during the space of one year, and from thence to the end of the then next feffion of parliament. &c. continued for III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Act for fearchThat an act made in the tenth year of his Majesty's reign, in- ing drugs, tituled, An act for the better viewing, fearching and examining all three years, drugs, medicines, waters, oils, compositions used or to be used for &c. medicines, in all places where the same shall be exposed to fale, or kept 10Geo.1.C.20. for that purpose, within the city of London, and fuburbs thereof, or EXP. within seven miles circuit of the said city, which was to be in force for three years, and from thence to the end of the then next feffion of parliament, shall be and is hereby continued from the expiration thereof, for and during the space of three years, and from thence to the end of the then next session of parliament. CAP. XXVIII. An act for fale of fuch of the forfeited estates in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, as remain unfold, and are vested in the crown; and for determining fuch claims on the said estates, as having been duly entered remain undetermined. W HEREAS by an act paffed in the first year of his Majesty's Geo.r. ftat.r. reign, intituled, An act for appointing commiffioners to c. 50. enquire of the estates of certain traitors, and of popish recufants, and of estates given to superstitious uses, in order to raise money out of them severally, for the use of the publick, all and every the castles, bonours, lordships, manors, messuages, lands, tenements, and all other estate real and perfonal whatsoever within Great Britain or Ireland or elsewhere, whereof any person or persons, who fince the twenty-fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and fifteen had been attainted, or before the twenty-fourth day of June one thousand feven hundred and eighteen should be attainted by any of the laws or ftatutes of this realm, for high treason committed before the first day of June one thousand seven hundred and fixteen, within Great Britain or elsewhere, was, were, or should have been feifed or poffeffed of, or interested in, or entitled unto, on the twenty-fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and fifteen, or at any time afterwards, in bis, ber or their own right, were vested in his Majesty, for the use of the publick; and to the intent that the fame, and the rents and profits thereof, might be known and disposed of for the use of the publick, and that the feveral debts and incumbrances affecting the fame might be discovered and made good to the lawful creditors and claimants, certain commissioners in the act named were appointed to enquire of the estates so vested in his Majesty, and to receive the claims of all persons who, within a time limited by the faid act, should exhibit their claim to any debt, incumbrance or interest whatsoever affecting the premisses: and whereas by another act passed in the fourth year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for vesting the 4 Geo.1. c. 8. forfeited estates in Great Britain and Ireland in trustees, to be fold for the use of the publick, and for giving relief to lawful creditors, by determining claims, and for the more effectual bringing bringing into the respective exchequer, the rents and profits of the faid eftates till fold; all and every the faid castles, honours, lordships, manors, messuages, lands, tenements and other estate real and perfonal whatsoever, which by the aforesaid act stood vested in his Majesty, were vested in the commissioners and trustees named in the faid act, and the faid commiffioners and trustees were impowered and required, to fell and dispose of the same for the use of the publick, in the manner and by the rules in the said act particularly described; and the faid commiffioners and trustees were further impowered and required to hear and determine all claims lawfully entred with them, on, out of or concerning any of the forfeited estates so vested in them; and the judgments and determinations by them to be given on fuch claims were to be final, unless an appeal should be entred with the faid commissioners and trustees against fuch judgment or determination, within twenty days after the making thereof; in which cafe the faid commissioners and trustees were required to tranfmit the faid appeal to a court of delegates, whom by the faid act his Majesty was impowered to authorize and appoint for hearing and determining all appeals made from the judgments of the faid commissioners and trustees, in the manner and by the rules particularly mentioned in the faid act: 2G00.1. c.19. and whereas by a clause in an act paffed in the ninth year of his Majesty's reign, for continuing the duties for the encouragement of the coinage of monies, and other purposes therein mentioned, the powers and authorities for bearing and determining of the claims on the for5Geo.1. c. 22. feited estates, which by two acts of parliament paffed in the fifth and 7Geo.1. ftat.1. Seventh years of his Majesty's reign, were continued to the twentyfourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two, and from thence to the end of the next feffion of parliament, with respect to the commissioners and trustees acting in Scotland, were enlarged and continued to the twenty-sixth day of March one thousand seven hundred and twenty-four; and the powers granted to his Majesty for appointing courts of delegates to determine claims and cafes of appeals from the faid commissioners and trustees, and respecting fuch court of delegates in Scotland only, were enlarged and continued to the twentyninth day of April one thousand seven hundred and twenty-four: and whereas by another clause in the faid act last mentioned it is declared that the forfeited eftates in Scotland, by any former act or acts of parliament vested in the faid commissioners and trustees, which on the twenty-fixth day of June one thousand seven hundred and twentyfour should remain unfold, shall be thereby divefted out of the faid commiffioners and trustees, and vested in the King's majesty, his heirs and fucceffors, for the use of the publick; and whereas on the faid twenty-fixth day of June one thousand seven hundred and twentyfour certain of the faid forfeited estates remained unfold, which are now revested in his Majesty for the use of the publick, and certain appeals taken against the judgments and determinations of the faid commiffioners and trustees remaining undecided, the term limited for the decision of the court of delegates having expired before they could regularly hear and determine those appeals, be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons, C. 22. Scotland to fell same rules as in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the barons of his Majesty's court of exchequer in Barons of exScotland, or any three of them, shall and are hereby impowered chequer in and required to expose to sale, and to fell to the highest bidder, the forfeited the faid forfeited estates, and every part of them, in the same estates there, manner, and according to the same rules that the said com- under the missioners and trustees were to act under, and to apply the rents the commifand profits of the said estates till fold, and the produce of them fioners were to when fold, in the same manner that the said commissioners and act. trustees were obliged and directed to apply the fame; and to do every other matter and thing in respect to the sale of the said estates, and the appointing receivers or stewards on such estates till fold, in such manner and form, and according to fuch rules, as the said commissioners and trustees were impowered to do. Barons to call before them purchasers who have not paid the full price. Penalty on purchaser not paying. Barons to execute indentures of bargain and fale, &c. His Majesty may appoint a court of delegates to hear appeals. All books, &c. lodged with the commiffioners, to be delivered into the court of exchequer in Scotland, and the books of the former delegates to the new ones. Claim determined by the delegates for money, to be paid out of the forfeited estates in the first place. The estates subject to the feu duties to the crown. The net money to be applied as by act of parliament is directed. Company of York-Buildings not to be prejudiced. Tenants of the late earl of Seaforth acquitted from all rents from 24 June 1715. till 15 May 1725. EXP. CAP. XXIX. An act for allowing further time to persons on board the fleet, or beyond the seas in bis Majesty's service, to qualify themselves for the legal enjoyment of offices and employments, and for indemnifying fuch persons as have omitted to qualify themselves within the time limited for that purpose, and for the better ascertaining fuch time. HEREAS divers of bis Majesty's faithful fubjects now W are and may hereafter be on board the fleet, and in feveral countries and places beyond the seas in the fervice of his Majesty, bis beirs or fucceffors, at fuch times as it may please his Majesty, his heirs or fuccessors, out of his or their royal grace and benevolence, to reward the services of such his fubjects with offices, places and preferments, in confequence of which fuch officers or perfons so preferred will, according to the laws now in being, be obliged to receive the facrament, and take and subscribe the oaths, and make and subscribe the declaration directed by the laws now in force to be received, taken, made and Subscribed, within the respective times limited for that purpose; the receiving, taking, making and subscribing whereof, within such times may, by reason of the great distance of such persons from the kingdom of Great Britain, be impracticable: and whereas divers others of his Majesty's fubjects zealously affected to his perfon and government, and the protestant fucceffion in his royal house, have through ignorance of the law, or unavoidable accidents, been prevented from receiving the Sacrament, and taking the faid oaths, and making and fubfcribing the Said declaration within the times limited for that purpose, and by means : Further time allowed for perfons on board the fleet, or beyond fea. 25Car.2. c.2. Geo.1.c. 13. means thereof are in danger of incurring divers penalties and difabilities; now for the making due provisions, that such of his Majesty's subjects, as are or shall be on board the fleet, or beyond the seas in the service of his Majesty, his heirs or fucceffors, may not incur the penalties aforesaid, by reason of their continuance in such service, and for quieting the minds of others his Majesty's faithful subjects, and preventing any inconveniences that might otherwise happen by means of fuch omiffions, be it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That nothing contained in one act of parliament, made in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King Charles the Second, intituled, An act for preventing dangers which may happen from popish recufants, nor in one other act made in the first year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for the further security of his Majesty's person and government, and the fuccession of the crown in the heirs of the late princess Sophia, being protestants, and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended prince of Wales, and his open and fecret abettors, shall extend or be construed to extend to any person or perfons, who upon the seventeenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty-fix, of at any time after, was, were or shall be on board the fleet of his Majesty, his heirs or fuccessors, or in his or their service beyond the seas at such time or times, as any office or offices, place or places, preferment or preferments, employment or employments, pay, falary, fee or wages, was, were or shall be granted, given or conferred to or upon him or them, and who by virtue of the faid acts, or either of them, ought to receive the facrament, or take the faid oaths in the last mentioned act contained, and make and subscribe the declaration therein mentioned, in respect of any fuch office, place, preferment, employment, pay, falary, fee or wages so granted, given or conferred, or to be granted, given or conferred as aforesaid, so as fuch perfon or persons do, within three calendar months next after his or their So as they return into Great Britain, receive the faid sacrament, take and qualify them- subscribe the faid oaths, and make and subscribe the faid declalelves in three ration respectively, as the case shall require, in fuch manner and calendar months after their return. understood three kalendar form, and in such place and places, as in and by the before mentioned acts respectively is directed and appointed. All perfons heretofore on board the fleet, or beyond fea, indemnified. They are to receive the facrament before the last day of Michaelmas term 1727. EXP. IV. And it is hereby declared and enacted by the authority By three months is to be aforesaid, That the space of three months, in and by the faid acts herein before particularly mentioned, or either of them, or any other act or acts of parliament, limited for receiving the faid facrament, taking and subscribing the said oaths, or making and fubfcribing the faid declaration, was meant and intended, and shall be construed, deemed and taken to be three kalendar months, months, and that the fame ought at all times to have been fo construed, deemed and taken. months. Skin. 314. to an office V. Provided always, That this act, or any thing herein con- Not to restore tained, shall not extend or be construed to extend, to restore or actually avoidintitle any person or perfons to any office, imployment, benefice, ed. matter or thing whatsoever, already actually avoided by judgment of any of his Majesty's courts of record, or already filled up or enjoyed by another person, but that such office, imployment, benefice, matter or thing so avoided or filled up, or enjoyed as aforesaid, shall be and remain in and unto the person or persons who is or are now intitled by law to the same, as if this act had never been made. VI. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the Officers not authority aforesaid, That in case it shall happen that any such qualifying themselves in officer or person now or hereafter being on board the fleet, or the times in the service of his Majesty, his heirs or fuccessors, beyond the limited, liable feas as aforesaid, or in case any of his Majesty's subjects, who to disabilities, have omitted to receive the facrament, and take and subscribe &c. the oaths, and make and subscribe the declaration, as by the said acts they ought to have done (except all fuch persons who at any time heretofore were on board the fleet of his Majesty, or of any of his predecessors, or in his or their service beyond the seas, at the time any office, imployment, pay or falary was granted to them, and who, within three kalendar months after their return into Great Britain, did receive the said facrament, take and subscribe the said oaths, and make and subscribe the faid declaration respectively as aforesaid) shall make default in so doing, within the times, and according to the directions in and by this act limited and appointed, then every such person so making default shall be liable unto and incur all fuch difabilities, incapacities, forfeitures and penalties, as in and by the said recited acts or either of them are respectively provided and inflicted for not receiving the sacrament, or not taking and fubscribing the faid oaths, or not making and subscribing the said declaration. made VII. And in case of executing any fuch office, place or im- Executing any ployment after such default, every such person and persons being office after dethereof lawfully convicted in such manner as by the said act fault liable to the acts 25 in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of King Charles the Car.2.c.2. and Second, or the said act made in the first year of his Majesty's Geo.1.c.13. reign is refpectively directed, shall be liable unto, and incur all such disabilities, incapacities, forfeitures and penalties, as in and by the faid respective acts are in the like cafe provided and inflicted. CAP. XXX. An act for encouraging and promoting fisheries, and other manufactures and improvements in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. W HEREAS by the fifteenth article of the treaty of union it Space |