The Glory of Christ's Visible Kingdom in this World, Asserted, Proved, and Explained, in Its Two-fold Branches; First Spiritual, Secondly Personal, Etc |
From inside the book
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Page i
... Scriptures , which contain or hold forth the King- dom of Chrift in them : And alfo fhewing the Cer- tainty of its near Approach ( it is to be hoped in this Generation ) from many undeniable Scrip- ture - Signs . By JOSEPH PERRY , an ...
... Scriptures , which contain or hold forth the King- dom of Chrift in them : And alfo fhewing the Cer- tainty of its near Approach ( it is to be hoped in this Generation ) from many undeniable Scrip- ture - Signs . By JOSEPH PERRY , an ...
Page iii
... Scriptures daily , whether thofe Things were fo . Certainly this Honour be- cometh all the Saints , whofe Duty it is to read and fearch , the Scriptures , and not with Indiffer- ency pass by any Part of God's Word , efpecially ( next to ...
... Scriptures daily , whether thofe Things were fo . Certainly this Honour be- cometh all the Saints , whofe Duty it is to read and fearch , the Scriptures , and not with Indiffer- ency pass by any Part of God's Word , efpecially ( next to ...
Page iv
... Scriptures out of the Old and New Teftament ; which do treat fo much upon that glorious Subject , of the Kingdom of Chrift . The Method which I have ufed , in the Expla- nation of those Texts , is , ( as you may find ) Firft , To prove ...
... Scriptures out of the Old and New Teftament ; which do treat fo much upon that glorious Subject , of the Kingdom of Chrift . The Method which I have ufed , in the Expla- nation of those Texts , is , ( as you may find ) Firft , To prove ...
Page v
... Scriptures , when fhall fhine forth ' the Appearance and Kingdom of the Great God , and our Saviour Jefus Chrift . And then , as Da- niel faith , the Saints of the most High fhall take the Kingdom , Chap . vii . 18. And there fhall be a ...
... Scriptures , when fhall fhine forth ' the Appearance and Kingdom of the Great God , and our Saviour Jefus Chrift . And then , as Da- niel faith , the Saints of the most High fhall take the Kingdom , Chap . vii . 18. And there fhall be a ...
Page ix
... Scripture doth call the End of the World by the Names of the Confummation , and Perfection of the Kingdom and Mystery of Chrift , and of the Renunciation of all Things , 2 Pet . iii . 13 . And it feems agreeable to Reason , that Corrup ...
... Scripture doth call the End of the World by the Names of the Confummation , and Perfection of the Kingdom and Mystery of Chrift , and of the Renunciation of all Things , 2 Pet . iii . 13 . And it feems agreeable to Reason , that Corrup ...
Common terms and phrases
alfo Angels Antichrift Apoftle appear arife Beaft becauſe Befides bleffed caft caufe Children Children of God Chrift fhall Chrift's Kingdom Church Confideration Converfion Dead defire deftroyed Deftruction doth Earth Eternal expreffed faid faith fall fame Father fecond feen felf felves ferve feven fhall reign fhew fhould fignified fince firft flain fome Fourthly fpeaking fpiritual fpoke ftand fuch fulfilled Gentiles glorious Gofpel Gog and Magog Grace hath Heaven Holy Ifrael Jerufalem Jews judge Judgment King Kingdom of Chrift live Lord Jefus Chrift Love Manifeftation moft muft muſt Myfteries Nations Number obferve perfonal Coming Perfonal Reign Place Poffeffion Power prefent Promife Prophecy Reafon refpect reft Refurrection reign with Chrift rife Saints fhall Scripture Secondly Senfe ſhall Souls Spirit Spiritual Glory Text thee thefe Things thefe Words ther theſe Thirdly thofe thoſe thou thouſand Throne underſtand unto Verfe Verſe vifible whofe Wicked wonderful World Zion