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third Sub or Deputy Registrar, 1,100l. . per annum; and Joseph Collis, Esquire, late fourth Sub or Deputy Registrar, 1,1007. per annum; and to continue so long as they shall respectively hold the office of Registrar, and be liable to the expense of copying the decrees and orders of the Court, and the minutes of such decrees and orders.

To Robert Oneby Walker, Esquire, late Entering Clerk or Entering Registrar, the sum of 3501. per annum, to continue so long as he shall hold the office of Registrar, and be liable to the expense of copying the decrees and orders of the Court, and the minutes of such decrees and orders.

The said compensations to the Masters and to the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth Registrars, to commence on the same day as the salaries fixed for these several and respective offices, by the act of the 3 & 4 W. 4. c. 94, and to be paid quarterly.

To Henry Edgeworth Bicknell, Esquire, late Clerk to the Registrars, and now Sixth Registrar, the sum of 3507. per annum, to continue so long as he shall hold the office of Registrar, and be liable to the expense of copying the decrees and orders of the Court, and the minutes of such decrees and orders; to commence from the day of his appointment to be Sixth Registrar, and to be paid quarterly. paid quarterly.

To James Montresor Standen, Henry Hussey, and Francis Robert Bedwell, Clerks to the Registrars, the sum of 350l. each per annum, to commence on their respectively attaining the office of Sixth Registrar, and to continue so long as either of them shall hold the office of Registrar, and be liable to the expense of copying the decrees and orders of the Court, and the minutes of such decrees and orders; and to be paid quarterly.

To John Reid and Edward Reid, Clerks to the Entering Registrars, the sum of 100l. each per annum; but to cease respectively, in case of their being promoted to situations, the emoluinents of which shall be of greater amount than 300l. and 2501. respectively; those sums being the amount of their existing emoluments: or in case the allowance of one penny half-penny half-pe per folio, granted by the above recited act, after deducting the expense paid to persons for entering the decrees and orders shall at any future time realize the sum of 150/. per annum, to each or either of them; or in case of their removal from such offices, by resignation or


To Thomas Hall Plumer, Esquire, one of the Examiners, the sum of 200% per annum, so long as he shall continue an Examiner.

To Thomas Hughes Greenland and Charles Frederick Spratlin, Clerks to the Examiners, the sum of 2007. each per annum, so long as they shall hold their respective offices.

The said compensations to John Reid, Edward Reid, Thomas Hall Plumer, Thomas Hughes Greenland, and Charles Frederick Spratlin, to commence and take effect on the same day as the salaries fixed for these officers by the act 3 & 4 W. 4. c. 94; and to be paid quarterly.

To Thomas Alexander Roynsford, Esquire, late Master of the Report Office, the sum of 2,200%. per annum, for the loss of his office.

To James Bird, late Clerk of Exceptions, and agent to the Senior Deputy Registrar, the sum of 2731. per annum, for the loss of his office; and to William Nicholson, Senior Clerk in the late office of Registrar of Affidavits, the sum of 290l. per annum, for the loss of his situation.

The said compensations to Thomas Alexander Raynsford, James Bird, and William Nicholson, to commence and take effect from the day of their respectively ceasing to hold the office in respect of which their compensations are granted, and to be payable quarterly.

To Thomas Leach, Esquire, the present Secretary of the Master of the Rolls, the difference between the amount of fees and emo

luments received by him in each year, and the sum of 1,0007., which difference is to be ascertained by an account to be rendered by him at the end of each year, so that his total net income shall amount to, and shall not exceed by reason of such charge upon the Suitors' Fee Fund Account, the sum of 1,1007, per annum, and to commence on the 26th of November last; and to any future Secretary to the Master of the Rolls, the difference between the amount of fees and emoluments received by him in each year, and the sum of 800/., which difference is to be ascertained by an account to be rendered by him at the end of each year, so that his total net income shall amount to, and shall not exceed by reason of such charge upon the Suitors' Fee Fund Account, the sum of 800l. per annum.

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Days the Lord Chancellor Eldon presided 52 Appeals and Writs of Error presented

during the Session

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Causes heard, the Lord Chancellor
Eldon presiding

180 Causes heard, the Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst presiding


145 Days Lord Chancellor Eldon pre84 Days Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst presided



*** During these four years, it appears that no other Speaker presided.


Causes remaining at the commencement of the Session

Abated under compromise, &c.

Appeals and Writs of Error presented during the Session

Causes heard, the Lord Chancellor Eldon presiding

Days the Lord Chancellor Eldon presided Causes heard, the Lord Speaker Gifford presiding

Days the Lord Speaker Gifford presided


Causes remaining at the commencement of the Session

The non-effective causes were struck out of the list.

Appeals and Writs of Error presented during the Session

Causes heard, the Lord Speaker
(Lord Chief Baron) presiding
Causes heard, the Lord Speaker
(Muster of the Rolls) presiding

Days the Lord Speaker (Lord
Chief Baron) presided

212 Days the Lord Speaker (Master of

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the Rolls) presided



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Causes heard, the Lord Chancellor Eldon presiding

Abated under compromise, &c.



Days the Lord Chancellor Eldon presided 46 'Causes heard, the Lord Speaker Gifford





Days the Lord Speaker Gifford presided 46 Causes heard, the Lord Chancellor Lynd

Causes remaining at the commencement

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of the Session

Abated under compromise, &c.



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3 Causes heard, the Lord Speaker

(Tenterden) presiding


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Days the Lord Chancellor (Brougham)


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Parliamentary Returns.-New Publications. - Bankruptcies superseded.-Bankrupts. 463

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Woodfall's Practical Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant, with a full Collection of Precedents. Second Edition, by S. B. Harrison, Esq. 11. 11s. 6d. boards.

The Rules of Court, from the Passing of the Uniformity of Process Act to the present time, with Notes and Forms. By C. F. F. Wordsworth, Esq. 5s. boards.

A Practical Treatise on Bills of Exchange, &c., with Forms of Affidavits, and an Appendix of all the Statutes and Cases in full, from the earliest period to the present time. By J. Chitty, Esq. 2 Vols. 21. 12s. 6d. boards.

Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber. By C. Crompton and R. Meeson, Esqrs. Vol. I. Part V. Trinity Term, 3 W. 4. 7s. 6d.

Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery during the Time of Lord Chancellor Brougham, and Sir John Leach, Master of the Rolls. By J. W. Mylne and B. Keen, Esqrs. Part I. 1832-3. 128.

Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, in Michaelmas Term, 4 W. 4. By J. Nevile and W. M. Manning, Esqrs. Vol. II. Part III. 78. 6d.


State Trials; or, A Collection of the most interesting Trials, from the æra of the Revo


From Feb. 18, to Mar. 18, 1834, both inclusive.

Ashenden, Edward, and Tho. Cooper Baker, Sittingbourne, Kent, Brick Makers. Belcher, Off. Ass.; Marson & Co., Church Row, Newington.

Atkinson, Rich., Huddersfield, York, Woollen Cloth Manufacturer & Merchant. Van Sandau, Old Jewry; Jacomb & Co., Huddersfield.

Allen, Sam., sen., Birmingham, Hotel Keeper. Whitehouse, Castle Street, Holborn; Rowlinson; or, Mole, Birmingham.

Brightwen, Isaac, South Place, Finsbury, and Providence Row, Worship Street, Veterinary Surgeon, and Cabriolet Proprietor. Lewis, Ely Place.

Buckell, Tho., Newport, Isle of Wight, Surgeon, &c. Griffiths & Son, South Square, Gray's Inn, & Newport. Benson, Tho., Bishop-Wearmouth, Durham, Grocer. Miller, Furnival's Inn; Davison, Bishop-Wearmouth. Braddock, Jennet, Chestergate, Macclesfield, Chester, Hatter. Browne & Co., Macclesfield; Woolmer, Staple Inn. Bailey, Wm. Willis, Quarndon, Derby, Commission Agent. Deres & Co., Ashby-de-la-Zouch; Austin & Co., Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn.

Betts, Geo., Charles Street, Grosvenor Square, Upholsterer. Crocker & Co., King's Arms Yard. Coleman Street; Whitmore, Off. Ass.

Bird, Wm., Fareham, Southampton, Builder. Spain, Fareham; Briggs, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Burrows, Jonathan, Holme Pierrepoint, Nottingham, Victualler, Saddler, &c. Payne & Co., Nottingham; Messrs. Taylor, Featherstone Buildings, Holborn.

Clarke, Peter, Kingston-upon-Hull, Merchant, &c. Hicks

& Co., Gray's Inn Square; Holder & Co., Hull. Cawthron, James, Bolingbroke Row, Walworth, Oil and Colourman. Gibson, Off. Ass.; Turner & Son, Percy Street, Bedford Square.

Cooke, Francis, Kidderminster, Worcester, Carpet Manu-
facturer. Dangerfield, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Brinton,
Corbett, John Fletcher, Worcester, Coal Merchant. Raynes,
Norfolk Street, Strand; Wilson, Worcester.
Connell, Thomas, otherwise Thomas Perks Connell, John's
Mews, Little James Street, Bedford Row, Coach Maker
& Coach Painter. Groom, Off. Ass.; Smith, King's Arms
Yard, Coleman Street; and Pearless, East Grinstead,

Christopherson, Charles, Brighton, Printer. Bennett, Brigh-
ton; Dax & Bicknell, Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Connorton, John Meredith, Shad Thames, Southwark, Mast
& Block Maker. Edwards, Off. Ass.; Quallett & Co.,
Prospect Row, Bermondsey.

Collier, Tho., Holywell, Flint, Hatter. Meyrick & Co., Red Lion Square; Oldfield, jun., Pendre.

Coupland, Charles, Leek, Stafford, Money Scrivener. Johnson & Weatherall, Temple; Condlyffe, Leek. Clark, Rob., High Holborn, Woollen Draper. Turner, Ba

sing Lane, Broad Street.

Critchfield, Sam., Norwich, Haberdasher. Rackham & Co.,
Norwich; Ling & Co., Bloomsbury Square.
Drewe, Hen. Gregory, Swansea, Glamorgan, Coal Merchant.
Goren & Co., Orchard Street, Portman Square.

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Fletcher, Jasper, and Geo. Fred. Pattison, Manchester, Hosiers & Glovers. Johnson & Weatherall, Temple; Bagshaw, Manchester.

Farmer, John, Putney, Surrey, Chymist.

Ass.; Whiting, London-Bridge-Foot.

Kitchener, Off.

Fuller, Henry, St. Matthew's Place, London Road, Surgeon. Edwards, Off Ass.; May, Princes Street, Spital Fields. Grimsdale, Henry, High Wycombe, Berks, [Bucks] Innkeeper. Edwards, Off. Ass.; Hilditch, Calthorp Street, Guilford Street.

Greenwood, Wm., Farringdon Street, Linen Draper. Lloyd, Crown Cort, Cheapside; Graham, Off. Ass.

Garner, Stanley, Liscard, Wallasey, Chester, Innkeeper. Norris & Co., Great Ormond street; Toulmin, Liverpool. Hanson, Ludvig Peter Christian, Clink Street, Southwark; and the Albany Road, Camberwell, Surrey, Coal Merchant Hayward, Palace New Road, Westminster Bridge; Clark, Ott. Ass.

Hayward, James, Queen Ann Street, Portland Place; and Cumberland Mews, Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park, Builder. Wells, Percy Street, Rathbone Place; Graham, Off Ass.

Heale, Richard, Mincing Lane, Wholesale Grocer. Belcher, Off. Ass.; Holt & Gardom.

Haynes, Geo., Trinity Street, Borough, Victualler. Smith,

Dorse Street, Salisbury Square. Hone, James, Northampton, Hatter.

Harrison, Birming

ham; Newton, South square, Gray's Inn. Henderson, Tho. Cosmo, New Bond Street, Dealer in Dressing Cases and Cutlery. Messrs. Langhams, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn; Clark, Of. Ass.

Hemming, Fred. Herbert, and Tho. Monkhouse, St. Paul's
Churchyard, Lacemen. Fry & Thorn, Cheapside.
Heygate, James, Mansfield, Nottingham, Cotton Spinner.
Poole & Co., Gray's Inn; Walkden, Mansfield.
Holt, Kob., and John Givens, Monk Wearmouth, Durham,
Common Brewers. Meggison & Co., King's koad, Bed-
ford Row: Brockett & Co,, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Hardie, David, Manchester, Merchant & Commissi

Agent. Hadfield & Co., Manchester; Johnson & Weatherall, Temple.

Howard, John, Ripon, York, Scrivener. Rowlinson & Co., Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane; Wyche, Ripon. Jenson, Tho., Coventry, Druggist, &c. Fyson & Beck, Loth

bury; Carter & Co., Coventry

Jones, Tho, Biriningham, Collar Maker. Norton & Chaplin, Gray's nn Square; Richards, Birmingham.

Jay, James, Welbeck Street, Cavendisu quare, Upholsterer. Bavey, Berners Street, Oxford Street; Turquand, Off. Ass. Jacobs, Henry and Lewis, Mansell street, Goodinan's Fields, Glass Dealers. Abbott, Off. Ass.; Lloyd, Crown Court, Cheapside.

Jones, John, Plasnewydd, Carmarthen, Cattle Salesman. Crowder & Maynard, Mansion House Place; Jones & Co., Carmarthen.

Kent, Wm., Plymouth, Brewer. Brooking & Surr, Lombard Street; Kelly, Plymouth; or, Elworthy, Devonport.

Kenning, Tho., Birmingham, Fire-Irons & Matchet Manufacturer. Woodrooffe & Co., New Square, Lincoln's Inn; Mole, Birmingham.

Keep, John, and Joseph, Nottingham, Grocers, &c. Messrs. Taylor, Featherstone Buildings; Hopkinson, jun., Nottingham.

Kidder, John, Strand, Silversmith and Jeweller.
King Street, Cheapside; Turquand, Off. Ass.


Keay, Wm., Birmingham, Victualler. Clarke & Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Colmore, Birmingham.

Knowles, Edw., Barking, Essex, Grocer, &c. Overton, King's

Arms Yard, Coleman Street.

Lowe, Peter, Upton, Chester, Merchant. Kay & Co., Manchester.

Lemon, John Henry, New Street, Whitechapel, Millwright. Edwards, Off. Ass.; Smith, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars.

Lewis, William John, Trosymarian, Anglesey, Merchant. Williams, Carnarvon; Walmsley & Co., Chancery Lane.

Liston, Rich, Laystall Street, Holborn, Victualler.

& Co., Bedford Row Whitmore, Off. Ass.


Meanley, Richard, Great Barr, Aldridge, Stafford, Farmer. Austen & Hobson, Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn; Hayes & Co., Hales-Owen.

Moore, Rich., Bath, Linen Draper. Groom, Off. Ass.; Borru laite & Co., King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street. M'Conochie, John and William, Liverpool, Stone Masons, Builders, &c. Norris & Co., Great Ormond Street; Toulmin, Liverpool.

Mann, Henry, Beccles, Suffolk, Linen Draper. Newton, Norwich; Taytor & Co., Bedford Row.

Nuttall, John. Birmingham, Grocer, &c. Hindmarsh & Son, Crescent, Jewin Street, Cripplegate; Graham, Off. Ass. Percival, Charles, Whitechapel High Street, Oil & ColourMan. Wright & Co., Tokenhouse Yard.

Perkins, Henry, Keading, Berks, Corn and Seed Dealer. Clurke, Reading; Holmes and Co., Great Jaines Street, Bedford Row.

Prescott, James Francis, High Street, Marylebone, Painter, &c. Bailey, Berners Street; Clark, Off. Ass. Payne, Tho., Old Quebec Street, Dealer in Horses. Gibson, Off. Ass.; Robinson, Orchard Street, Portman Square. Parry, John, Leeds, York, Hatter & Hosier. Griffiths & Son, South Square, Gray's Inn; Wood, Leeds Pownall, Edw., Ipswich, Suffolk, Money Scrivener. Leach, Bury St. Edmunds; Keene, Furnival's Inn. Parr, John, Jenny Hole, Hartleury, Worcester, Corn Deal er & Maltster. Michael, Red Lion Square; Bird, Kidderminster.

Parez, Louis, Brighthelmstone, Sussex, Printseller, &c. Attree & Co., or M'Whinnie, Brighton; Sowton, Great James Street, Bedford Kow.

Parry, Francis, Brighton, Tailor. Edwards, Off. Ass.; Archer, Featherstone Buildings, Holborn.

Roberts, Rob., Carmarthen, Draper. Crowder & Maynard,
Mansion Honse Place; Jones & Co, Carmarthen.
Richmond, Wm., Tynemouth, Northumberland, Ship Own-
er; Robinson, New Inn; Tintey, Tynemouth.
Romanis, John, Gracechurch Street, Hosier. Green, Off.

Ass.; Duncombe, Lyon's Inn.


Roberts, George Wintle, Finch Lane, Merchant.
Off. Ass.; Bowden & Co., Aldermanbury.
Richardson, John, and Robert Mansfield, Brownlow Street,
Groom, Off. Ass.; Bailey, Berners

Holborn, Tailors.

Street, Oxford Street.

Shaw, Rob., Lyme [Lynn] Regis, Norfolk, Corn Merchant. Green, Off. Ass.; Lewis, Crutched Friars.

Shaw, Tho., Charlsworth, Glossop, Derby, Cotton Spinner. Rickards & Co., Lincoln's Inn Fields; Higginbottom & Co., Ashton-under-Lyne.

Stocker, Geo., High Street, Whitechapel, Grocer, &c. Abbott, Off. Ass.; Allingham, Hatton Garden.

Samuel, Moses. Liverpool, Merchant.

Topham & Son, Li

verpool; Adtington & Co., Bediord Row. Sambeil, Philip, Truro, Cornwal, Timber Merchant. Leach & Co., Devonpost; Makinson & Sanders, Temple. Sillito Aaron, Macclesfield Street, City Road, Wharfinger. Gibson, Off. Ass.; Turner & Son, Percy Street, Bedford Square.

Swales, William, Great Portland Street, Oxford Street, Silk Mercer. James, Bucklers Dury.

Smith, John, Sun-lavern-Fields, Shadwell, Hosier. Vincent,

Temple; Tarquand, Off. Ass.

Shaw, Thomas, and Benj Wild, Charlesworth, Derby, Cotton
Spinners. Johnson & Weatheralt, Temple; Seddon,

Staniforth, Henry, Kingston-upon-Hull, Merchant. Mere-
dith & Co., Lincoln's Inn; Wilki son, Hull.
Tapley, Jolin, jun., Torr. Devon, Woollen Draper. Messrs.
Berkeley, incoln's inn; Bush, Trowbridge

Taylor, Tho., Cowley, Oxford, Baker. Roberson, Oxford;
Miller, Ely Place, Holborn.

Twells, John Tho., l'amworth, Stafford, Draper. Parker, St.

Paul's Churchyard

Todd, Robert, Liverpool, Merchant. Massey, Liverpool;
Allington & Co., Bedford Row.
Turner, Wm. Rob, Great Dovor Road, Newington, Surtey,
Carver & Gilder. Richardson, Ironmonger Lane, Cheap-
side; Cannan, Off. Ass.

Tanner, Thompson Alfred, Howford Buildings, Fenchurch
Green, Off. Ass.;

Sheet, Bill Broke, Scrivener, &c.
Dawes, Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street.

Thomas, Benj., Narberth, Pembroke, Merchant. Vaughan & Co., Brecon; Crowder and Co., Mansion House Place. Upton, Geo., Boroughbridge, York, Scrivener. Lever, Gray's

Inn Square; Anderson, York.

Vaudrey, Alice, Manchester, Rectifier. Denison & Co.,
Manchester; Walmstey & Co., Chancery Lane.
Waring, Tho., Little Windmill Street, Golden Square, Buil-
der. Smith & Co., Southampton Street, Bloomsbury

Wigan, James, Bristol, Scrivener.
Bridges & Co., Red Lion square.

Hare & Co., Bristol;

Watson, John, jun., Park Gate-Works, near Rotherham, York, Iron & Tin Plate Manufacturer. Haywood, Sheffield; Bigg, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. Whalley, Joseph, Lockwood, York, Grocer & Draper. Lever, Gray's Inn Square; Barker, Huddersfield.

Willins, John, Warwick, Broker. Burbury & Co., Waiwick & Leamington; Meyrick & Cox, Red Lion Square. White, John, and George, Kentish Town, Coach Proprietors. Howell, Hatton Garden; Cannan, Off. Ass.

Watts, Geo. Fowell, Bath, and Bathampton, Somerset, Money Scrivener. Williams & Bethell, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Graves, Bath.

Wilde, Edw., Koyton, Prestwich cum Oldham, Lancaster, Cotton Spinner. Brackenbury, Manchester; Johnson & Weatherall, Temple

Walker, Benj. King, Longroyd-Bridge, Huddersfield, Grocer. Lever, Gray's Inn Square; Barker, Huddersfield. Wilson, Tho., Manchester, Joiner & Builder. Milne & Co., Temple; Walker & Co., Manchester.

Warland, Tho., Steward Street, Spitalfields, Silk Manufacturer. Messrs Burjoot, Temple, Whitmore, Off. Ass Wright, Tho., Northallerton, York, Victualler. Hall, Bishop & Co., Great James Street, Bedford Row; Hirst, Northallerton.

Wight, Harrop, Sunderland near the Sea, Durham, Grocer. Matter, Furnival's Inn; Davison, Bishop Wearmouth. Watkeys, David, Swansea, Glamorgan, Dealer. Stevens, Gray's Inn Square; Perkins, Bristol.

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