ACTS AND RESOLVES PASSED BY THE General Court of Massachusetts, IN THE YEAR 1869 TOGETHER WITH THE MESSAGES OF THE GOVERNOR, A LIST OF The General Court of 1869 assembled on Wednesday, the sixth day of January. The oaths of office required by the Constitution to be administered to the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor elect, were taken and subscribed by His Excellency WILLIAM CLAFLIN and His Honor JOSEPH TUCKER, on Saturday, the ninth day of January, in the presence of the two Houses assembled in convention. ACTS, GENERAL AND SPECIAL. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE COUNTY SEAT Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court SECTION 1. The provisions of chapter three hundred and twenty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled An Act to establish the county seat of the county of Berkshire at Pittsfield, and for other purposes, is so far amended that the jail and house of correction for said county shall remain and be at Lenox, in said county, until a jail and house of correction shall be provided at Pittsfield. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap. 1. Jail and house of correction to be at Lenox un til provided at Pittsfield. AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE Chap. 2. GOVERNMENT DURING THE PRESENT YEAR. Be it enacted, &c., as follows: authorized. SECTION 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appro- Appropriations priated, to be paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, from the ordinary revenue, for the purposes specified, to meet expenses for the year ending on the thirty-first day of December, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, to wit: SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. For the salary of the clerk of the supreme judicial court S. J. Court, for the Commonwealth, three thousand dollars. clerk. For the salary of the assistant-clerk of said court, one Assistant-clerk. thousand five hundred dollars. G. S. 121. For the salary of the reporter of decisions of the supreme Reporter. judicial court, three hundred dollars. G. S. 121. For the expenses of said court, a sum not exceeding one Expenses. thousand five hundred dollars. G. S. 121. |