The INDEX from the First Year of the Reign of his To the Thirty-second Year of the same Reign, inclusive. BY DANBY PICKERING, of GRAY'S INN, Esq. LONDON: Printed for G. G. and J. ROBINSON, J. JOHNSON, and 1794. Mr. PICKERING's STATUTES, From the First Year of the Reign of King GEORGE III. BEING To the End of the Second Seffion of the Seventeenth Parliament of The commiffioners not to fit in the 9,000l. more to the fame commiffion. 9,000l. more to the fame commiffion- The commiffioners continued annu- See Dundonald (Earl of). 25 G. 3. ally, until one year after 22 July 1786. c. 42. vol. 35. Accountant General in Chancery. See Chancery. Accounts Public. Five commiffioners appointed to ex- Same year, c. 67. The commiffioners of the customs The feveral boards of revenue are to keep quarterly accounts, and the trea- 4,2371. 4s. 1d. for contingencies due |