Academy, Abbot Female, in Andover, number of trustees, Acts and Resolves of 1869, extra number to be printed, Actuarial Service in Insurance Department, compensation for, Adams, Town of, may hold certain railroad stock, Adjutant-General to be acting Quartermaster-General, 66 Administrators asking to sell real estate, oath of, Adoption of Children, concerning, Adulterated Commercial Fertilizers, manufacture and sale,. Aged Females, Home for, in Worcester, incorporated, 66 Albert Field Tack Company, in Taunton, incorporated, Alewife Fishery, regulated, Alger, Susan E., allowed state aid, Alien Passengers, General Statutes relating to, amended, Almon, David, Town of Newton may compensate, for injuries, Almshouse, State, at Bridgewater, in favor, Page. 817 436 470 635 406 812 819 749 559 516 430 827 542 523 659 703 526 448 493 594 585 477 547 762 804 418 481 466 807 669 681 798 585 478 803 in, Amesbury, Town of, may hold certain railroad stocks, . Amesbury Railroad Company, incorporated: Town may hold stock Amesbury and Salisbury Academy, incorporated, Amherst, Town of, may hold certain railroad stock, . Amherst Branch Railroad Company, location and construction, 514, 628 514 470 591 505 691 806 750 Apprenticeship of minors from state institutions, indentures of, 620 Maintenance of Government,— Supreme Judicial, Superior, Probate and Insolvency, Muni- 395 Legislative, Executive, Secretary's, Treasurer's, and Tax- Maintenance of Government, further additional,— Expenses authorized in 1868 and previous years, etc.: Legisla- From Funds and Incomes, viz.: Charles River and Warren for Expenses of current year, viz.: State Almshouses, Hospi- for Expenses of current year, From Moiety of Income of School Fund applicable to Educa- For maintenance of State Police, 400 419 427 432 413 782, 784 456 623 APPROPRIATIONS-Continued. Doorkeepers, Messengers and Pages of Legislature, pay of, Page. 784 802 66 66 Arlington, Town of, Sewers and Drains in, Arms, issue of, to English High and Latin Schools in Boston, Ashby Reservoir Company, incorporated, Ashton, John, trustees under will of, may sell estate, 66 . Assessors of Taxes, penalty for making false returns to, Assistant City Clerks, appointment provided for, Assistant-Clerks of Legislature, pay of, ASSOCIATIONS: Belchertown Cemetery, established, Boston Provident, estate of, etc., Boston Skating Rink, may hold additional real estate, 624 805 551 797 814 .507, 664 753 526, 754 754 454 821 460 633 758 604 546 550 458 426 640 610 599 Mercantile Library, of Boston, may hold additional estate, Associations, literary, benevolent and scientific, relating to, Asylum for the Blind, Massachusetts, in favor, Atlantic Avenue, Boston, to prevent nuisance in docks inclosed by, 66 to report concerning Cross Dam in Boston, Auditing of legislative expenses, provided for, B. Page. 518 705 667 737 816 622 556 Back Bay, lands on, temporary occupation of, allowed, Ball, Joshua D., administrator, certain deed of, confirmed, BANKS: Barre Savings, incorporated, Blackstone, of Uxbridge, charter revived for certain purposes, Easthampton Savings, incorporated, Grafton Savings, incorporated, Great Barrington Savings, incorporated, Greenfield Savings, incorporated, Groveland Savings, incorporated, Hampshire Savings, in Northampton, incorporated, Home Savings, in Boston, incorporated, 550 550 Haydenville Savings, in Williamsburg, incorporated,. Hudson Savings, incorporated, 459 459 425 Mercantile Savings Institution in Boston, real estate, Seamen's Savings, in Provincetown, may hold real estate, Union Institution for Savings, Boston, may hold real estate, Weymouth and Braintree Institution for Savings, estate of, 459 |