Aggregate of Votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, in the year 1814. GOVERNOR. LIEUT. GOVERNOR. Counties. Strong. Dexter, Scat'g. Phillips. Gray. Scat'g. 195 56,374 45,953 150 56,274 45,667 Whole number of votes (agreeably to the Constitution) for Governor, was 102,477; and for Lieut. Governor, 102,236. * ** The several Plantations (27) unincorporated, gave 183 for Strong, and 570 for Dexter, as Governor; and 169 for Phillips, and 578 for Gray as Lieut. Governor. These were rejected; as were also the votes in the following incorporated towns, viz. Freeport and Westport, in Bristol county; Alford in Berkshire county; and Tewksbury and Wilmington, in Middlesex county. The names of the Plantations, and a schedule of the votes given by each was prepared for insertion ;--but as Plantations are not allowed by law to vote for Governor, &c. it has beer. thought superfluous to publish them. COMPARATIVE VIEWS OF THE POLITICAL ORGANIZATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IN 1814-15. FIRST. all Federal. The Governor, Lieut. Governor, and Council, SECOND. The Senate, 27 Federalists, and 13 Demo crats. THIRD. House of Representatives, viz. MASSACHUSETTS PROPER. MAINE. Totals, 359 156 515 38 13 51 Subtract 156 demo. leaves 203fd maj. Totals, Giving a grand Federal majority of 228 in the Government. GOVERNORS of the SEVERAL STATES. New-Hamsphire-JoHN T. GILMAN, fed. Massachusetts-CALEB STRONG, f. Rhode-Island-WILLIAM JONES, f. Connecticut-JOHN C. SMITH, ƒ. New-York-DANIEL D. TOMPKINS, dem. New-Jersey-WILLIAM S. PENNINGTON, d. Pennsylvania-SIMON SNYDER, d. Delaware-DANIEL RODNEY, ƒ. Maryland-LEVIN WINDER, f. Virginia-JAMES BARBOUR, d. North-Carolina-WILLIAM HAWKINS, d. 'South-Carolina-JOSEPH ALSTON, d. Georgia-PETER EARLY, d. Vermont-MARTIN CHITTENDEN, f. Tennessee-WILLIE BLOUNT, d. Kentucky-ISAAC SHELBY, d. Ohio Louisiana-WILLIAM C. C. CLAIBORNE, d 8 3635 3452 3483 9 2012 1925 1940 3544 3623 1920 1896 2732 2487 2649 2515 2568 5572 2853 3049 2924 2890 2976 2988 2428 2356 2441 2379 2349 1571 1535 1533 1543 8526 4370 1929 3473 6768 2754 3103 54189 1296 25942 56 1815 38677 1972 3958.5 41 J696 26/ 9 1844 834 6 21 1013 704 7 23 8603 161 8 •To. 48464 47296 47528 47332 48009107380 48463 419081817540 1485 577551131108 28 63965 2374 2378 42598 72 1751 25 1585 1430 27251 23 656 11 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 5 3 2 Knapsacks. Cartridges with Balls. Rifles. Loose Balls. Pounds ofPowder, Number of Regiments Number of Brigades. Number of Men, including Officers. 488 6 33333 1212 221221 2 553443 6 3 9 17 9 9 → → ∞ Quarter-Masters 7 1 179 Captains. Lieutenants. Cornets. Tenth Thirteenth 3 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 265 6 139 176 176 285 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 6 202 206 207 199 207 208 208 208 208 208 208 269 13 389 394 393 386 392 394 394 394 390 392 392 495 4 10 4 17 6 171 158 158 143 159 159 159 159 154 96 101 217 11 5 78 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 71 70 69 107 36 16 349 379 379 388 377 384 387 387 386 378 381 443 17 6 170 192 192 190 187 193 193 193 188 189 186 217 10 5 16 7 163 147 148 133 146 150 150 150 146 150 150 210 57 60 62 63 61 63 63 63 4 116 141 142 143 141 143 143 143 31 99 73 74 76 77 78 78 78 74 77 70 138 104 105 104 105 105 105 105 105 104 133 Total, 73 725 22 15 65 1390 27287 2229 2309|2332|2403|2324|2351|235423542235224722412931 10 193 208 226 225 24 28 42 198 Musicians. Rank and File. Pair of Pistols. Pair of Holsters. Cartridge Boxes Swords. Horses. Saddles, Bridles. Breast Plates. Mail Pillions. Valises. OFFICERS. ARMS AND EQUIPMENTS. No. of Men, inclu ding Officers. CAVALRY. |