POLITICAL REGISTER. VOL. XXVI. FROM JULY TO DECEMBER, 1814. London: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY G. HOUSTON, No. 192, STRAND. 1814. .... Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot Sir Wm. Grant...... Sir Wm. Garrow. Sir R. Dallas Lord President of the Council. Lord High Chancellor. Lord Privy Seal. President of the Board of Trade. First Lord of the Treasury (Prime Minister). SChancellor and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Master General of the Ordnance. Secretary of State for the Home Department. SPresident of the Board of Control for the NOT OF THE CABINET. Vice President of the Board of Trade, and Secretary at War. PERSONS OF THE MINISTRY Of Ireland, Lord Whitworth ........... Right Hon. Robt. Peele Lord Lieutenant. Lord High Chancellor. Ghief Secretary. Chancellor of the Exchequer. GIFT OF Bancroft Bancroft Library CONTENTS OF VOL. XXVI. Kirkcaldy Address, 569, Desperate Naval Engagement, 692. POETRY, American War, 78, 321, 359, 392, 417, 449, 545, War in Disguise, 315, $77, 660, 673. To the Prince Regent, on the American War, 609. Letter A. to a Correspondent in America, on the A Friend to Sincerity, respecting Mr. Wilberforce, J. Brown, respecting Lord Cochrane, 76. on the National Debt, 446, 475, 526. on the State of the Nation, 650. G. K. on America, 110. Benevolus on Capital Punishments, 245, 264. on the Rise of the Jesuits, 911. A Detester of Tyranny, on Lord Cochrane, 337 Veritas, on the American War, 399. Letter 1. to the Earl of Liverpool on the American Nauticus, on the American Navy, 408. |