persons, being theretransported. of convicted, shall be adjudged guilty of felony, and shall be

• December

in the record.

on conviction of offenders.

transported to fome or one of his Majesty's colonies or plantations in America, by fuch ways, means and methods, and in such manner, and for fuch time, and under such pains and penalties, as felons in other cafes are by law to be transported.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That from and after the tenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and twenty-three, all and every perfon and persons, who shall apprehend and take any person or persons, guilty of The fum of any of the offences before mentioned, and prosecute such person 40 l. to be paid or persons until he or they be convicted, shall have and receive, by the theriff for every fuch offender so convicted, the fum of forty pounds, to be paid by the sheriff of the county of Surrey, without any deduction or fee for the fame, within one month after such conviction and demand thereof made, by tendring a certificate to the faid sheriff, under the hand or hands of the judge or justices before whom such offender or offenders shall be convicted, certifying the conviction of such offender or offenders, and that he or they were taken by the person or persons claiming the faid reward; and in cafe any dispute shall arife between the perfons so apprehending any of the faid offenders, touching their right and title to the faid reward, that then the faid judge or justices, so respectively certifying as aforesaid, shall in and by his and their said certificate, direct and appoint the faid reward to and amongst the parties claiming the fame, in such shares and proportions, as to the said judge or justices shall feem just and reasonable; and if it shall happen any such sheriff shall die or be removed after fuch conviction and demand made of the faid reward (the fame not being paid as aforesaid) that then the next fucceeding sheriff of the faid county of Surrey shall pay the fame, within one month after demand, and certificate brought as aforesaid; and if default of payment of the said sum or fums of money thall happen to be made by any fuch sheriff, the sheriff making default shall forfeit to the person and persons, to whom fuch money shall be due as aforesaid, double the sum or fums of money fuch sheriff ought to have paid, to be reco

Difputes touching the reward, how to be determined.


riff his fuccef

vered with double costs of fuit by the person or persons afore- On death or faid, or his or their executors or administrators, in any of his moval of the Majesty's courts of record at Westminster, by action of debt, bill, for thall pay plaint or information, wherein no essoin, privilege, protection the reward, or wager of law fshall be allowed, nor more than one imparlance. &c. V. And be it further enacted, That in case any perfon or persons shall happen to be killed by any fuch offender or offenders, endeavouring to apprehend, or in making pursuit after him or them, that then the executors or administrators, or The execufuch person or persons, to whom the right of administration of tors, &c. of the perfonal estate of each person so killed shall belong (upon persons killed certificate delivered under the hands and feals of the judge or by offenders, justices of afsize for the county where the fact was done, or the 401. the two next justices of the peace, of such person or persons being so killed, which certificate the said judge or justices, upon sufficient proof before him or them made, is and are hereby required immediately to give without fee or reward) shall receive the sum of forty pounds from the sheriff of the county where the faid fact was done and committed, and upon failure of payment thereof by the faid sheriff, such sheriff shall forfeit double the faid fum of forty pounds, to be recovered against him, with double costs of fuit, in manner aforesaid.

are intitled to

VI. And it is hereby further enacted, That all sheriffs, their executors or administrators, upon producing such respective Sheriffs, &c. certificates, and the receipts for the money by them paid in on producing pursuance of this act, shall be allowed, and are hereby im- receipts, are powered to deduct, upon their accounting with his Majesty, his to be allowed heirs and successors, all monies (other than the forfeited sum the money and fums of money, and costs of fuit) which they shall disburse paid pursuant

as aforesaid, without any fee or reward whatsoever.

to this act.

VII. Provided always, That if upon the account of any sheriff there shall not be sufficient in the hands of fuch theriff The sheriff to reimburse him such monies paid by him by virtue of this act, how to be re that then the sheriff having so paid the faid monies, shall have imbursed. the fame repaid by the commiffioners of his Majesty's treasury orthe lord high treasurer for the time being, out of the revenue of the crown, or by record of surplusage upon any other sheriff indebted to his Majesty, upon certificate from the clerk of the pipe to that effect.

VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Prosecutor be. That in case any such apprehender and profecutor is guilty of ing himfelf any of the offences aforesaid, every such apprehender and pro- guilty, and secutor, not being in prison for any the faid offences, and con- not in prifon, on convicting victing two or more persons of any the offences aforesaid, shall two persons, not only have the aforesaid reward of forty pounds, but shall &c. thall have also have, and is hereby entitled to his Majesty's most gracious the 401. and a pardon, for any of the faid offences committed at any time or pardon. times before discovery made of fuch other two or more persons so to be convicted as aforesaid.

IX. And whereas it is notorious, that dangerous riots and tumults bave been frequently occafioned, and great mischiefs done by many in



Charge of rai

habitants in the said place, commonly called Suffolk-place, or the Mint, unlawfully assembling themselves, and with force opposing the execution of legal process, so that it hath been neceffary, for fuppreffing fuch riots and tumults, and to enforce due execution of the law, to raise the Posse Comitatus, or some other extraordinary power:

be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the nefing the posse, cessary charge of raising the Poffe Comitatus, or such other power how to be de-as aforesaid, for enforcing the due execution of this act, or the frayed. said former act, or for better effecting the purposes thereof, shall be paid by the said sheriff, and allowed in his accounts, or be repaid by the commiffioners of his Majesty's treasury, or the lord high treasurer for the time being, out of the revenue of the crown, or by record of surplusage upon any other sheriff in debt upon his account, upon certificate from the olerk of the pipe to that effect.

8 & 9 W. 3. c. 27. not repealed by this


X. Provided always, That nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to extend to repeal or make void the said recited act of the eighth and ninth years of the reign of his faid late majesty king William the third, or any other law in force, against pretended privileged places, or for fuppreffing riots or tumults, but that the same shall, to all intents and purposes, be in full force and effect, as if this act had never been made, except in such cases touching which other provision is made by this act.

XI. And forafmuch as there may be inhabiting or residing in the Said place called Suffolk-Place, or the Mint, or within the limits thereof, some persons, who by misfortunes in trade, or other accidents or calamities, have been reduced to fuch neceffities, as have obliged them to take shelter or protection there; and it may be reasonable and convenient to give some relief to fuch objects of charity and compaffion, upon their faithful discovering upon oath, and delivering up, and afsigning all their estates and effects whatsoever, for the benefit of their creditors, as is herein after directed; be it therefore enacted, .

Inhabitants of the Mint assigning over their effects, &c. are to be difcharged from arrests, &c. Notice must be given thi ty days before the feffions to the creditors of the party petitioning to be discharged. Clerk of the peace to give a duplicate of discharge, on pain of sl. Inhabitants, &c. perjuring themselves, deemed felons. Persons discharged are not to be imprisoned for debts due before the 11th of February 1722. General issue pleadable. Others than the persons discharged by this act are answerable as before. No discharge good, if not obtained before 10 July 1724. Bankrupts not intitled to the benefit of this act. Discharges fraudulently obtained, void. Petitioner, &c. to leave with the justices a lift of his creditors, &c. persons owing more than gol. &c. not to be discharged. No Shelterer to gain a fettlement without paying to the poor, or ferving an office. EXP.


An act to enable lords of manors more easily to recover their fines, and to exempt infants and femes covert from forfeitures of their copybold eftates in particular cafes.


WHEREAS fome doubts have arifen

in the law concerning

the power of lords of manors in that part of Great Britain called England, and the dominion of Wales, to seize the copyhold lands, tenements and hereditaments, parcel of their manors, on the neglect or refusal of persons to come in, and be admitted tenants of the fame: therefore for afcertaining the law, and providing a reasonable and proper remedy for the lords of manors to compel the admiffion of their tenants; be it enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That where any perfon or perfons, being under the age of one and twenty years, or feme or femes covert, shall from and after the twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty three, be entitled, by descent or furrender to the use of a last will, to be admitted tenant or tenants of any copyhold messuages, lands, tenements or hereditaments, within that part of Great Britain called England, or the dominion of Wales, they the faid infants or femes covert, not having been admitted there- Feme coverts to, and not having paid their fines, every such infant or feme and infants may be admitcovert, in their proper perfons, or fuch feme covert by her at- ted to copytorney, or fuch infant by his or her guardian or guardians, if hold eftates by he or she shall have any fuch; and in cafe he or she shall have their attorney no guardian or guardians, then by his or her attorney or attor- or guardian. nies (for which purpose such infants and femes covert shall be and are hereby impowered, by writing under his or her hand and seal respectively, to appoint an attorney or attornies on his or her behalf) shall come to, and appear at, one of the three next courts, which shall be kept (for the keeping whereof the usual notice shall be given) for such manor or manors, whereof such messuages, lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall be parcel, and shall there tender and offer themselves to the lord, or his steward of fuch courts, to be admitted tenants to all and every the faid messuages, lands, tenements and herditaments so furrendered, defcended or come to, or to the use of every such infant or feme covert; to make which appearance, and to take such admittance in behalf of fuch infant or feme covert, such guardian and attorney shall be, and they are hereby respectively authorized and required: and in default of the appearance of such infants or femes covert, in their own persons, or by their guardians or attornies in that behalf, and of acceptance of fuch admittance as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for the lord or lords of every fuch manor and manors, or his and their steward and stewards of the courts thereof, after such three feveral courts have been duly holden for fuch manor or manors, and proclamations in such several courts been regularly made,

ance the

may appoint a

to nominate and appoint at any fubfequent court or courts, to be holden for fuch manor or manors, any fit person to be guarIn default of dian or attorney for every fuch infant or feme covert for that their appear purpose only, and by such guardian or attorney, to admit every Tuch infant or feme covert to all and every the said messuages, guardian, &c. lands, tenements and hereditaments, according to fuch estates as fuch infants or femes covert shall be legally entitled to therein; and upon every fuch admittance, to impose and fet fuch fine and fines, as might have been legally impofed and set, if such infant so admitted had been of full age, or if such feme covert had been fole and unmarried.

Fines of feme coverts, &c.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That upon every fuch admittance or admittances of any infant or in what man feme covert as aforesaid, the fine or fines imposed and set there

ner demandable.

If not paid, &c. the lord

may enter and

receive the

profits of the copyhold till he is fatisfyed,


The lord to

upon, shall and may be demanded by the bailiff or agent of the lord or lords of fuch manors, by a note in writing figned by the lord of fuch manor, or by his steward, to be left with such infant or feme covert, or with the guardian of such infant, or husband of fuch feme covert, or with the tenant or occupier of the messuages, lands or tenements, to which such infant or feme covert was admitted; and that if in such case the said fine or fines so imposed and set, be not paid or tendred to fuch lord or lords, or to his or their steward or stewards, within three months after such demand made, that then it shall and may be lawful to and for the lord or lords of such manor or manors, where such admittance or admittances are had, to enter into and upon ail and every the copyhold messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, to which any fuch infant or feme covert shall be fo admitted, and to hold and enjoy the same, and to receive the rents, issues and profits thereof, but without liberty to fell any timber standing thereon, for fo long time only and until by such rents, issues and profits, such lord or lords, shall be fully paid and fatisfied fuch fine and fines, together with all reasonable and necessary costs and charges, which such lord or iords shall have been put unto in levying and raising the fame, and in obtaining the possession of such copyhold messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, although fuch infant or feme covert shall happen to die before fuch fine and fines, and the costs and charges aforesaid, thall be raised and collected; of all which rents, issues and profits, so to be received by such lord or lords of fuch manor or manors, or his or their stewards, bailiffs or servants, upon the occafion aforesaid, such lord or lords of such manor or manors, shall yearly and every year, upon demand to

account year- be made by such person or persons, who shall be entitled to the ly. furplus of the rents and profits, over and above what will pay and fatisfy fuch fine and costs and charges, fo received as aforefaid, or by such person or perfons, as shall be then entitled to fuch copyhold estate, give and render a just and true account, and shall pay the faid furplus rents, issues and profits, if any, to fuch perfon and perfons, as shall be respectively intitled to the fame.



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