An excellent likeness of Governor STRONG accompanies the present edition ;-not merely in compliment to His Excellency, but that thousands who never yet have had an opportunity of beholding the original, might therein trace the features of a gentleman, who has so often been elected to the chief magistracy of Massachusetts. Should the Editor be favoured with likenesses of gentlemen who have been eminent in the State, he will endeavour to have accurate plates obtained, and attach them to the future volumes of the Manual, &c. The Astronomical calculations, from Jan. 1815, to July following, are by master Stoddard Capen, a youth of extraordinary genius and application; and who bids fair to add additional lustre to the scientific character of Boston. Biographical notices of gentlemen eminent for Patriotism, Learning, or Public Usefulness (whether of living or deceased characters), will be received, and treated with all possible attention ;-as will Historical, Political, Agricultural, Commercial, Naval, Military, Religious, Medical, and all other articles, which may be interesting, novel, entertaining or instructive. In a work of this nature, embracing such a great number of facts, &c. it is almost impossible, with the greatest caution, to avoid making or overlooking some errors. The Appendix (at the end of this volume) will enable the reader to correct a few errors which were discovered too late to be corrected in their proper places. A variety of additional information will also be found in the Appendix. There may be some mistakes in the names of officers of the Institutions given; but none are known to us. To avoid errors in future, it is thought proper to state, that any Institution wishing to be recorded in this work, can direct their secretaries &c. to furnish the Editor with a correct list, and it shall be inserted. But the Editor had rather omit any thing, than be in the dis. agreeable predicament of guessing as to its correctness. Resting his hopes on deserving the approbation and support of his friends and the public, the Editor remains, their devoted servant, WILLIAM BURDICK. Boston, June, 1814, Page Adjutant Generals Aggregate of votes for Governor, &c. 1813 and 14 Ambassadors to foreign courts 35 50, 51 59 Attorney Generals, U States 60 Academies in Massachusetts 121 Agricultural Societies 124 Anecdotes, congressional 156, 159, 163, 164 American Press, remarks on the 160 Army appropriations 171 Attorneys in Boston, 174 186 April, events in, 190 August, events in, Bristol county Representatives, votes, &c. 40 Barnstable, do. do. ib. Berkshire, Banks in Massachusetts Bible Society, British Bible Societies Banking capital, remarks on, Clerks of the Senate Chaplains of the Senate Clerks of the House of Representatives Counties, notes respecting, 99 115 165 31 31 $2 32 34 36 104 137 Cumberland Representatives, votes, &c. 45 59 60 78 82 |