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welfare and mental culture of young men; with all the Powers and du
powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities
and restrictions set forth in all general laws which now are
or may hereafter be in force relating to such corporations.
SECTION 2. Said corporation may hold real and personal Real and per-
estate, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars in value, for the
purposes aforesaid.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Approved May 1, 1869.


Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

sonal estate.

Chap. 225

SECTION 1. John Davis, Lyman Sawin, Charles H. Osgood, Corporators. their associates and successors, are hereby made a corpora

tion, to be located in the town of Ashby, by the name of the Name and purAshby Reservoir Company, for the purpose of constructing pose. and maintaining a reservoir or reservoirs of water, in Willard Brook, so called, in the town of Ashby, for the supply of the mills now or hereafter to be situated on said stream:

provided, however, that all reservoirs hereafter constructed Proviso. shall be located between the existing reservoir and the mills


of the above named corporators; with all the powers and Powers and duprivileges, and subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws which now are or may hereafter be in force relating to such corporations.

sonal estate.

SECTION 2. Said corporation may hold real and personal Real and perestate necessary and convenient for the purposes aforesaid; but its whole capital stock shall not exceed fifteen thousand Capital stock dollars, which shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved May 1, 1869.

and shares.


Be it enacted, &c., as follows:


Time for location and con

struction ex

SECTION 1. The time for locating and constructing the North
Attleborough Branch Railroad is hereby extended to the first
day of May, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two. tended.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Approved May 1, 1869.

Be it enacted, &c., as follows:
SECTION 1. The time for locating and constructing the
Wrentham Branch Railroad is hereby extended to the first
day of May, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved May 1, 1869.

Chap. 227

Time for locastruction ex

tion and con



Special meetings of proprie


Trustees may be removed by a two-thirds vote.


Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

SECTION 1. Special meetings of the proprietors of Forest Hills Cemetery shall be called by the trustees, whenever fifty proprietors of lots shall, in writing, request the trustees so to do. Such request shall state specifically the objects of the meeting, and such objects shall be stated in the notices of the meeting, which shall be given by the trustees in the manner provided in section six of the act incorporating said proprietors.

SECTION 2. Any trustee of said corporation may be removed from his office, at any meeting of the proprietors called for that purpose, by a vote of two-thirds of the proprietors present or represented and voting at such meeting, but such two-thirds shall be not less than two hundred and fifty votes ; and before such vote is taken any such trustee shall have an opportunity to be heard, and to make any statements in his own defence. Approved May 1, 1869.


Deed confirmed.


Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

The deed of the Somerville Iron Company to William R. Bradford, bearing date the thirty-first day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, and recorded with Middlesex South District deeds, book eight hundred and thirty-six, at page one hundred and forty, is hereby confirmed and made valid to the same extent as said decd would have been valid had the same been duly acknowledged as the free act and deed of said company. Approved May 1, 1869.

Chap. 230 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE ROWE STREET BAPTIST Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

Name changed to Clarendon



SECTION 1. The Rowe Street Baptist Society in Boston, Street Baptist incorporated the twenty-first day of February, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four, under the name of The Federal Street Baptist Society, which name was changed to The Rowe Street Baptist Society by act approved on the seventh day of April, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-seven, shall be known and called by the name of The Clarendon Street Baptist Society, and as such shall hold and possess all the property and be entitled to all the rights and privileges and subject to all the liabilities of said Rowe Street Baptist Society.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Approved May 1, 1869.

AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE "HEYWOOD RATTAN COMPANY." Chap. 231 Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

SECTION 1. Levi Heywood, Calvin Heywood, Charles Corporators. Heywood, their associates and successors, are hereby made

a corporation by the name of the Heywood Rattan Company, Name and pur. for the purpose of manufacturing rattan goods, in the town pose,


of Gardner; with all the powers and privileges, and subject Powers and duto all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws which now are or may hereafter be in force relating to manufacturing corporations.

and shares.

SECTION 2. Said corporation may hold, for the purposes Real estate. aforesaid, real estate to the amount of twenty thousand dollars; and the whole capital stock shall not exceed two Capital stock hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each: provided, however, that said corpora- Proviso. tion shall not go into operation or incur any liability until the sum of one hundred thousand dollars of its capital shall have been paid in in cash.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Approved May 1, 1869.


Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

Chap. 232

SECTION 1. Albion K. P. Welch and Marshal T. Bigelow, Corporators. both of Cambridge, copartners under the firm name of Welch, Bigelow and Company; James T. Fields, James R. Osgood and John S. Clark, all of Boston, copartners under the firm name of Fields, Osgood and Company, and the Reversible Collar Company, a corporation by law established in this Commonwealth, the owners of a line of electric telegraph, heretofore by them erected, between and connecting the place of business of the said Welch, Bigelow and Company in Cambridge, and the place of business of the said Fields, Osgood and Company in Boston, and between and connecting the places of business of the said Reversible Collar Company in Boston and in Cambridge, are hereby authorized to maintain and May maintain use the said line of electric telegraph, for their private busi- telegraph line. ness purposes, with such number of wires as may be necessary or convenient therefor.

and use private

mayor and

Boston where

posts are loca ted, height, &c.,

SECTION 2. The said Welch, Bigelow, Fields, Osgood and To inform Clark, and the said Reversible Collar Company, shall, within aldermen of sixty days after the passage of this act, furnish the mayor and aldermen of the city of Boston with a writing, specifying where the posts are located, and the height at which and the places where the wires are run, of that part of the said line.

of wires.

To furnish

Cambridge with similar information.

Mayors and aldermen of Bos

ton and Cambridge may regulate erec tion of posts, wires, &c.

Owner of land near highway may apply to mayor and aldermen for



and payment of damages.

located within the said city; and they shall, within said sixty days, furnish the mayor and aldermen of the city of Cambridge with a like writing containing the same specifications as to that part of said line located within the said city. Such specifications shall be recorded in the records of the said cities, respectively.

SECTION 3. The mayor and aldermen of the city of Boston, having first given the owners of the said line an opportunity to be heard, may direct any alteration in the location or erection of the posts, piers or abutments, and in the height of the wires, or the removal of the same from the public streets, within the said city; and the mayor and aldermen of the city of Cambridge shall have like power over and as to that part of the said line located within the said city of Cambridge. Such decision shall be recorded in the records of the city within which such alteration is directed to be made.

SECTION 4. An owner of land near to or adjoining any highway or road along which said line is constructed, who considers himself injured thereby, may, within nine months assessment of after the passage of this act, apply to the mayor and aldermen of the city within which his land lies, to assess and appraise his damage. Before entering upon the service, the mayor and aldermen shall severally be sworn faithfully and impartially to perform the duties required of them by this section. They shall, on view, after giving an opportunity to the applicant and to the owners of said line to be heard, make a just appraisal in writing of the loss or damage, if any, to the applicant; sign duplicates thereof, and on demand deliver one copy to the applicant and the other to the owners, or either of them, of the said line. If damages are assessed, the owners of the said line shall pay the same with the costs of the appraisers. If the appraisers award that the applicant has suffered no damage, he shall pay the costs of the appraisers. Compensation The mayor and aldermen shall each receive for services performed, under this section, two dollars a day.

of mayor and aldermen.

Parties aggrieved may

assessed by a


SECTION 5. Any person aggrieved by the assessment of have damages his damages may have the matter determined by a jury, and the proceedings shall be according to the provisions of section seventy-three of chapter forty-three of the General Statutes, concerning town ways and private ways. If the jury increase the damages, the same and all charges shall be paid by the owners of the said line; otherwise the charges shall be paid by the applicant.


Damages by

posts, wires,

SECTION 6. When an injury is done to a person or to &c., how recov- property by the posts, wires, or other apparatus of the said line, the owners thereof shall be responsible in damages to

ered and by

whom to be


the party injured, and all damages and costs recovered against either the city of Boston or the city of Cambridge, on account of such injury, shall be re-imbursed to such city by the owners of said line.

not to obtain


SECTION 7. No enjoyment by the owners of said line for Owners of line any length of time of the privilege of having or maintaining easements pertelegraph posts, wires or apparatus, in, upon, over, or attached to, any buildings or lands of other persons, shall give a legal right to the continued enjoyment of such easement, or raise any presumption of a grant thereof. SECTION 8. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 1, 1869.


Chap. 233

Adams may tax

fire district of

North Adams for principal

and interest of

Be it enacted, &c., as follows:
SECTION 1. The town of North Adams is hereby author- Town of North
ized to assess and collect upon the estates, real and personal,
in the fire district of North Adams, all taxes necessary to
pay the principal and interest of the notes, scrip and certifi-
cates issued and loaned under the authority of chapter one
hundred and ninety-one of the acts of the year eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, and chapter fifty-four of the acts of
the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Approved May 1, 1869.

Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

water debt.

Chap. 234

SECTION 1. Alberto Pagenstecker, Edwin Bulkley, Alvah Corporators. Crocker, their associates and successors, are hereby made a

corporation by the name of the Turner's Falls Pulp Com- Name and purpany, for the purpose of manufacturing paper pulp from pose.


wood and other fibrous substances at Turner's Falls in the town of Montague; with all the powers and privileges, and Powers and dusubject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws which now are, or may hereafter be in force in this Commonwealth applicable to such corporations.

SECTION 2. Said corporation may hold real estate to the Real estate. amount of one hundred thousand dollars, and the whole Capital stock capital stock of said corporation shall not exceed three hun- and shares. dred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each: provided, however, that said corporation shall Proviso. not incur any liability or go into operation until fifty thousand dollars shall have been paid in in cash.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Approved May 6, 1869.

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