tion; but the solidity of this hath stood all the rage and malice of hell; the mouldering hand of ever-destroying Time has not yet effected one inroad upon it; its gates are all open, and upon the battlements thereof are to be seen the great multitude who were once the poor of this world -and could we catch the notes of their unrestrained song, they would fall in divine accents upon our ears, Hath not God chosen? Brethren, we again ask you whether, in looking back upon the now filled-in year of 1841, and standing upon the brink of 1842, we could have brought a more suited subject before you? The eye of the Lord has been upon us from the beginning of the year unto the end thereof; proving his choice of us. Poverty has abounded, but riches have been paralleled therewith. We have met with many a deprivation, both painful and distressing; yet we are not disinherited. Nor is there an era dication of that love which has been planted in our hearts towards Him who is the promise-fulfilling God. Then cheer up-the clouds will soon disperse, and we shall be "ever with the Lord; ""let us therefore comfort one another with these words." And now, brethren, we commend you to God, whose you are, and who will fulfil all his good pleasure concerning you. In the exercise of this faith may you be found living, as shining lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation; and while the periods of the year shall successively open before you, developing its hidden events, let none of these things move you-the Lord is in his holy temple. "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind: be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. i. 13). For, "Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people" (1 Pet. ii. 9). London, Dec. 31st, 1841. To the Editor of the Gospel Magazine. MY DEAR BROTHER IN THE LORD, A STRIPLING. I congratulate you upon the success of your valuable periodical, and the increasing extent of its circulation. I have also great pleasure in stating, that in several places where I have been called to minister in the last summer, I have been cheered with accounts of its usefulness; and in one place destitute of a stated minister where its leading article is read on the first Lord's-day Evening in every month. Go on, my dear brother, and may the great Head of the Church impart an unctuous power to you, and all its contributors, is the sincere prayer of yours affectionately, in the unity and sympathy of Christ, Horselydown. D. DENHAM. Who is on the Lord's side ?-Exodus, xxxii. 26. SHOULD an angel from heaven, as with he voice of a trumpet, make this appeal in every nation, city, town, congregation, or family upon earth, how great would be the consternation, and how few compara tively could answer in the affirmative; and yet how solemn is the fact, that inasmuch as this is a portion of the Holy Scriptures, it is the voice of God to every individual upon earth, and specially addressed to every minister, and professor of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. When Moses asked this great question, "Who is on the Lord's side?" the sons of Levi gathered themselves unto him, and the righteous judgments of the Lord were executed upon three thousand idolators in the camp of Israel. But Moses returned to plead with Jehovah in behalf of those who were left of the sword; and thereby we are instructed in the benefits of a Mediator; even Jesus, who everliveth to make intercession for us. The depravity of man and his alienation from God is strikingly portrayed in the idolatrous conduct of the children of Israel, who, while Moses was with God performing the part of a Mediator, in their impatience made a molten calf, and in worshipping and ascribing to it their deliverance from Egypt, they rebelled against, and rejected the government of the only living and true God; and changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass. But as Moses in his zeal burned the idol to powder, cast it into the water, and made those who had worshipped it to drink thereof; so all that is idolatrous among Papists, or nominal Protestants, shall be brought to nought when the coming judgments of the Almighty shall sweep away the refuges of lies. Then how important the question "Who is on the Lord's side?" As of old there were some persons decided for the service, and on the side of the Lord, while others were rebelling against him; so it is now, there are two classes, and by the Lord's help we will show negatively, who are not on his side. I. Not the openly profane, who declare by their works, they are of their father the devil; for his servants ye are to whom ye obey. They are on the side of sin, living in it, and loving it in enmity, rebellion, and determined opposition to God. (Rom. viii. 7; Titus, iii. 3). II. Not the self-righteous, proud, and vain boasters (Rom. x. 8); these are against the Lord's honour in the law and the Gospel, who must be either subdued by converting grace, or perish under the curse of the law (Is. ii. 11). III. Not the hypocrite, or formalist in a profession of religion, or the false teachers, who lie in wait to deceive souls; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; against such, we are warned by the Apostle in Eph. iv. 14; 2 Tim. iii. 1—5; and these are against the Lord, and all his sincere servants. IV. Not the mere professor of the truth, however high in doctrine, clear in the letter, great in talent, or fluent in speech; for if such are destitute of the fear of God, and while professing love to Christ, either secretly, or openly live in the allowed practice of sin; these are in reality the enemies of Christ, the abettors of infidelity, and the greatest stumbling-blocks in the way of the weak in faith. V. Not the secret or open rejectors of the person of Christ, either in his Deity, imputed righteousness, vicarious sacrifice, particular re demption, or reign of grace. To reject Christ in these things, is to deny the right of divine sovereignty in God the Father, the revelation given by Christ of the Father's will (John, xvii. 2—24); and to deny also the effectual operations of God the Holy Ghost, who is pledged to testify of Christ, and to guide into all truth, all whom the Father chose or the Son redeemed. VI. Not the false teachers, and unfaithful stewards, who know the Lord's will, but conceal it: yea, oppose it, reason against the truth, and lay stumbling-blocks in the way of the blind and the lame; and like those spoken of in Luke, xi. 52; "who hinder instead of helping those who would enter into the kingdom of heaven." "Who then are on the Lord's side? I. All who are separated from the world by the Lord, and to the Lord; who are born again, effectually called by grace, know the plague of the heart, the sentence of death in the law, their utter ruin in sin, inability in themselves, and who are led by the Holy Spirit to Jesus as their fulness of salvation and great All in All. II. Those whose faith and profession stand not in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God; ceasing wholly from all trust in self, and who confide alone in the faithfulness of God, the fulness of Christ, and the fruitfulness of the Holy Spirit's influence to make them fruitful every good work. in III. Those who are decided for the Lord in opposition to all his enemies, and as far as they know and experience his truth, contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints; from which neither threatening, persuasion, nor worldly advantage can move them (Acts, xx. 24). IV. Those who are devoted to the Lord in heart, affection, will, judgment, and a conscientious regard to his cause and revealed truth in all its parts, and effects, in doctrine, experience, and practice; saying to the Lord with Peter, Thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee. V. Those who love not in tongue and word only, but in deed and in truth, and are uniformly the same as God's witnessess in all places; whether for or against their worldly interest, wearing the armour of righteousness, having the mark of those who sigh and cry to be searched that they may be indeed sincere and honest in heart. These are manifestly on the Lord's side; and among them is included all who mourn after God and his salvation, all who are humbled at his feet, all who desire to know, love, and serve him, all who find a daily warfare, and yet are kept seeking to be found in Christ, and longing for the rest that remaineth for the people of God. Here the reason may be assigned why such persons are on the Lord's side. I. It is from necessity, because the Lord alone can pardon, cleanse, heal, justify, preserve, and make meet for glory, and give them eternal life. II. They are on the Lord's side, from attraction; their will, desires, and affections are drawn by the Lord's will revealed, and his love mani fested by the sufferings, and by the death of Christ; and the invitations of his glorious Gospel (John, xii. 52). III. They are on the Lord's side from conviction in their own consciences, that he is a refuge in time of trouble, and so glorious in Himself; his plan of salvation and the certainty of doing his pleasure, that here alone they have confidence for time and eternity. IV. They are on the Lord's side from choice and principle, seeing the Lord hath chosen them in Christ as an act of sovereign grace, and imparted the principles of grace; which lead them to choose him as Ruth said to Naomi, "Thy people shall be my people. "We love him, because he first loved us " (1 John, iv. 19). V. They are on the Lord's side from preference; they have tried the world, its pleasures, and religious forms, and they prefer the Lord's side with all its cares and crosses, to the world's side with all its delusive sweets; saying with the psalmist, "Whom have I in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth I desire besides thee (Psalm, lxxiii. 2). VI. All who are on the Lord's side are made so, and kept so, by the Lord himself; "Who maketh thee to differ? (1 Cor. iv. 7). "Kept by the power of God" (1 Pet. i. 5). "Of his own will (James, i. 18); and the cause can alone be traced to the Father's eternal sovereignty, and personal choice and appointment of them to salvation, elected on the Lord's side, and registered in heaven, with all ordained to stand at his right hand. VII. They are on the Lord's side, according to the Son's redemption, as He said, "I lay down my life for the sheep, and he hath redeemed, and brought us nigh unto God by his blood, to the praise of the glory of his own grace.' All the Lord's people are on his side, and as the effect of the Holy Spirit's work in regeneration, they possess spiritual life, which rises to God; spiritual light, which leads to God, and all the fruits of the Spirit in faith, which lives upon God; hope, which centres in God; love, which embraces God; humility, which lies low before God; peace, which is received and maintained by God; and joy, which flows from God. In conclusion, let us briefly notice the Contrast. "Who is on the Lord's side?" the inquiry supposes there are two parties, those who are for the Lord, and those who are against him; thus it was in the days of Moses, thus it has been to this moment. There are two worlds, the carnal world, which lieth in the wicked one; and the world of elect, redeemed, and separated souls, who are on the Lord's side. There is a waste and wide wilderness, and an inclosed garden; the tares and wheat, the goats and sheep; and to one or other side we all belong : there is no middle state. "Who is on the Lord's side?" we are indeed either on the side of Christ or of Belial, on the Lord's side of life or Satan's side of death, on the side of light or darkness, love or enmity, righteousness or unrighteousness, submission or rebellion, holiness or sin, honour or disgrace, riches or poverty, health or sickness, peace or war, rest or unceasing labour, happiness or misery, heaven or hell. Then think, O my soul, and all who may peruse these remarks, what must be the difference in the world to come between those who are on the Lord's side, and those who are not. Eternal life or death, nearness to God, or absence from him, justification or condemnation, salvation or damnation. It is not names, sects, parties, or creedsnothing but the blood of Jesus will honour justice, wash out the stains of sin, vanquish death, and meeten for eternal life. O may these weighty, solemn, searching, God-glorifying truths awaken a deep concern for personal religion, and experimental godliness; that many while reading this paper, may be led to see the difference betwixt grace and sin, and earnestly seek after, and happily realize the blessedness of being on the side of truth, the side of the true church, the side of martyrs, apostles, and prophets; the safe side in life and death; the right side in the judgment day; the best side, where evil cannot come; the holy side, where sin cannot exist; the happy side, where misery is unknown; and the Lord's side where He will be All in All for ever and ever. Amen. CORRESPONDENCE. “J. G." ESSEX, TO HIS WORTHY FRIEND, "A PILGRIM," MAN" CHESTER, (Through the Gospel Magazine). DEAR FRIEND AND BROTHER IN TRIBULATION'S PATH. Many days of chequered experience have passed away since we accosted each other in the GOSPEL MAGAZINE, but what is time connected with all the scenes of sorrow and affliction, compared with vast eternity to which you and I are fast approaching? A worm is man, an insect of an hour, one moment fluttering in the sunshine of warmth and pleasure, the next dropping to rise no more upon the earth. I trust God has taught you, as well as he has done the creature who is now writing, many useful and important lessons, relative to the great matter which makes us differ from the world, and to know also "this is not our rest," being polluted; here my dear friend, we sicken at a single sight of ourselves; and all the concomitants attached to us in the awful consequences of the fall rightly viewed, lead us away from ourselves in order to behold our remedy in the Redeemer, who is truly "precious to those who believe." O what a mercy and favour it is to those who have been enabled to flee unto him for refuge, and have found him an hiding-place from the storm and tempest, in whom we, with all the rest, are enabled to repose our trust. I thank the Lord for the rich displays of such favours to my heart, even amidst the din of arms, the conflict and war; yea, and also while the vast host of unbelieving intruders are ever ready to dispute all, and to call-in question my right and title to this my portion. The Lord hath said these shall all be found liars unto us. I believe it, I prove it daily, and am a striking monument of spared mercy to declare it in the face of all my foes; grace given, grace received, and grace promised, shows the triumph-. ant victory, and is to our hearts a sealing testimony from the Spirit, that Jesus will never leave nor forsake his own work upon his chosen. Nor can he deny himself in the promise of life, power, and love, to his dear tried family. Since I saw you last, it hath pleased my heavenly Father to call me into deep waters, both temporally and spiritually, but I trust it hath been a right way, and I am still enabled to write, preserved and kept alive by the mighty power of the Lord's mercy watching anew his refractory child. Cannot we compare notes, my dear brother, in these particulars? Yes we can, as it regards his love and gratitude created in our soul which must arise before his throne, through the constraining influence of his dear Spirit, to laud the Lamb. I have had many occasions |