Title. Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to destitution of Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the..... Interior, relative to the survey of land in Alaska. Letter from Interior, transmitting report relative to the sale of certain Indian Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriations for Indian Interior, transmitting communication from the Commisioner of Interior, relative to the survey of the Choctaw country. Letter from the Secretary of the.. Interior, relative to the sale of the Sioux Indian reservation. Interior, relative to the claim by the Choctaw Nation against Interior, relative to the petition of the Iowa Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the.. Interior, transmitting estimates of deficiencies in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Letter from the Secretary of the.... Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriation for the removal of the Creek Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the... Interior, relative to estimates of appropriation required by the General Land Office for the year ending June 30, 1869. Letter from the Secretary of the... Interior, transmitting estimates of additional appropriations for Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner Interior, relative to certain liabilities on account of records fur- Interior, relative to amount of Indian spoliation claims in the Department of the Interior. Letter from the Secretary of the. Interior, relative to an appropriation to carry out treaty stipulations with the Sissiton and Wahpeton bands of Dakota Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the.... Title. Interior, submitting estimate of appropriation for the Indian service in California, incurred during the years 1860 to 1867. Letter from the Secretary of the.. Interior, relating to report of commissioners under treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the... Interior, relative to the grant of lands to Iowa for railroad purposes, by act approved May 15, 1856. Letter from the Secretary of the... Let Interior, recommending an appropriation to be expended in Interior, transmitting letter from General Sibley relative to the Interior, transmitting report of A. R. Banks relative to the destitute condition of Indian tribes in Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the... Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner Interior, transmitting estimates of appropriations to carry out treaty stipulation with the Pottawatomie Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the... Interior, transmitting information relative to the irrigation of Interior, transmitting Major General Dodge's report. Letter Interior, transmitting estimate of appropriation to carry out treaty stipulations with Seneca and other tribes of Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the.... Interior, transmitting statement relative to the Kickapoo In- Title. Vol. Part. No. Page. Internal Revenue, relative to the mode of taxing the Shaker association at New Lebanon, N. Y. Letter from the Comarissioner of. Irrigation of public lands. Letter from the Secretary of the Iron-clads, sale of. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy relative to the... Iron-clad monitors. Message from the President of the United Island, San Juan. Letter from the Secretary of War relative o the occupancy of.. J. Jail. Annual report of the warden of the United States... Japanese treaty fund. Letter from the Secretary of State relative to the... Judge Advocate General. Annual report of the. L. Land Office, General. Annual report of the Commissioner of the.... Papers accompanying the above. No. 1. Tabular statement showing the number of acres of No. 2. Statement of public lands sold, of cash and bounty- No. 5. Statement showing the quantity of swamp lands Title. Vol. Part. No. Page. No. 8. Exhibit of bounty-land business under acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855, showing the issue and locations from the commencement of the operations under said acts to June 30, 1867 ... No. 9. Statement showing the State selections under the "internal improvement" grant of 4th of September, 1841, and on the 30th of June. 1867. No. 10. Statement respecting the accounts of receivers of public moneys, disbursing agents, and adjustment of the five per cent. fund....... No. 11. Statement showing the selections made by certain States of lands within their own limits under agricultural and mechanic act of July 2, 1862, and its supplementai acts of April 14, 1864, and June 21, 1866; also, the locations made with scrip under said acts..... No. 12. Statement exhibiting land concessions by acts of Congress to States and corporations for railroad and military wagon-road purposes from the year 1850 to June 30, 1867. No. 13. Statement exhibiting land concessions by acts of Congress to States for canal purposes from the year 1827 to June 30, 1867. No. 14. Statement showing the homestead fees and commissions required to be paid under the several homestead acts. No. 15. Estimate of appropriations required for the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869.. No. 16. Estimates of appropriations for the surveying depart- No. 17. Estimate of appropriations required for surveying No. 20. General tabular statement exhibiting the following: No. 21. Historical and statistical table of the United States of North America........ No. 22. Statement showing the area and population of the British possessions north of the United States boundary. No. 23. Statement showing the area and population of the West Indies, Mexican states, Central America, and New Granada. No. 24. Set of 28 maps of all the public land States and Territories, to wit: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Kansas, Indian territory, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington Territory, and Russian America... Title. Vol. Part. No. Page. Each map shows the extent of the public surveys where such have been extended; also the names of countries and resources, so far as furnished by the data on hand... No. 25. Connected map of the United States from ocean to No. 26. Map of the world on Mercator's projection... the Secretary of the Navy relative to Letter from Lands, grant of, to Iowa. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior in reference to. Lands, Indian, Kansas. Letter from the Secretary of the In- Lands granted for railroad purposes, forfeiture of. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report from quartermaster general relative to.. Lands, survey of, for Cheyenne Indians and Arrapahoe. Let- Land grants in the rebel States. Letter from the Secretary of Life-saving inventions. Letter from the Secretary of the Treas Light house Board. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Light-house at Port Austin. Letter from the Secretary of the Light-house sites, sale of. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting report of Light-house Board relative to Light-house at Au Sable river. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting communication from the Lighthouse Board relative to the erection of a Loans by national banks. Letter from the Secretary of the Louisiana, property seized in. Letter from the Secretary of Louisiana and North Carolina. Message from the President of the United States relative to proceedings in Lusk, Albert M. D. C. Message from the President of the Mails between New York and Philadelphia. Letter from the 11 Mails between Baltimore and New York. Letter from the Postmaster General relative to.. Maine, separate customs districts in. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to 15 1 55 107 15 196 252 Maps. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting communication from the Commissioner of the General Land Office relative to the publication of 9 Meade, General George G. Letter from the General of the army, trausmitting telegram from 11 Mercantile marine, and commercial policy of Great Britain. |