Inhabitants, Census of, when taken, Insolvency, Commissioners of, how chosen, Instruction of Representatives and Petition to Legislature, Rights of, J. Page. 7 Judicatories and Courts of Record, Legislature may establish, 10 " mations, 10 Judicial Department, not to exercise Legislative or Executive Powers, 9 Officers, how appointed,. 19 to hold Office during good behavior, except, &c., 24 may be removed on Address of Legislature, 24 Judiciary Power, . 24 Judges of Courts, what other Offices may not be held by, 33 Judges of Probate, shall hold Courts on fixed days, &c., Supreme Judicial Court, Tenure of Office, and Salaries of, 8, 21, 24 Law-Martial, Persons not in Army or Navy, or Actual Militia Service, Laws, every Person to have remedy in, for injury to Person or Property, Ex Post Facto, unjust and inconsistent with Free Government, not repugnant to Constitution, Legislature may make, of Province, Colony or State of Massachusetts Bay, not repug- nant to Constitution, continued in force, power of suspending, only in Legislature, Legal Voters, Census of, to be taken for representative apportion- 8 6 8 10 29 8 35, 36, 40, 41 9 9 Legislative Department, not to exercise Executive or Judicial Powers, Legislature. See General Court. Lieutenant-Governor, " 21 . when and how chosen, 21, 31, 33, 34, 37 official title of, . qualifications of, 7 not to be subject to, Meetings, Plantation, provisions respecting, 66 Magistrates and officers, accountability of, Major-Generals, how appointed and commissioned, . Martial Law, persons not in the Army, Navy, or actual Militia service, Town, Selectmen to preside at, 5 8 13 12 Military Power, to be subordinate to Civil, 7 Militia Offices, vacancies in, how filled, 20 Officers, how elected and commissioned, 20, 32 how removed, 20, 32 confirmed, Militia, organization of, into Brigades, Regiments and Companies, 20 Money Bills, to originate in House of Representatives, Money, how drawn from the Treasury, value of, how computed,. Moneys raised for Support of Common Schools, not to be applied by Moral Principles, necessity of observance in a Free Government, Oaths and Affirmations, Courts and Judicatories may administer, Oaths, Affirmations substituted, in behalf of Quakers, Offences. See Crimes and Offences. Office, Right of People to secure Rotation in, 10 Official, Forms of, 27, 32 how and by whom taken and subscribed, 27, 28, 32 28, 32 5,6 no person eligible to, who cannot read and write, 6 39 28,33 Officers, Civil, Legislature may provide for the naming and settling of, setts Bay, continued in office, Officers and Magistrates, accountability of, . 5 Officers, Militia, how elected and commissioned, 20, 32 how removed, 20, 32 Offices, Militia, vacancies in, how filled, Incompatible, Plurality of, prohibited to Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, " and Judges, Page. 20 28, 33 Pardon, Power of, vested in Governor and Council, 19 People, Right of, to keep and bear Arms, 7 Person and Property, Remedy for Injuries to, should be in the laws, 6 7 Plantations, Unincorporated, Tax-paying Inhabitants of, may vote for Councillors and Senators, 13 Plurality of Votes, election of Civil Officers by, 37 Political Year, when to begin and end, 33 Polls, Ratable, Census of, when taken, 35 Power, Executive, 17, 18 16 Judiciary, 24 Probate, Judges of, shall hold Courts on fixed days, &c., 9 7 24 24 33 19 39 Property, Private, not to be taken for Public Uses without Compen- Property Qualification for Office, may be increased by Legislature, Prosecutions, for Crimes and Offences, proceedings in regulated, 6 29 37 6 Services, the only Title to particular and exclusive Privileges, of Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and Attorney-General, Towns having less than 150, how represented, 15 Reading and Writing, necessary to enable Persons to Vote or hold 39 Register of Council, to be kept, subject to the call of either House, 23 Religious Denominations, equal protection secured to all, 5, 34 in House, Societies, Right of, to elect their own Pastors, &c., persons belonging to, Membership defined, Representation, in Council, basis of, Representatives. See House of Representatives. Returns, Quarterly, how and by whom to be made, Returns of Votes, by whom made, examined, &c., 5, 35 35 37 15, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41 11, 36, 41 20 12, 13, 17 4 Rights, Natural, Declaration of, &c., S. Salaries, of Judges of Supreme Court, 8, 21 Salary, of Governor, Schools, Money raised and appropriated for, how to be applied, Sectarian, appropriation of Money for, prohibited, Search and Seizure, the Right of every Man to be secure from, Secretary of the Commonwealth, how chosen, 21 39 39 7 23 23, 38 39 " Selectmen, Duties of, in calling and conducting Elections, Self-government, Right of, asserted, Members of, number, and how chosen, vacancy in Office of, how filled, 32, 39 12 5 11 11, 12, 31, 36, 41 14, 37, 39, 41, 42 " Senate, Members shall be sworn preliminary to trial of Impeachment, exempt from arrest on Mean Process, Page. 14 16 to be final judge of elections of its own Members, 13 14 shall choose its own officers, and establish its own Rules, 14 14 may punish persons not Members, for disrespect, &c., may determine all cases involving its Rights and Privileges, Oaths and Affirmations, how taken and subscribed by, 11, 36, 41 Soldier, not to be quartered in any house without consent of owner, 8 Solicitor-General, how appointed, 19 Standing Armies, without consent of Legislature, prohibited, 7 Supreme Being, the Public Worship of, a Right and Duty, &c., Judicial Court, Tenure of Office and Salaries of Judges of, Taxation, should be founded on consent, Taxes, Excises, &c., Legislature may impose, Tax, State or County, payment of, as qualification of Voter, Tests, Religious, abolished, Title, of Governor, of Lieutenant-Governor, Town Meetings, Selectmen to preside at, Towns, having less than 300 Ratable Polls, how represented, 6,8 11 13, 31 32 17 21 12 35 having less than 150 Ratable Polls, how represented, 15 " may unite in Representative District, 35, 36 Travel, Expenses of, to and from the General Court, how paid, " 39 |