| Hymns, English - 1737 - 126 pages
...before his Throne. IV. Pfalm C. 1 ID Efore Jehovah's awful Throne, *-) Ye Nations, bow with facred joy. Know that the Lord is God alone; He can create, and he deftroy. 2 His fovereign Power without our aid Made us of clay and form'd us Men ; And when like wandring... | |
| Congregation of Protestant Dissenters in Liverpool - Unitarian churches - 1763 - 302 pages
...A-crofs the ocean to the fhore. II. Nations, attend before his throne With folemn fear, with chearful joy ; Know that the LORD is GOD alone, He can create and he dellroy. i in. His fov'reign pow'r, without our aid, Made us of clay and form'd us men ; And when like... | |
| Dyer - 1767 - 298 pages
...bids you turn and Live. HYMN XXXIX. PSALM C. BEfore Jebavah'3 awful Throne, Ye Nations bow with facred Joy ! Know that the Lord is God alone, He can Create, and he Deftroy. And when like wand'ring Sheep we ftray'd, He brought us to his Fold again. His fovereign Power,... | |
| Hymns - 1772 - 322 pages
...ocean, to the fhore. 2. Nations 2 Nations attend before his throne, With folemn fear, with facredjoy : Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create, and he deftroy. 3 His fov'reign pow'r without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men : And when, like... | |
| Collection - 1774 - 422 pages
...profeffion, This fhall fhew- your love to him. HYMN 178. P.SALMC. awful throne, Ye nations, bow with facred joy ; Know that the LORD is GOD alone, He can create, and he deftroy. 2 His fov'reign pow'r, without our. aid, Made us of clay, and fdrm'd us men ! And when likewand'ring... | |
| Richard De Courcy - 1775 - 184 pages
...can ne'er be told. HYMN LXV. PSALM C. I. BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with facred joy, Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he dcftroy. II. His fov'reign povc'r, without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men ; And when like... | |
| Choice collection - 1776 - 566 pages
...everlafting praife ! H -YMN CCCXIII. LM » T> EFORE JeAcwi&'s awful throne, -D Ye nations bow with facred joy, Know that the Lord is God alone ! He can create, and he deftroy. 2 His fov'reign pow'r, without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men ; And when like... | |
| Hymns, English - 1776 - 428 pages
...our eternal home ! CCCIX. Pfalm c, EFORE JEHOVAH'S awfull throne, Ye nations, bow with facred joy t . Know, that the LORD is GOD alone; He can create, and He deftroy. 2 His fov'rejgn pow'r, without our aid^ Made us of clay,, and form'd us Men : And, when like... | |
| Collection - 1779 - 200 pages
...Gad fovereign and gracioui. Denmark, 4 LM BEFORE JEHOVAH's awful thron* Ye nations bow with facred joy ; Know that the LORD is GOD alone, He can create and he deftroy. ' His fov'reign power without our aid .'.lade us of clay, and fotm'd us men ; And when, like... | |
| David Simpson - 1780 - 628 pages
......•'• "."'••' " '."• ; HYMN' I T>EFORE Jehovah's awful Throne, •^ Ye IS ations, bow with iacred Joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he deftroy. • : 1 His fov'r. ign Pow'r, without our Aid, Made us of Clay, and form'd us Men ! And when... | |
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