from such real estate, shall be devoted exclusively to the SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap. 42. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE GERMANIA RIFLE ASSOCIATION IN Corporators. Name and pur pose. THE TOWN OF ARLINGTON. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. Henry Traiser, John Menzel, Julius Elson, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Germania Rifle Association, in the town of Arlington, for the purpose of rifle practice Powers and du- and improvement in the use of fire arms; with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabil ities and restrictions set forth in all general laws which now are or hereafter may be in force relating to such corporations. ties. Real and personal estate. SECTION 2. Said corporation may, for the purposes aforesaid, hold real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap. 43. AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF THE HOSPITAL Office of inspec tor abolished. Duties, how to AT RAINSFORD ISLAND. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The office of inspector of the hospital at Rainsford Island is hereby abolished. SECTION 2. The duties assigned to said inspector shall be performed. hereafter be performed under the direction of the board of state charities, by such officer or officers as they may designate. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 26, 1869. Chap. 44. Corporators. pose. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. SECTION 1. Chandler Robbins, George H. Kuhn, Nathaniel H. Emmons, their associates and successors, are made a corName and pur- poration by the name of "The Children's Hospital," for the purpose of establishing and maintaining, in the city of Boston, a hospital for the care, treatment and cure of disPowers and du- eased or maimed children; with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions set forth in all general laws which now are or may hereafter be in force and applicable to such corporations. ties. and personal SECTION 2. Said corporation shall have power to hold real $150,000 in real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding one hundred estate. and fifty thousand dollars. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 26, 1869. AN ACT MAKING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR CERTAIN EXPENSES Chap. 45. AUTHORIZED IN THE YEAR EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT, AND PREVIOUS YEARS, AND FOR OTHER Purposes. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: authorized. SECTION 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropri- Appropriations ated, to be paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, from the ordinary revenue, except in cases otherwise ordered, for the purposes specified herein, to wit:' LEGISLATIVE. ery, &c. For books, stationery, etc., ordered by the sergeant-at-arms Books, stationfor the legislature, a sum not exceeding one hundred and Res. 1856, 74. seventy-five dollars. remodelling For compensation and expenses of the legislative commit- Committee on tee appointed under chapter sixty-seven of the resolves of state house. eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, concerning the remodelling of the state house, a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty-six dollars and sixty cents. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. governor and For the mileage and compensation of the lieutenant-gov- Mileage, lieut. ernor and council, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty- council. eight, a sum not exceeding four hundred and five dollars. Res. 1868, 65. COMMISSIONERS, ETC. sioner, clerks. For clerical assistance employed by the tax commissioner, Tax commisa sum not exceeding three hundred and thirty-two dollars; and for contingent and incidental expenses of the tax com- Contingent exmissioner, a sum not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars and 1865, 283. forty-six cents. missioner, con For contingent and incidental expenses of the insurance Insurance comcommissioner, a sum not exceeding two hundred twenty- tingent expenseven dollars and forty-two cents. ses. 1866, 255. on harbors and flats. For the compensation and expenses of the commissioners Commissioners on harbors and flats, a sum not exceeding five hundred and forty-two dollars. STATE PRINTING. 1862, 88. vertebrate Ani For the republication of Gould's Report on the Inverte- Report on Inbrate Animals of Massachusetts, a sum not exceeding one mals. hundred and ninety-six dollars. Res. 1867, 32. Soldiers' record. Res. 1866, 98. Shareholders in national banks. 1867, 188. For the publication of the Record of Massachusetts soldiers, a sum not exceeding eleven thousand dollars. For the publication of the report of shareholders in national banks, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, a sum not exceeding ten dollars. Board of agriculture, ex penses. G. S. 16. Census statis tics 1865, 69. Weights, measures and bal ances. Electoral college. G. S. 9. Commissioner on soldiers' na MISCELLANEOUS. For personal expenses of members of the board of agricul ture, a sum not exceeding twenty-one dollars and fifty-three cents; and for incidental expenses of said board, a sum not exceeding twenty-eight dollars and five cents. For the collection of census statistics for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty-six dollars. For expenses incurred on account of the standard weights, measures and balances belonging to the Commonwealth, a sum not exceeding eleven dollars and fifty cents, which shall be allowed and paid. For compensation and expenses of the electoral college for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars. For expenses of the state commissioner on the soldiers' tional cemete- national cemeteries at Gettysburg and Antietam, a sum not exceeding fifteen dollars and seventy-five cents, which shall be allowed and paid. ries. Essex bridge, Charles River and Warren bridges. 1864, 257. Henry Vose. Mass. and R. I. boundary. Sundries. For repairs on the Essex bridge in eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, a sum not exceeding three hundred sixty-six dollars and eighty-five cents, payable from the Essex bridge fund. For expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Charles River and Warren bridges for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, a sum not exceeding nine hundred sixty-one dollars and two cents, payable from the Charles River and Warren bridge fund. In the resolve, chapter two of the present year, in favor of the family of the late Henry Vose, the sum of one thousand dollars. For expenses incurred in connection with the establishment of the boundary line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island, a sum not exceeding eighty-three dollars and forty cents, which shall be allowed and paid. For sundry small items of expenditure due and unpaid in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight and previous years, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. CHARITABLE. pers by towns. For the support of paupers by cities and towns for eighteen Support of pauhundred and sixty-seven and previous years, a sum not G. s. 71; 1866, exceeding ten thousand dollars. 234. paupers. For the burial of state paupers in eighteen hundred and Burial of state sixty-seven and previous years, a sum not exceeding three G. S. 70; 1867, thousand dollars. 70. paupers. For the support of lunatic state paupers in eighteen hun- Lunatic state dred and sixty-eight and previous years, a sum not exceeding G. S. 73; 1864, six thousand dollars. 288. quests. For coroners' accounts for eighteen hundred and sixty- Coroners' ineight and previous years, a sum not exceeding three hundred &S. 157, 175. dollars. almshouse, cur For the current expenses of the state almshouse at Tewks- Tewksbury bury, a sum not exceeding three hundred ninety-five dollars rent expenses. and fifteen cents. REFORMATORY AND CORRECTIONAL. G. S. 71. 1865, 249. For contingent and incidental expenses of the state police State police. for eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, a sum not exceeding one thousand three hundred and four dollars and ninety cents. 1865, 303. For current expenses of the state prison, a sum not exceed- State prison. ing three thousand twenty-three dollars and ninety-eight cents. for boys. For the current expenses of the reform school for boys, a Reform school sum not exceeding two thousand sixty-three dollars and G. S. 76. forty-five cents. school ship. For the current expenses of the Massachusetts nautical Nautical school. school, a sum not exceeding one hundred twenty-four dollars and fifty-one cents; and for expenses incurred in the con- Repairs on struction of new decks and other repairs for the school ship G. S. 76. "Massachusetts," a sum not exceeding two thousand four hundred fifty-seven dollars and twenty cents. school for girls. For the current expenses of the industrial school for girls, Industrial a sum not exceeding one thousand two hundred eighty-nine G. S. 75. dollars and seventy-four cents. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 27, 1869. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CHELSEA GAS LIGHT COMPANY TO Chap. 46. INCREASE ITS CAPITAL STOCK. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: SECTION 1. The Chelsea Gas Light Company is hereby $50,000 addiauthorized to add to its capital stock the sum of fifty thou- tional capital sand dollars: provided, that the whole capital stock of said Provisos. stock. corporation shall not exceed two hundred thousand dollars; SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. WATER COMPANY. Chap. 47. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO THE ACTS IN AID OF the north Adams Be it enacted, &c., as follows: Adams may issue additional water scrip. Principal and and how paid. interest, when SECTION 1. The town of Adams is hereby authorized to issue, from time to time, notes, scrip or certificates of debt, to be denominated on the face thereof "North Adams Water Scrip," in addition to the amounts now authorized by law, an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, and bearing interest not exceeding the legal rate of interest in this Commonwealth. Said interest shall be payable semi-annually, and the principal shall be payable at periods not more than twenty years from the issue of said notes, scrip or To be signed by certificates, respectively. All notes, scrip and certificates town treasurer of debt issued as aforesaid, shall be signed by the treasurer signed by chair of said town, and countersigned by the chairman of the selectmen, and a record of all such scrip and certificates May be loaned shall be made and kept by the said treasurer. The town of to North Adams Adams may loan said notes, scrip or certificates to the "North Adams Water Company," upon such terms and conditions as may be by said town prescribed; and the said water company may sell the same or any part thereof from time to time, or pledge the same for money borrowed for the purpose aforesaid, at such rates and upon such terms as said company shall deem proper.. and counter man of selectmen. Water Co. Town may tax fire district of North Adams for principal and interest. Meeting of vot ers of North Adams to be called within six months. Act to be accepted by two thirds vote of SECTION 2. The town of Adams is hereby authorized to assess and collect upon the estates, real and personal, in the fire district of North Adams, all taxes necessary to pay the principal and interest of the notes, scrip and certificates issued and loaned as aforesaid. SECTION 3. A meeting of the legal voters of said fire district shall be called within six months after the passage of this act, for the purpose of having said voters give in their written votes on the question whether they will accept this act; and if two-thirds of said votes shall be in the affirmative, then the selectmen of the town of Adams shall warn a meeting of the voters of said town within three be called within months therefrom, for the purpose of having said voters three months. give in their written votes upon the question whether they district. ers of Adams to |