THE GLORY OF CHRIST'S VISIBLE KINGDOM . IN THIS WORLD, Afferted, proved, and explained, in its two-fold Branches; Firft Spiritual, Secondly Perfonal: FROM Above one hundred Texts out of the Old and New By JOSEPH PERRY, an unworthy Servant Dan. vii. 27. And the Kingdom and the Dominion, and the NORTHAMPTON: Printed by R. Raikes and W. Dicey, for the Author, 1721. Y Reason of my being often abfent, and not that Care taken as there ought to have been at the Press, these following Faults have efcaped; befides the Mifplacing of fome Points, which the patient Reader is defired to cover with the Mantle of Chriftian Love, the other to correct as followeth: Page 84. 1. 1. for Rev, 2. read Rev. 11. P. 87. l. 11. for him r. tbem. P. 94. 1. 27. for clearing 1. cleaning, P. 108. 1. 21. for Ephefians r. Epiftle. P.135.1. 6. for brood r. proud. P.135. 1.14. for Seventhly r. Sixthly. P. 135. 1. 22. for finishing r. fmiting. P. 139. 1. 29. for Face r. View, not only in this but feveral other Pages upon the like Occafion. P. 156. 1. 27. for Property r. Propriety. P. 165. 1. 10. for Souls r. Sons, P. 218. 1. 9. for Sixthly t. Fifthly. P. 221. 1. 4. for Chrift r. after Chrift's Coming. P. 229. 1. 23. for Earneft r. Harvest. P. 308. 1. 9. for Childr. Child of God. P. 303. 1. 7. for conceffed T. couched. P. 313. 1. 27. for fecret r. facred. P. 335. 1. 24. for colud r. could. P. 372. 1. 22. for be prevented r. we shall not prevent ibem. P. 402. 1. 6. for happier r. happy. P. 422. 1. 9. for detain r. deceive. P. 495. 1. 17. for paeached r. preached. P. 501. 1. 30. for knewn 5. known. P. 546. 1. 21. for first x. fifth. THE EPISTLE I TO THE READER. Courteous Reader, 0 T is recorded in Honour to the Noble Bereans, more than thofe of Theffalonia, in that they received the Word of God with all Readinefs of Mind, and fearched the Scriptures daily, whether thofe Things were fo. Certainly this Honour becometh all the Saints, whofe Duty it is to read and fearch, the Scriptures, and not with Indifferency pass by any Part of God's Word, efpecially (next to our Salvation) that great Doctrine of the Coming and Kingdom of Chrift. Doth our Lord. fay, in Rev. i. 3. (for the Encouragement of his People) Bleffed is be that readeth, and they that hear the Words of this Prophecy, and keep thofe Things which are written therein; for the Time is at band? Then furely it evidently appears to be both the Duty and Privilege of the Children of God to hear, to read, and fearch the Prophecy of this Book (bow deep Joever the Myfteries thereof be) wherein the Glory of Chrift's Kingdom is fo confpicuously held forth unto us. Therefore it is (candid Reader) that I have, in thefe infuing Sheets, prefented thee with a fhort Expofition of many Texts of Scriptures out of the Old and New Teftament; which do treat fo much upon that glorious Subject, of the Kingdom of Chrift. The Method which I have ufed, in the Explanation of those Texts, is, (as you may find) Firft, To prove the Certainty, Secondly, The Manner; Thirdly, The Nearness of this bleffed Time: Each one of which does greatly concern all thofe, who love the Lord Jefus Chrift, to be acquainted about. As to the Certainty of fuch a Kingdom to be in this World, I would appeal unto all (who are not bigotted to a contrary Opinion) and do defire them to tell me, whether there be any one Point of Doctrine, which the Holy Scriptures treateth upon more than this glorious Kingdom, And if fo; Why fhould any of the dear Saints call this precious Truth into queftion? Why then fhould it by others be fo much opposed and guarrelled againft? As to the Truth of fuch a glorious State to be in this World, you have here a Cloud of Witneffes bearing Teftimony unto the Reality thereof, as it were on every Side. If the Lord hath recorded nothing in vain, or fuperfluous in his Word (as none without Blafphemy dare fay there is) than the Glory of Chrift's Kingdon, which is founded upon fuch a Multitude of Divine Promifes and Prophe |