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Scott. 121

Cotton. 401

†Drummond. 122

Mrs. Barbauld.


Cowper. 123

Mrs. Steele. 124 Edinburgh Coll. 125

ABSURD and vain attempt to bind
Affliction is a stormy deep
Affliction's faded form draws nigh
Again the Lord of life and light
A glory gilds the sacred page
Ah! wretched souls who still remain
All nature dies, and lives again
All nature feels attractive power
All powerful, self-existent God
All seeing God! 'tis thine to know
Almighty Father! gracious Lord
Almighty God! thy powerful word

Drennan. 126 Walker's Coll. 127 Scott. 128

Mrs. Steele. 402

Exeter Coll.


Watts. 3

Almighty Maker, God

Almighty Maker, Lord of all

Select Coll. 131

Almighty! listen while we raise

[blocks in formation]

Amidst a world of hopes and fears

Rev. H. Moore. 130

And is the gospel peace and love

Mrs. Steele. 132

And now my soul another year Liverpool Old Coll. 403

And will the great eternal God

Doddridge. 404

Angel, roll the rock away

Scott. 133

Another fleeting day is gone
Another six days work is done
Arise, my soul! extend thy wings
As body when the soul has fled

[blocks in formation]

As the good shepherd gently leads
As the sweet flower which scents
At the portals of thy house
Author of good! we rest on thee
A voice from the desert comes awful
Awake, my soul! and with the sun
Awake, my soul! lift up thine eyes Mrs.
Awake, my soul! rouse every power


Merrick. 136 †Drummond. 137 Bp. Ken. 407 Barbauld. 138 Browne. 139


[blocks in formation]

Behold the Prince of peace

Needham. 144

Behold, where breathing love divine Mrs. Barbauld. 146

Behold, where in a mortal form
Beset with snares on every hand
Be thou exalted, O our God

Enfield. 147

Doddridge. 145

Watts. 11

† Exeter Coll. 148

Watts. 149

Liverpool Coll. 150
Merrick. 12

Blessed are the meek, he said
Blessed be the everlasting God
Blessed hour, when virtuous
Blessed Instructer! from thy ways
Blessed is the man who fears the Lord
Bless, O my soul! the living God
Blow ye the trumpet, blow

Exeter Coll. 151
Watts. 13

Rippon's Coll. 152

Celestial worlds! your Maker's name Williams' Coll.


Can creatures to perfection find

Watts. 153



Come, let us search our ways and


Watts. 154

Come, said Jesus' sacred voice

Mrs. Barbauld. 156

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Eat, drink, in memory of your friend Dublin Coll. 411

Eternal and immortal King
Eternal bliss, and lasting wo
Eternal God! Almighty cause
Eternal God! how frail is man
Eternal God! our humbled souls
Eternal God! thy works of might
Eternal Sire! enthroned on high
Eternal Source of every joy
Eternal Source of life and light
Eternal Source of life and thought


Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss
Far from mortal cares retreating
Far from these scenes of night
Far from the world, O Lord! I flee
Far from thy servants, God of grace
Father adored in worlds above
Father divine! before thy view
Father divine! thy piercing eye
Father in heaven! thy sacred
Father of all! Eternal God

Father of all! whose cares extend
Father of all, whose sovereign will
Father of Jesus! God of love

Father of light! conduct my feet
Father of light! we sing thy name
Father of men! thy care we bless
Father of mercies! in thy word
Father of mercies! God of love
Father of our feeble race
Father of peace, and God of love
Father! to thy kind love we owe
For safety in the evil day

Doddridge. 158
Exeter Coll. 412

Browne. 17

Watts. 159

Doddridge. 413
Jervis. 160

Williams' Coll. 414

Doddridge. 415 Cappe's Select. 18

Doddridge. 19

Salisbury Coll. 161
J. Taylor. 20
Mrs. Steele. 162
Cowper. 163
Doddridge. 164
Pope's Coll. 21
J. Taylor. 165
Doddridge. 416

†Liverpool Coll.

Exeter Coll. 23

Pope. 24

Chs. Wesley. 417
Exeter Coll. 166
Smart. 167

Doddridge. 25
Doddridge. 418
Mrs. Steele. 26
Heginbotham. 168
J. Taylor. 27
†Doddridge. 28
W.C. Bryant 29
Drummond. 419

Frail life of man-how short

Rev. H. Moore. 16

From all that dwell below the skies.

Watts. 3

From Christ, my Lord, shall I †Christian Reformer. 17 From every thought and wish impure Exeter Coll. 17 From north and south, from east and west Butcher. 17

From the table now retiring


Give thanks to God most high
Give to our God immortal praise
Give to the Lord in cheerful songs
Glory be to God on high
Glory to thee, my God! this night
God in his earthly temples lays
God, in the gospel of his Son
God is a spirit just and wise
God moves in a mysterious way
God of eternity! from thee
God of glory! God of love
God of mercy! God of love

Exeter Coll. 42

Watts. 3
Watts. 3

Exeter Coll. 3

J. Taylor. 3 Bp. Ken. 42 Watts. 3 Beddome. 17 Watts. 3 Cowper. 17 Doddridge. 17 Broadmead Coll. 42

J. Taylor. 17

Watts. 42

God of my childhood, and my youth

God of my life, through all its days

Doddridge. 42

God of our lives! thy constant care

God of our lives! our thanks to thee

God of our lives! whose bounteous Dodsley's Poems. 17

God of the changing year! whose arm E. Taylor. 42

Browne. 17

Doddridge. 42

God of the morning! at whose voice

Watts. 17

God reigns; events in order flow

Scott. 18

God, to correct the world

Jervis. 42

[blocks in formation]

Great Author of all nature's frame
Great Cause of all things! Source of
Great First of beings! mighty Lord

Scott. 18

[blocks in formation]

Great Former of this various frame
Great Framer of unnumbered worlds

Doddridge. 18

Dyer. 42

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