BONDS Concluded. PAGE Roads of township and streets of village therein, for improvement af... 63-68 Sidewalks, curbing, and gutters, for construction of, in certain municipalities State refunding bonds. Township, school district or county, to change but not increase indebt Approaches; lighting; construction and repair by trustees. Construction or reconstruction to conform to grade of road. Dog tax, excess, may be transferred to fund for... Interlocking safety-devices. BUCKEYE LAKE Kirkersville feeder and gates and banks, improvement of... 404 57 6, 33 118 403 18, 180, 305, 403 393, 394 6, 7, 342, 343 76 65 103 315-317 423 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS (See Bureau of Building and Loan Associations.) BUILDINGS-(See Inspector of Buildings; Public Buildings.) Assemblages, for, inspection and certificate as to safety, etc..... 265, 266 408-410 408 16, 178, 302, 402 BUREAU OF BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS— BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS-(See Commissioner of Labor BURYING-GROUND-(See Cemetery.) BUTTER BY-LAWS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Improvements in hamlets, limitation of powers of trustees as to; Ham Omission of "by the front foot" from ordinance to improve, etc. Furnishing oleomargarine for, prohibited.. 23 Assessments, special, requirements for; certain villages; Toledo...... Grant to street railroad company, ordinance prescribing terms and conditions of, etc..... Agreement as to terms and conditions, in case of lease, purchase, Violation, punishment of, jurisdiction over right of way of railroad for.. CAKE BAKERY Manufacture, storage, sanitation, etc., regulating. CALF Killing, selling, etc., under four weeks old; penalty.... CAMPING Unlawful, on public highways or adjacent lands; penalty. CANADA THISTLES CANAL COMMISSIONERS Appointment; powers; duties; term; vacancy; oath; bond; salary and expenses Appropriations Miami and Erie canal, lease of portion of embankment of. Abandonment of side-cut in Toledo... Walhonding canal, abandonment of.... CANAL LANDS Miami and Erie canal, lease of portion of embankment of. 95, 96 14, 175, 299 7 219 380-382 7 219 CANAL LANDS- Concluded. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis railway company, conveyance to.. Walhonding canal, abandonment of portion of. CANCELATION— Mortgage taken by commissioners of surplus revenue fund.... CAPITAL STOCK—(See Corporations; Insurance Companies.) Injury of ground, or injury or removal of memorial, etc.; penalty..... Use of land near dwelling in city third or fourth grade, second class. CEMETERY ASSOCIATION Acquisition or sale of land in county containing city second class; taxation CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Timepiece in or upon public building to keep... CERTIFICATE-(See Building: Partnership; School-Teacher.) CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION—(See Elections.) CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS Ohio state university.. Ohio university.... State, appropriation for payment of principal and interest of.. CHANGE OF NAME— Person, of; proceedings; fee..... CHARITABLE INSTITUTION-(See Children's Home.) Charitable society's realty, sale, transfer, etc., of... CHEESE (See Dairy Products.) Branding, placarding and use of, traffic in, etc., regulating; penalties... CHEESE FACTORY Whey, drainage, etc., from, emptying, etc., into lakes, streams or drains; penalty CHERRY-TREE— PAGE 293, 294 380, 382 101 54 199 161 114 312: 191, 192 285 9 57 28. 397, 398. 51-54 287 Selling intoxicating liquors or keeping house of ill fame near. CHOLERA (See Contagious Disease.) 408-410435. CHRISTMAS Negotiable instruments, holiday as to.... CHURCH Inspection and certificate as to safety, etc. CHURCH PROPERTY— Sale, exchange or incumbrance; interconveyance. CIRCUIT COURT Order of reversal of conviction in. proceedings to reverse. CITIES (See Municipal Corporations.) CITY BOARD OF ELECTIONS-(See Elections.) CITY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION-(See Board of Equalization.) CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT-(See School Districts.) 61 408-410 397, 398 317-31971 187 CITY SOLICITOR Attorney and counselor at law, must be.. CITY TREASURY— Transfer of surplus in.. CIVIL ACTION-(See Actions.) CLERK-(See School Examiners; Township Clerk.) Commissions of officers, delivery of.... Partnership under fictitious name, filing of certificate of; fee.... conviction in circuit court. CLERK OF POLICE COURT Powers CLERK OF SUPREME COURT Appropriations CLERKS OF ELECTION-(See Elections.) PAGE 68 30 77 124, 125, 131 211 25, 328 187 98. 17, 178, 303 Preservation and printing of papers and documents; appendix to journal 158 CLEVELAND STATE HOSPITAL-(See Benevolent Intitutions.) 18, 21, 179, 304 CLOCK Public, to keep central standard time.. CLOTHING-(See Wearing-Apparel.) COAL MINE 312 Refuse from, throwing, emptying, etc., into lakes, streams or drains; 287 COAL OIL REFINERY- Refuse from, throwing, emptying, etc., into lakes, streams or drains; COLUMBUS STATE HOSPITAL-(See Benevolent Institutions.) Board of equalization for railroads, is member of... Equipment of passenger-trains with fire-extinguishers. COMMISSIONERS (See County Commissioners; sioners.) COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND 14, 175, 299 290, 307 72 396 315-317 Road Commis Appropriation for principal and interest of the public debt, expenses, and salary of clerk.. State refunding bonds and certificates of indebtedness. COMMISSIONERS OF THE SURPLUS REVENUE FUND Cancelation of mortgages taken by................ COMMISSIONS— Issue of, statement of expenses prerequisite to.. 9 57 101 126 211 Officers, of.... COMMON CARRIER-(See Birds, Fish and Game; Swine.) COMMON SCHOOLS-(See Schools; State Commissioner of Common Schools.) Appropriation for support. Tax for support.......... 8 59. COMMUTATION- Labor upon streets, roads, etc... COMPENSATION-(See Fees, Compensation and Salaries.) CONFECTIONERY- Execution, proceedings in aid of, before justices; fees.. CONTAGIOUS DISEASE- PAGE 393, 394 38-40 277-279 375, 376 113 388 Destruction of trees and fruit infected with, fruit from infected trees, etc. 200-204 CONSTRUCTION-(See Bridges; Drainage.) Cholera-infected hogs, transportation of; penalty, etc... Municipalities, with, for lighting, etc. Restrictions as to, by certain officers. CONVEYANCE-(See Governor; Torrens System.) CONVICTION- Order of reversal of, in circuit court, proceedings to reverse.. 296, 291 341 187 216 CORONER- Fees; salary in Cuyahoga and Lucas counties. CORPORATIONS (See Municipal Corporations.) Articles of incorporation, certification of official character of officer be- Automatic package carrier company, laws applicable to, etc. 320 205 73, 353-357 Cemetery association, acquisition or sale of land by, in certain counties; taxation 114 Charitable or religious society, sale, transfer, etc., of property of...... 397, 398 138 Electric light and power company, laws applicable to; municipal Railroad company-(See Railroads and Railroad Companies.) 360-367 320 Safe deposit and trust companies, counties in which, may act in certain 62 Ship-canal companies.. 410-414 Street-railroad company-(See Street-Railroad Company.) Taxation of electric light, gas, natural gas, pipe-line, waterworks, street- 79-84 Taxation of freight-line and equipment companies.. 89-93 Union depot company, power of, to borrow money and issue bonds, etc. 118 Bonds, public library, issue of; submission of question; tax...... Sewers, construction of, and assessment of cost in certain cities. Sidewalks, curbing and gutters, construction of; assessments. Street-railroads, agreement as to grants, in case of lease, sale, consol idation, etc... Grant to; renewal. Taxes, maximum of, etc. Vacancy in, manner of filling. COUNTIES PAGE 162-165 22 346, 408 197 404 278 206 312 77 136-138 Damages, liability for, on account of mob violence.... COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY-(See Agricultural Society.) Agricultural society, order in favor of........... Bond of executive committee of teachers' institute, approval of. Depositary for county funds.... Direct-inheritance tax, refunding of. Ditch contracts and bonds, preservation of. Ditch, duties as to cleaning out of, etc.. Tax for improvement of roads and streets, redemption of bonds, etc... COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION-(See Board of Equalization.) COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Bonds for court-house, jail, infirmary, soldiers' memorial, bridge, relief Bridges, approaches to; lighting of, etc... Construction or reconstruction to conform to grade... County roads, duties on report of viewers of; order to trustees. Depositary for county funds... 330, 331 29, 190 102 67 58 6, 7, 342, 343 76 65 156 73, 353-357 27 338, 339 103 146 6. 33 212 29. 190 10 188 341 102 288 312 104 Ditch contracts and bonds, approval or disapproval of, etc. Ditch in adjoining county, duties as to.... Dog tax, transfer of excess.. Election expenses, levy for. Indebtedness, bonds or loan to change but not increase. Inspection of hospitals, reformatories, asylums, etc. One-mile assessment pikes... Organization, annual, of board; president; vacancy. Report, annual; investigation and publication; prosecutions and pen alties Restrictions as to contracts, expenditures, etc. Sheep claims, duty as to... Sheriff's allowance for keeping and feeding prisoners, etc. Turnpike, compensation and damages on account of location and con- COUNTY DITCH-(See Drainage.) Bonds and tax for.... COUNTY OFFICER-(See Various Officers.) COUNTY INFIRMARY-(See Infirmary; Infirmary Directors.) 6, 7, 342, 343 211 267 268 Certificate of election and commission... COUNTY RECORDER Bond, misconduct for which liable to suit on... Indexes, alphabetical; file number in lieu of volume and page. Register, daily, of deeds and mortgages.. Torrens' system of land transfers... 196, 334 267, 268 268 220-262 |