
Front Cover
Blackwell & Berry, 1929 - Law


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Page 364 - of the remaining portions of this Act. The legislature hereby declares that it would have passed the Act, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase and requirement thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections. subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or requirements be declared unconstitutional.
Page 604 - 1. No county having a population of less than 500,000 and no city, township, school district or other municipal corporation having a population of less than 300,000, shall become indebted in any manner or for any purpose, to an amount, including existing indebtedness, in the aggregate exceeding two and one-half
Page 805 - of agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges In the several states, receiving the benefits of the Act entitled, 'An Act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may pro-vide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts' approved July 2, 1862, and of all Acts supplementary thereto,
Page 605 - county having a population of less than 500,000 and no city, township, school district or other municipal corporation having a population of less than 300,000 shall become indebted in any manner or for any purpose, to an amount, including existing indebtedness, in the aggregate exceeding two and one-half (2^)
Page xiii - An Act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public lands to the more perfect endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, established under the provisions of an Act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862," and the money granted by an Act of Congress, approved March 4,
Page 668 - is running at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper having regard to the traffic and use of the way or so as to endanger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. If the rate of speed of any such motor vehicle
Page 175 - association and will not knowingly violate or willingly permit to be violated any of the provisions of this Act; and that he is the owner in good faith and in his own right of the number of shares of stock required by this Act;
Page 668 - upon any public highway in this State at a speed greater than is reasonable and proper having regard to the traffic and the use of the way or so to endanger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. If the rate of speed of any motor vehicle or motor bicycle
Page 256 - amount, including existing indebtedness, in the aggregate to exceed five (5) per centum on the value of the taxable property therein, to be ascertained by the last assessment for the State and county taxes previous to the incurring
Page 355 - Any person who willfully and maliciously sets fire to or burns or causes to be burned or who aids, counsels or procures the burning of any dwelling house, or any kitchen, shop, barn, stable or other outhouse that is a parcel thereof, or belonging to, or adjoining thereto,

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