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Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to destitution of Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the.....

Interior, relative to the survey of land in Alaska. Letter from
the Secretary of the.....

Interior, transmitting report relative to the sale of certain Indian
lands in Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the.....
Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriations for expenses
of Osage Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Interior, transmitting estimate of appropriations for survey of
land for the benefit of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians. Let-
ter from the Secretary of the...
Interior, transmitting draught of appropriations required by
Interior Department for the present fiscal year. Letter from
the Secretary of the.....

Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriations for Indian
tribes. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Interior, submitting a clause to be inserted in the appropriation
bill relative to the purchase of the United States statutes.
Letter from the Secretary of the..

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Interior, transmitting communication from the Commisioner of
Indian Affairs relative to the suffering condition of the Qua-
paw Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Interior, relative to appropriations for carrying on Indian
treaties. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Interior, relative to the Cherokee neutral lands in Kansas. Let-
ter from the Secretary of the....

[blocks in formation]

Interior, relative to the survey of the Choctaw country. Letter from the Secretary of the..

[blocks in formation]

Interior, relative to the sale of the Sioux Indian reservation.
Letter from the Secretary of the..

[blocks in formation]

Interior, relative to the claim by the Choctaw Nation against
the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Interior, relative to the payment of interest to Cherokee Indians.
Letter from the Secretary of the..

[blocks in formation]

Interior, relative to the petition of the Iowa Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the..

[blocks in formation]

Interior, transmitting estimates of deficiencies in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Letter from the Secretary of the....

[blocks in formation]

Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriation for the removal of the Creek Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the... Interior, relative to estimates of appropriation required by the General Land Office for the year ending June 30, 1869. Letter from the Secretary of the...

Interior, transmitting estimates of additional appropriations for
various bands of Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary
of the..

Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs relative to the Navajo Indians in New
Mexico. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Interior, transmitting report of the commission to select a site
for a post office in the city of New York. Letter from the
Secretary of the...

[blocks in formation]

Interior, relative to certain liabilities on account of records fur-
nished for the use of the register of deeds for the District of
Columbia. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Interior, relative to the proposed reduction of estimates for the
surveying service for the year ending June 30, 1869. Letter
from the Secretary of the...

[blocks in formation]

Interior, relative to amount of Indian spoliation claims in the Department of the Interior. Letter from the Secretary of the. Interior, relative to an appropriation to carry out treaty stipulations with the Sissiton and Wahpeton bands of Dakota Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the....

[blocks in formation]


Interior, submitting estimate of appropriation for the Indian service in California, incurred during the years 1860 to 1867. Letter from the Secretary of the..

Interior, relating to report of commissioners under treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the...

[blocks in formation]

Interior, relative to the grant of lands to Iowa for railroad purposes, by act approved May 15, 1856. Letter from the Secretary of the...

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Interior, recommending an appropriation to be expended in
presents for the Indians of the Aleutian isle, in Alaska.
ter from the Secretary of the.....
Interior, transmitting report relative to removing certain desti-
tute Indians, with estimates of appropriations needed there-
for. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Interior, transmitting report relative to the necessities of the
Chippewa Indians, and recommending an appropriation for
their relief. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Interior, transmitting statement of disbursements for the Indian
service. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Interior, relative to the necessity of increased force of clerks in
the Patent Office. Letter from the Secretary of the...
Interior, relative to an appropriation for subsisting friendly In-
dians. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs relative to the survey of the eastern bound-
ary of the Choctaw and Chickasaw country. Letter from the
Secretary of the...........

Interior, transmitting letter from General Sibley relative to the
destitute condition of the Sioux Indians. Letter from the
Secretary of the....

Interior, transmitting report of A. R. Banks relative to the destitute condition of Indian tribes in Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the...

[blocks in formation]

Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs relative to an appropriation to destitute
friendly Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Interior, transmitting list of clerks appointed since April 1.
Letter from the Secretary of the..

[blocks in formation]

Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriations to carry out treaty stipulation with the Pottawatomie Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the...

[blocks in formation]

Interior, transmitting information relative to the irrigation of
public lands. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Interior, transmitting a communication from the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs relative to an appropriation for certain
friendly Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the......
Interior, transmitting telegram from General Sherman relative
to the removal of the Navajo and Ute Indians. Letter from
the Secretary of the....
Interior, asking an appropriation to carry out treaty stipulations
with certain Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriations for damages
sustained by settlers in Nebraska. Letter from the Secretary
of the....

Interior, transmitting Major General Dodge's report. Letter
from the Secretary of the....

[blocks in formation]

Interior, transmitting estimate of appropriation to carry out treaty stipulations with Seneca and other tribes of Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the....

Interior, transmitting statement relative to the Kickapoo In-
dians. Letter from the Secretary of the....
Internal Revenue. Annual report of the Commissioner of.
Internal Revenue, relative to the Gettysburg Asylum lottery.
Letter from the Commissioner of..

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Vol. Part. No. Page.

Internal Revenue, relative to the mode of taxing the Shaker association at New Lebanon, N. Y. Letter from the Comarissioner of.

[blocks in formation]

Irrigation of public lands. Letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, transmitting information relative to..

[blocks in formation]

Iron-clads, sale of. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy relative to the...

[blocks in formation]

Iron-clad monitors. Message from the President of the United
States transmitting report from the Secretary of State relative
to the sale of the Oneoto and Catawba...
Iron-clads of Europe and this country. Report of Captain
Eades on...

[blocks in formation]

Island, San Juan. Letter from the Secretary of War relative o the occupancy of..

[blocks in formation]


Jail. Annual report of the warden of the United States... Japanese treaty fund. Letter from the Secretary of State relative to the...

Judge Advocate General. Annual report of the.


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Land Office, General. Annual report of the Commissioner of the....

Papers accompanying the above.

No. 1. Tabular statement showing the number of acres of
public lands surveyed in the land States and Territories up
to June 30, 1866, during the last fiscal year, and the total
of the public lands surveyed up to June 30, 1867; also, the
total area of the public domain remaining unsurveyed
within the same..

No. 2. Statement of public lands sold, of cash and bounty-
land scrip received therefor; number of acres entered under
the homestead law of May 20, 1862; of commissions re-
ceived under the sixth section of said act; also land located
with scrip under the agricultural college and mechanic act
of July 2, 1862, and commissions received by registers and
receivers on the value thereof; and statement of incidental
expenses thereon in the first half of the fiscal year com-
mencing July 1, 1866, and ending June 30, 1867...
No. 3. Statement showing like particulars for the second half
of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1867....
No. 4. Summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1867,
showing the number of acres disposed of for cash, with
bounty-land scrip, by entry under the homestead laws of
May 20, 1862, and March 21, 1864, with aggregate of $10
homestead payments, homestead commissions; also, loca-
tions with agricultural college and mechanic scrip. under
act of July 2, 1862..

No. 5. Statement showing the quantity of swamp lands
selected for the several States under the acts of Congress
approved March 2, 1849, and September 28, 1850, and
March 12, 1860, up to and ending September 30, 1865....
No. 6. Statement exhibiting the quantity of swamp land ap
proved to the several States under the acts of Congress
approved March 2, 1849, September 28, 1850, and March
12, 1860, up to and ending September 30, 1867
No. 7. Statement exhibiting the quantity of swamp land
patented to the several States under the acts of Congress
approved September 28, 1850, and March 12, 1860; and
also the quantity certified to the State of Louisiana under
the act approved March 2, 1849...

[blocks in formation]


Vol. Part.

No. Page.

No. 8. Exhibit of bounty-land business under acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855, showing the issue and locations from the commencement of the operations under said acts to June 30, 1867 ...

No. 9. Statement showing the State selections under the "internal improvement" grant of 4th of September, 1841, and on the 30th of June. 1867.

No. 10. Statement respecting the accounts of receivers of public moneys, disbursing agents, and adjustment of the five per cent. fund.......

No. 11. Statement showing the selections made by certain States of lands within their own limits under agricultural and mechanic act of July 2, 1862, and its supplementai acts of April 14, 1864, and June 21, 1866; also, the locations made with scrip under said acts.....

No. 12. Statement exhibiting land concessions by acts of Congress to States and corporations for railroad and military wagon-road purposes from the year 1850 to June 30, 1867.

No. 13. Statement exhibiting land concessions by acts of Congress to States for canal purposes from the year 1827 to June 30, 1867.

No. 14. Statement showing the homestead fees and commissions required to be paid under the several homestead acts. No. 15. Estimate of appropriations required for the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869..

No. 16. Estimates of appropriations for the surveying depart-
ment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869.

No. 17. Estimate of appropriations required for surveying
the public lands for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869..
No. 18. Reports of surveyors general, A to L inclusive..
No. 19. Statement of confirmed Indian pueblo grants and
private land claims in New Mexico..

No. 20. General tabular statement exhibiting the following:
No. 1, States and Territories containing public lands; No.
2, square miles and areas of States and Territories contain-
ing public land; No. 3, quantity sold; No. 4. entered under
the homestead law; No. 5, granted for military services;
No. 6, granted for agricultural colleges; No. 7, approved
under grants in aid of railroads; No 8, approved swamp
selections; No. 9, quantity granted for internal improve-
ments; No. 10, donation and grants for schools and univer-
sities; No. 11, locations with Indian scrip; No. 12, located
with float scrip; No. 13. estimated quantity granted for
wagon roads; No. 14, quantity granted for ship canals;
No. 15, salines; No. 16, seats of government and public
buildings; No. 17, granted to individuals and companies;
No. 18, granted for deaf and dumb asylums; No. 19, re-
served for benefit of Indians; No. 20, reserved for compa-
nies, individuals, and corporations; No. 21, confirmed pri
vate land claims; No. 22, quantity remaining unsold and
uappropriated June 30, 1867.

No. 21. Historical and statistical table of the United States of North America........

No. 22. Statement showing the area and population of the British possessions north of the United States boundary. No. 23. Statement showing the area and population of the West Indies, Mexican states, Central America, and New Granada. No. 24. Set of 28 maps of all the public land States and Territories, to wit: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Kansas, Indian territory, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington Territory, and Russian America...

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Vol. Part.

No. Page.

Each map shows the extent of the public surveys where such have been extended; also the names of countries and resources, so far as furnished by the data on hand...

No. 25. Connected map of the United States from ocean to
ocean, exhibiting the extent of the public surveys, localities,
land districts, seats of surveyor generals' offices and district
officers; also localities of railroads of general interest and
mineral deposits

No. 26. Map of the world on Mercator's projection...
Land, tract of, near New London, Connecticut.

the Secretary of the Navy relative to

Letter from

Lands, grant of, to Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior in reference to.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Lands, Indian, Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the In-
terior, transmitting report relative to the sale of.
Lands, swamp, in rebel States. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting report from military commanders in south-
ern military districts relative to...

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Lands granted for railroad purposes, forfeiture of. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report from quartermaster general relative to..

Lands, survey of, for Cheyenne Indians and Arrapahoe. Let-
ter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimate
of appropriations for.

Land grants in the rebel States. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting papers relative to

Life-saving inventions. Letter from the Secretary of the Treas
ury, transmitting the report of the commission on
Light-house at Black Rock. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to.

Light house Board. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury,
trausmitting report relative to a beacon at Long Beach bar
from the

[blocks in formation]

Light-house at Port Austin. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to

[blocks in formation]

Light-house sites, sale of.

Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting report of Light-house Board relative to

[blocks in formation]

Light-house at Au Sable river. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting communication from the Lighthouse Board relative to the erection of a

[blocks in formation]

Loans by national banks. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury relative to.

[blocks in formation]

Louisiana, property seized in. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting reports relative to

[blocks in formation]

Louisiana and North Carolina. Message from the President of the United States relative to proceedings in

[blocks in formation]

Lusk, Albert M. D. C. Message from the President of the
United States relative to the trial of

[blocks in formation]

Mails between New York and Philadelphia. Letter from the
Postmaster General relative to..


Mails between Baltimore and New York. Letter from the Postmaster General relative to..

Maine, separate customs districts in. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to


1 55





Maps. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner of the General Land Office relative to the publication of


Meade, General George G. Letter from the General of the army, trausmitting telegram from


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Mercantile marine, and commercial policy of Great Britain.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting
Hon. F. H. Morse's report of the

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