| William Nelson - Justices of the peace - 1729 - 774 pages
...and if no Diftrefs can be taken, then to be (cnr. to the common Gaol or Houlc of Corre£h'on, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding one Month. The Penalties muft be infli&ed within ten Days after tho Offence Committed or dilcovered. I G- c. 17.... | |
| Joseph Shaw - Constables - 1753 - 438 pages
...one one luftice. credible Witnefs, he may commit them to the Houfe of Cor- Punifhment. reftion, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding one Month. 3. Any Perfon may apprehend and carry before a Juftice, ^ n yp er f on any fuch Perfons going about... | |
| Joseph Shaw - Constables - 1753 - 472 pages
...own Confefiion, or Oath of one Credible Witnefs, he may commit them to the Houfe of Correciion, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding one Month. 3. Any Perfon may apprehend and carry before a Juftice, Any Perfon may any fnch Perfons going about... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1765 - 554 pages
...fufficient diftrefs, wh ! c jj ^^Jf to caufe the offender or offenders to be whipt in the pariui or j^j-' y place where the offence (hall be committed ; and in...juftice or juftices (hall feem meet and reafonable. II. And for the mere effectual deterring and punifhing accomplices and confederates in the faid frauds... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1765 - 608 pages
...next common or publick workhoufe or houfe of correction, there to remain without bail or mainprize, and to be kept to hard labour, for any time not exceeding one month, norlefs than fourteen days; and the clerk of the faid company for the time being is hereby required,... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1765 - 506 pages
...place, where the offence or offences ihall be committed, ihall be fent to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one month. ' be comnut IX. And, for the better regulating of the journeymen, and journeymen other perfons employed... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1765 - 578 pages
...confeflion, or by the oath of one or more credible witnefs or witnefles) to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one month : and it ihall and may be lawful for any perfon to apprehend, and carry before a juftice of the peace,... | |
| City of London. Corporation - Customary law - 1765 - 356 pages
...fome other prifon of the county, &c. in which the cffence is committed, or the offender apprehended, to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one kaiendar month, as fuch juftice (hall order. Seft. 6. No perfon fhall ply for hire with any hackney... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 528 pages
...and fale of the goods and chattels of the offender or offenders; and for want of fuch diftrefs, may commit the offender or offenders to the houfe of correction, there to be kept to hard labour withwithoutbail or mainprize for the fpace of fix months, un)efs the money fo... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1766 - 612 pages
...juftices of the peace, becommitted, by warrant under his or their hand and féal, or hands and feals, to commit the offender or offenders to the houfe of correction, there to remain for the fpace of one month, or until he or they lhall have paid the faid (urn of five pounds. XV. And... | |
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