for support, shall be pensioned. Sec. 14 provides that the widows and children of colored soldiers shall receive the pension, &c., without other evidence of marriage than that the parties had recognized each other as man and wife, and had lived together as such. [June 6, 1866] CHAP. CX.-Military Academy.-Sec. 2 provides that no person who has served in any capacity in the military or naval service of the so-called Confederate States during the late rebellion shall hereafter receive an appointment as a cadet at the Military or Naval Academy. [June 8, 1866.] CHAP. CXIV.-Postal Law.-Provides that prepaid and free letters shall be forwarded at the request of the party addressed from one Post-Office to another without additional charge, and returned dead letters shall be restored to the writers thereof free of charge. Letters bearing indorsement of a request for return to the writers, shall be returned without additional postage charge. Money orders may be issued for any sum not exceeding $50, and the charge for a sum under twenty dollars shall be ten cents; for an order exceeding twenty dollars, twenty-five cents. Money orders shall be valid only within one year after date, and in case of loss of a money order a duplicate may be issued without charge. All railroad companies shall carry without extra charge such printed matter as the Postmaster-General may direct. Any person who shall wilfully injure or destroy any mailable matter in any receiving box, on conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or be imprisoned not more than one year. The Postmaster-General may change the style of postage stamp now in use. [June 12, 1866.] CHAP. CXXII. - Safe Keeping of Public Money.-Provides that disbursing officers of the United States shall deposit the public money with the Treasurer or some Assistant Treasurer of the United States. The depositing of public money elsewhere than as authorized by law, or the lending of any money, is judged an embezzlement of the money, and upon conviction thereof, the offending officer shall be imprisoned not less than one year nor more than ten years, or be fined not more than the amount embezzled, nor less than $1,000, or both. Any banker or any other person who shall receive, knowingly, from any disbursing officer, any public money, by way of loan or accommodation, or otherwise, than in payment of a debt against the United States, shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement of public money, and punished as above provided in this Act. [June 14, 1866.] CHAP. CXXIII.-Settlement of Accounts.— Provides that all moneys raised in the United States for the benefit of refugees or freedmen, received by an officer of the United States, shall be charged against such officer on the books of the Treasury Department, as if such moneys had been drawn from the Treasury of the United States. When accounts are rendered for expenditures for refugees or freedmen which cannot be settled for want of specific appropriations the same may be paid out of the fund for the relief of refugees and freedmen. [June 15, 1866.] CHAP. CXXIV.-Inter-State Communication. -Authorizes every railroad company in the United States, whose road is operated by steam, to carry upon and over its road, boats, bridges, and ferries, all passengers, troops, Government supplies, mails, freight, &c, on their way from any State to another State, and to receive compensation therefor, and to connect with roads of other States so as to form continuous lines for the transportation of the same to the place of destination. [June 15, 1866.] CHAP. CXXVII.-Homestead Law.-Provides that all the public lands in the States of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida, shall be disposed of according to the stipulations of the Homestead Law of May 20, 1862, and the act of March 21, 1864, with this restriction, that until after the expiration of two years after the passage of this act no entry shall be made for more than a half-quarter section, or eighty acres; and in lieu of the sum of $10 required to be paid by the second section of said act, there shall be paid the sum of $5 at the time of the issue of each patent; and that the public lands in said States shall be disposed of in no other manner after the passage of this act : Provided, That no distinction or discrimination shall be made in the construction or execution of this act on account of race or color: And provided further, That no mineral lands shall be liable to entry and settlement under its provisions. Sec. 2. That section second of the above-cited Homestead Law, entitled "An act to secure homesteads to actual settlers on the public domain," approved May 20, 1862, be so amended as to read as follows: That the person applying for the benefit of this act shall, upon application to the register of the land-office in which he or she is about to make such entry, make affidavit before the said register or receiver that he or she is the head of a family, or is 21 years or more of age, or shall have performed service in the army or navy of the United States, and that such application is made for his or her exclusive use and benefit, and that said entry is made for the purpose of actual settlement and cultivation, and not either directly or indirectly for the use or benefit of any other person or persons whomsoever; and upon filing the said affidavit with the register or receiver, and on payment of $5, when the entry is not more than 80 acres, he or she shall thereupon be permitted to enter the amount of land specified: Provided, however, That no certificate shall be given, or patent issued therefor, until the expiration of five years from the date of such entry, and if at the expiration of such time, or at any time within two years thereafter, the person making such entry, or if he be dead, his widow, or in case of her death, his heirs or devisee; or in case of a widow making such entry, her heirs or devisee, in case of her death, shall prove by two credible witnesses that he, she, or they, have resided upon or cultivated the same for the term of five years immediately succeeding the time of filing the affidavit aforesaid, and shall make affidavit that no part of said land has been alienated, and that he will bear true allegiance to the government of the United States; then, in such case, he, she, or they, if at that time a citizen of the United States, shall be entitled to a patent, as in other cases provided by law. And provided further, That in case of the death of both father and mother, leaving an infant child or children, | in the construction of their line of railroad and under 21 years of age, the right and fee shall inure to the benefit of said infant child or children; and the executor, administrator, or guardian may, at any time within two years after the death of the surviving parent, and in accordance with the laws of the State in which such children, for the time being, have their domicile, sell said land for the benefit of said infants, but for no other purpose, and the purchaser shall acquire the absolute title by the purchase, and be entitled to a patent from the United States, on the payment of the office fees, and sum of money herein specified: Provided, That until the first day of January, 1867, any person applying for the benefit of this act shall, in addition to the oath hereinbefore required, also make oath that he has not borne arms against the United States, or given aid and comfort to its enemies. [June 21, 1866.] CHAP. CXXVIII.-Reimbursement of West Virginia.-An act to reimburse West Virginia for moneys expended for the United States in enrolling, equipping, and paying military forces to aid in suppressing the rebellion. [June 21, '66.] CHAP. CXXIX.-Hydrographic Office.-An act to establish a hydrographic office in the Navy Department. [June 21, 1866.] CHAP. CXXX.-Howard Institute.- Incorporates the "Howard Institute and Home," of the District of Columbia, the object of which is declared to be the establishment of a charitable institution for the instruction of freedmen in the industrial pursuits of life, and fit them for independent self-support, and to afford a temporary home for such freedmen as may from sickness, misfortune, age, or infirmity, require fostering care until otherwise relieved. [June 21, 1866.] CHAP. CXXXI.-Paymasters. An act to regulate the appointment of paymasters in the navy, and explanatory of an act for the better organization of the pay department of the navy. [June 21, 1866.] CHAP. CXL.-Revision of United States Laws. -Provides for the revision and consolidation of the statute laws of the United States. [June 27, 1866.] CHAP. CXLIII.-Patent Office Fees.-Provides that the appellant for the first time from the decision of the primary examiner to the examinersin-chief, shall pay a fee of $10 into the Patent Office. [June 27, 1866.] CHAP. CLV.-Washington Territory. · Amends the organic act of Washington Territory. The sessions of the Legislature are to be biennial, the members of the Council to be elected for four years, and the members of the Housef or two years. [June 29, 1866.] CHAP. CLIX-Union Pacific Railroad.-This is an act to amend the act of 1864, which amended the act of 1862. This amendatory act authorizes the Union Pacific Railroad Company's eastern division to designate the general route of their said road, and to file a map thereof, as now required by law, at any time before the first day of December, 1866; and upon the filing of said map, showing the general route of said road, the lands along the entire line thereof, so far as the same may be designated, shall be reserved from sale by order of the Secretary of the Interior. Said company shall be entitled to only the same amount of the bonds of the United States to aid telegraph as they would have been entitled to if they had connected their said line with the Union Pacific Railroad on the one hundredth degree of longitude as now required by law. The said company shall connect their line of railroad and telegraph with the Union Pacific Railroad, but not at a point more than fifty miles westwardly from the meridian of Denver, in Colorado. Sec. 2. The Union Pacific Railroad Company, with the consent and approval of the Secretary of the Interior, are authorized to locate, construct, and continue their road from Omaha, in Nebraska Territory, westward, according to the best and most practicable route, and without reference to the initial point on the one hundredth meridian of west longitude, as now provided by law, in a continuous completed line, until they shall meet and connect with the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California; and the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California, with the consent and approval of the Secretary of the Interior, are hereby authorized to locate, construct, and continue their road eastward, in a continuous completed line, until they shall meet and connect with the Union Pacific Railroad: Provided, That each of the above-named Companies shall have the right, when the nature of the work to be done, by reason of deep cuts and tunnels, shall, for the expeditious construction of the Pacific Railroad, require it, to work for an extent of not to exceed 300 miles in advance of their continuous completed lines. [July 3, 1866.] CHAP. CLX.-Lands to Michigan.-Grants lands to Michigan to aid in the construction of a Ship Canal to connect the waters of Lake Superior with the lake known as Lac La Belle, to be selected from the odd numbered sections of land nearest the said canal. [July 3, 1866.] CHAP. CLXI.-Lands to Michigan.-Grants lands to Michigan to aid in the construction of a Harbor and Ship Canal at Portage Lake, Keewenaw Point, Lake Superior. [July 8, 1866.] CHAP. CLXII.-Nitro-Glycerine.-Prohibits the transportation of Nitro-Glycerine on any vessel or vehicle, &c., used for transporting passengers, and any person, company, or corporation which shall knowingly violate the provisions of this section shall be liable to a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000. [July 8, 1866.] CHAP. CLXXVII.-Pilot Regulations. - No State shall make any discrimination in the rate of pilotage or half pilotage between vessels sailing between the ports of one State, and vessels sailing between the ports of different States, or any discrimination against vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, or against National vessels of the United States. [July 13, 1866.] CHAP. CLXXX.-Port of Delivery.-Makes Whitehall, New York, a port of delivery. [July 13, 1866.] CHAP. CLXXXI.-Three Months' Pay.-Entitles to the three months' pay proper, provided for by act of March 3, 1865, all officers of volunteers below the rank of Brigadier-General, who were in service on March 3, 1865, and whose resignations were presented and accepted, or who were mustered out at their own request, or otherwise honorably discharged from the service after the 9th April, 1865. [July 13, 1866.] CHAP. CLXXXIV.-Internal Revenue Act.An act to reduce internal taxation, and to amend the former internal revenue acts. This bill is too long to be condensed here. It can be seen at the office of every United States assessor and collector. [July 13, 1866.] CHAP. CC.-Freedmen's Bureau. We give this important bill, together with the veto message of the President, and the vote by which it was carried over the veto, on another page. CHAP. CCI.-Smuggling.-An act further to prevent smuggling and for other purposes. Authorizes officers of the harbors and other agents of the Treasury Department, to board and search any vessel, to stop vessels under way, seize them and arrest persons on board for breach of law. Vessels of any kind may likewise be stopped and searched, and seized for breach of law. The Secretary of the Treasury may, from time to time, prescribe regulations for the search of persons and baggage, and for the employment of female inspectors for the examination and search of persons of their own sex. All persons coming from foreign countries shall be liable to detention or search by authorized officers or agents of the Government, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. Prescribes penalties for fraudulently or knowingly bringing into the United States any goods contrary to law, for forcibly resisting officers of customs, etc. Officers and persons making searches and seizures may demand assistance of persons within three miles, and penalties are prescribed for refusing assistance. [July 18, 1866.] CHAP. CCIX.-Agricultural Colleges, &c.Extends the time in which the several States may comply with the provisions of the act of July 2, 1862, entitled "An Act Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts," three years from the passage of this act. When any Territory shall become a State, it shall have three years within which to accept the benefits of this act. If any State has heretofore expressed its acceptance of the act herein referred to, it shall have five years within which to provide at least one college after the time for providing such college, according to the act of July 2, 1862, shall have expired. [July 23, 1866.] CHAP. CCX.-Supreme Court of the United States. Provides that no vacancy in the office of Associate Justice of the United States shall be filled by appointment until the number of Associate Justices shall be reduced to six, and thereafter the Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice of the United States and six Associate Justices. Sec. 2. The 1st and 2d Circuits shall remain as now constituted; the Districts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware shall constitute the 3d Circuit; the Districts of Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina shall constitute the 4th Circuit; the Districts of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas shall constitute the 5th Circuit; the Districts of Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee shall constitute the 6th Circuit; the Districts of Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin shall constitute the 7th Circuit; the Districts of Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas shall constitute the 8th Circuit, and the Dis tricts of California, Oregon and Nevada shall constitute the 9th Circuit. [July 23, 1866.] CHAP. CCXII.-Lands to Kansas.-Grants lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph from Elwood, westwardly via Maryville so as to effect a junction with the Union Pacific Railroad, with the usual guarantees to settlers under the homestead and other laws. The sections within ten miles of the road which are not granted shall not be sold for less than double the minimum price of the public land. For every ten consecutive miles of road completed patents shall issue for so many sections of land as lie opposite and coterminous with the said completed sections. If the road is not completed within ten years, the land remaining unpatented shall revert to the United States. [July 23, 1866.] CHAP. CCXIII.-Registry of Vessels.-Declares that the act passed Feb. 10, 1866, shall not affect or limit the operation of the act of 23d Dec., 1852. [July 23, 1866.] CHAP. CCXXX.-Telegraph Lines.-Grants to all telegraph companies now organized, or hereafter to be organized, the right to construct a telegraph line over any portion of the public domain of the United States. Such companies may take from the public land such stone, timber, and other materials, as are necessary for the construction of their lines, and they may pre-empt such portion of the unoccupied public land subject to pre-emption as they may need for stations, but such stations shall not be within 15 miles of each other. The communications of the United States shall have priority over all other business, at rates which the Postmaster-General may fix. The rights hereby granted cannot be transferred. The United States may, after five years from the passage of this act, purchase all the telegraph lines at an appraised value, to be ascertained by five persons, two of whom shall be chosen by the Postmaster-General, two by the companies interested, and one by the four previously selected. [July 24, 1866.] CHAP. CCXXXI.-Navy Officers.-Increases the number of line officers on the active list of the Navy, and creates the office of admiral. Sec. 2. Authorizes the appointment of certain of the line officers of the navy on the active list from those officers who have served in the volunteer naval service for a period of not less than two years, and who are either now in that service or have been honorably discharged therefrom. Sec. 3. Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to appoint a board of naval officers to examine the claims of all candidates under the provisions of Section 2. Sec. 4. Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to retain such volunteer officers as the exigencies of the service may require. The annual compensation of the admiral shall be $10,000. Naval constructors and first and second assistant engineers shall be appointed by the President, with the consent of the Serate. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCXXXII.-Grade of General,-Revives the grade of General of the Army of the United States. The general to be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, and to be selected from among the officers in the military service of the United States most distinguished for courage, skill, and ability. The pay of the general shall be $400 per month. The act also provides for the aides of the general, their number, rank, and pay. [July 25, 1866.1 CHAP. CCXXXIV. — Passengers in Steamboats-Steamboat Inspectors.-Provides measures for the safety of the lives of passengers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and regulates the salaries of steamboat inspectors. Licensed engineers or pilots wrongfully refusing to serve as such, or pilots refusing to admit certain persons into pilot house, are to forfeit $300. All vessels to be subject to the navigation laws of the United States. Passenger vessels to have the life-boats required by law provided with suitable boat disengaging apparatus. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCXXXV.-Widows' Pensions, &c. Extends the provisions of the pension laws so as to include provost-marshals and enrolling officers who have been killed while in the discharge of their duties, and provost-marshals shall rank as captains, deputy provost-marshals as first lieutenants, and enrolling officers as second lieutenants. Pensions of widows shall be increased $2 for each child under 16 years of age, and in case the widow has died or married again the children shall receive the same increase of pension as the mother would have been entitled to. If any person, during the pendency of his application for a pension, and after the proof has been completed, shall die, whether by reason of a wound received or disease contracted while in line of duty, his representatives shall receive the accrued pension to which he would have been entitled had his certificate been issued. [July 25, 1866.] - CHAP. CCXXXVIII.-House of Correction Establishes in the District of Columbia a House of Correction for Boys. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCXXXIX.-Soldiers' and Sailors' Union. Incorporates "The Soldiers' and Sailors' Union," at Washington, D. C. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCXL.-Marriages and Children of Colored Persons.-Legalizes marriages of certain colored persons in the District of Columbia, and provides that their children shall be deemed legitimate. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCXLI.-Lands to Kansas.-Grants lands to the State of Kansas to aid in the construction of the Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad and its extension to Red River. [July 25, 1866.] the joint assembly shall proceed to choose, by a viva voce vote, a person for the purpose aforesaid, and the person who shall receive a majority of all the votes of the joint assembly, a majority of the members of each House being present, shall be declared duly elected. If such Senator is not elected on the first day, the joint assembly shall meet and take at least one vote per day during the session of the Legislature. Sec. 2 provides that when a vacancy exists at a meeting of the Legislature, the same proceedings shall be held on the second Tuesday after their meeting and organization, and when a vacancy shall happen during the session of the Legislature, then on the second Tuesday after notice of such vacancy shall have been received. Sec. 3. The Governor of the State shall certify the election of a Senator to the President of the Senate of the United States. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCXLIX.-Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home.-Incorporates "The National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home," at Washington, D. C. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCLII.-Port of Entry.-Changes the port of entry in Puget's Sound, Washington Territory, from Port Angelos to Port Townsend. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCLV.-Calais.-An Act to authorize the entry and clearance of vessels at the Port of Calais, Me. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXII.-Ditches and Canals.-Declares all mineral lands of the United States to be free and open to exploration by citizens of the United States. Patents for mineral lands may be issued to any claimant or association of claimants who shall have occupied and improved the same in accordance with the local customs, and have expended in improvements and actual labor thereon at least $1,000. Sections 8, 4, 5, and 6, contain regulations for the issuing of patents. The President is authorized, at his discretion, to establish additional land districts and to appoint the necessary officers. The right of way is granted for the construction of highways over public lands not reserved for public uses. Sec. 9. Protects rights to the use of water for mining, agricultural, and other purposes, where such rights have vested and accrued, and confirms the right of way for the construction of ditches and canals for the said purposes. Wherever homesteads shall have been located on mineral lands on which no valuable mines have been discovered, and which are purely agricultural, the owners shall have a right of pre CHAP. CCXLII.-Lands granted for Rail-emption thereto. Upon the survey of the lands roads and Telegraphs.-Grants public lands (not mineral) to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Central Pacific Railroad in California to Portland in Oregon. [July 25, 1866.] CHAP. CCXLV. Elections of Senators.-Regulates the mode in which Senators of the United States shall hereafter be elected by the Legislatures of the several States. Each House shall, by a viva voce vote of each member present, name a person for Senator on the second Tuesday after the meeting and organization thereof. On the day following the Houses shall meet in joint assembly, and if the same person shall have received a majority of all the votes cast in each House, he shall be declared duly elected Senator of the United States; but if not, then aforesaid, the Secretary of the Interior may designate such lands more purely agricultural, and they shall be open to pre-emption and settlement. [July 26, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXV.-Pacific Railroad.-Authorizes the issue of Pacific Railroad bonds of a greater denomination than $1,000. [July 26, '66.] CHAP. CCLXIX.-Weighing of Exports. Imposes a duty of three cents per 100 pounds upon all weighable articles hereafter exported upon which a drawback or return duty is allowed. [July 26, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXX.-Lands to Kansas.-Grants land to aid in the construction of a Southern branch of the Union Pacific Railway and Telegraph, from Fort Riley, Kansas, to Fort Smith, Arkansas. [July 26, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXXVIII.—Lands_ for Railroad and Telegraph Purposes. Incorporates the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, and grants lands to aid in the construction of a Railroad and Telegraph Line from the States of Missouri and Arkansas, to the Pacific Coast. [July 27, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXXXII.-Refunding of Taxes.Authorizes the refunding of license taxes of wholesale dealers where they may have been overcharged. [July 27, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXXXIV. — Appraiser in Now York City.-Reorganizes the Appraiser's office in New York. The salary of the Appraiser is fixed at $4,000, and the Assistant Appraisers at $3,000. [July 27, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXXXV.-Fire in Portland.-Authorizes the admission, free of duty, of all contributions of building materials for Portland. [July 27, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXXXVI.-Sheath-Knives.-An act to prevent the wearing of sheath-knives by American seamen. [July 27, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXXXVII.-Public Printing.-Provides regulations for the printing of public documents and the purchase of paper for the public printing. [July 27, 1866.] CHAP. CCLXXXVIII.-Suits of Aliens.-Authorizes the removal of the suits against aliens from the State Courts to the Circuit Courts of the United States, when the matter in dispute exceeds $500. [July 27, 1866.3 CHAP. CCLXXXIX.—Nebraska.-An act authorizing the reimbursement to the Territory of Nebraska of certain expenses incurred in repelling Indian hostilities. [July 27, 1866.] CHAP. CCXCIII.-Collectors of Customs. Fixes the salaries of certain collectors of customs; creates a collection district in Texas to be called the district of Corpus Christi; makes Indianola, Tex., the port of entry for the district of Saluria, instead of La Salle. [July 28, 1866.] CHAP. CCXCVI.-Civil Expenses Appropriation.-An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1867, and for other purposes. This act raises the salaries of members of Congress to $5,000 per annum, and that of the Speaker to $8,000. It gives an additional bounty of $100 to soldiers who served during the rebellion for not less than three years, and to soldiers who served not less than two years $50, and also to the widow, minor children or parents of any such soldier who died in the service. No soldier who has bartered, sold or transferred his discharge papers, or any interest in the bounty provided by this or any other act of Congress, shall be entitled to receive any additional bounty whatever; and when application is made by any soldier for said bounty he shall be required to make oath or affirmation that he has not so bartered, sold or transferred his discharge papers or any interest in any bounty as aforesaid, and no claim shall be entertained except upon receipt of the claimant's discharge papers, accompanied by the statement under oath. [July 28, 1866.] CHAP. CCXCVIII. Revenue from Imports. Imposes a duty on cigars of $3 per pound, and in addition 50 per cent. ad valorem; on cotton, 3c. per lb.; on all compounds of which distilled spirits are a component part the same duty as on spirituous liquors. Section 2 allows vessels trading between the Society Islands or Sandwich Islands and the United States to pay tunnage duty but once a year. Section 3 suspends the prohibition of the export of guano for five years, from the 14th July, 1867, in behalf of certain persons. All fishing bounties are repealed. Goods destined for the British Provinces may be transmitted free of duty through the United States. Section 18 authorizes the establishment of a Bureau of Statistics in the Treasury Department. [July 28, 1866.] CHAP. CCXCIX.-Military Peace Establishment.-Provides that the military peace establishment of the United States shall hereafter consist of five regiments of artillery, ten regiments of cavalry, forty-five regiments of infantry, and the professors and cadets at West Point. Section 2 regulates the organization of artillery regiments. Section 8 provides that two of the cavalry regiments shall be of colored men. The original vacancies in the grade of 1st and 2d Lieutenants shall be filled by selections from among the officers and soldiers of volunteer cavalry, and two-thirds of the original vacancies in each of the grades above that of first lieutenant shall be filled by selection from the officers of volunteer cavalry, and one-third from officers of the regular army, all of whom shall have served two years in the field during the war and have been distinguished for capacity and good conduct. Sec. 4. The fortyfive regiments of Infantry shall consist of the first ten regiments of ten companies each now in service; of twenty-seven regiments of ten companies each, to be formed by adding two companies to each battalion of the remaining nine regiments; and of eight new regiments of ten companies each, four regiments of which shall be of colored men, and four regiments to be known as the Veteran Reserve Corps. All the original vacancies in the grade of first and second lieutenant shall be filled by selection from among the officers and soldiers of volunteers, and one-half of the original vacancies in each of the grades above that of first lieutenant shall be filled by selection from among the officers of volunteers, and the remainder from officers of the regular army. The Veteran Reserve Corps shall be officered by appointment from any officers and soldiers of either volunteer or regular, who have been wounded in the line of their duty, and who may yet be competent for garrison duty. Section 5. Appointments made from among volunteers shall be apportioned among the various States in proportion to the number of troops furnished by them during the rebellion, reduced to an average of three years' term of service, excepting California, Oregon, and Nevada. Sections 6 and 7 regulate regimental organization. Section 8. All enlistments into the army shall hereafter be for five years for cavalry and three for artillery and infantry. Men may enlist who were wounded in battle, whose wounds do not disable them for garrison duty, and they shall be assigned to the Veteran Reserve Corps. Sec. 9. There shall be one General, one LieutenantGeneral, five Major-Generals, and ten BrigadierGenerals. Section 10 reorganizes the AdjutantGeneral's Department. Section 11. There shall be four Inspector-Generals, with the rank of Colonels of Cavalry, and three Assistant Inspec |