The Glory of Christ's Visible Kingdom in this World, Asserted, Proved, and Explained, in Its Two-fold Branches; First Spiritual, Secondly Personal, Etc |
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Page 21
... People of God them- felves , fuch a Work that now is not only out of the Reach of their Faith , but out of the Reach of their Apprehenfions . Well , Well , then it is , That the Light of CHRIST's Vifible Kingdom . 21.
... People of God them- felves , fuch a Work that now is not only out of the Reach of their Faith , but out of the Reach of their Apprehenfions . Well , Well , then it is , That the Light of CHRIST's Vifible Kingdom . 21.
Page 26
... felves : All these Breaches the Lord will heal in that Day , fo as that no Breach will be found in Chrift's Kingdom . Sin is the Caufe of all thofe Wounds that are in our felves , or in one another : Thefe Wounds fhall be all healed ...
... felves : All these Breaches the Lord will heal in that Day , fo as that no Breach will be found in Chrift's Kingdom . Sin is the Caufe of all thofe Wounds that are in our felves , or in one another : Thefe Wounds fhall be all healed ...
Page 138
... felves from Idols . All thefe Idols fhall be utterly abolished in that Day , when theLord alone fhall be exalted , Ifa . ii . 17. And then it is , when this Kingdom fhall be put into the Hands of Chrift and the Saints , or when this ...
... felves from Idols . All thefe Idols fhall be utterly abolished in that Day , when theLord alone fhall be exalted , Ifa . ii . 17. And then it is , when this Kingdom fhall be put into the Hands of Chrift and the Saints , or when this ...
Page 176
... felves alfo , which have the First Fruits of the Spirit , even we our felves groan within our felves , waiting for the Adoption , to wit the Redemption of our Bodies . Is there a Groaning and a Travelling with Pain for to be delivered ...
... felves alfo , which have the First Fruits of the Spirit , even we our felves groan within our felves , waiting for the Adoption , to wit the Redemption of our Bodies . Is there a Groaning and a Travelling with Pain for to be delivered ...
Page 177
... felves groan within our felves . Oh who can tell the inward Groanings that are and have been in the Saints , in all Ages of the World , and will be , un- til this Time comes . What Travellings , Strug- lings , Longings , and Defires ...
... felves groan within our felves . Oh who can tell the inward Groanings that are and have been in the Saints , in all Ages of the World , and will be , un- til this Time comes . What Travellings , Strug- lings , Longings , and Defires ...
Common terms and phrases
alfo Angels Antichrift Apoftle appear arife Beaft becauſe Befides bleffed caft caufe Children Children of God Chrift fhall Chrift's Kingdom Church Confideration Converfion Dead defire deftroyed Deftruction doth Earth Eternal expreffed faid faith fall fame Father fecond feen felf felves ferve feven fhall reign fhew fhould fignified fince firft flain fome Fourthly fpeaking fpiritual fpoke ftand fuch fulfilled Gentiles glorious Gofpel Gog and Magog Grace hath Heaven Holy Ifrael Jerufalem Jews judge Judgment King Kingdom of Chrift live Lord Jefus Chrift Love Manifeftation moft muft muſt Myfteries Nations Number obferve perfonal Coming Perfonal Reign Place Poffeffion Power prefent Promife Prophecy Reafon refpect reft Refurrection reign with Chrift rife Saints fhall Scripture Secondly Senfe ſhall Souls Spirit Spiritual Glory Text thee thefe Things thefe Words ther theſe Thirdly thofe thoſe thou thouſand Throne underſtand unto Verfe Verſe vifible whofe Wicked wonderful World Zion