| Dyer - 1767 - 300 pages
...Faint, Heal the Sick, and lead the Blind ; Juft Juft and Holy is thy Name ! I am all unrighteoufnefs, Vile, and full of Sin I am, Thou art full of Truth and Grace. Plenteous Grace with thee is found, Grace to pardon all my Sin, Let the healing Streams abound, Make... | |
| Collection - 1767 - 216 pages
...the Faint, Heal the Sick, and lead the Blind; J.uft and holy is thy Name, 1 am all Unrighteoufnefs ! Vile § and full of Sin I am, Thou art full of Truth and Grace. |f N 3, Plen* * ?£. xvii. 8. f Rom. vii. i8. f Job xl.^ | John i. i4, IPlenteons Grace with Thee is... | |
| Collection - 1771 - 224 pages
...f Rom. vii. 18, § Job xl. 4. . U Johni. 14.. .. " . _ w. ... . ,..i IV. Plenteous Gwe with Thee U found,-' . • Grace to pardon all my Sin : Let the healing Streams abound, Make, and Tteep me pure -within -c . Thou of Lite the || Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee, „. Spring... | |
| Collection - 1774 - 426 pages
...fick, and lead the blind i Juft and holy is thy name ; I am all unrighteoufnefs ! Vile, and full of fin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. / 4 Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to pardon all my fin : Let the healing ftreams abound, Make, and keep me pure within : Thou of life the fountain art,... | |
| Hymns, English - 1776 - 428 pages
...lick, and lead the blind ! Juft and holy is .thy name-; I am all unrighicoufuefs : Vile and full of fin I am, Thou art full' of truth and grace. 4. Plenteous grace with Thee, is found, Grace to cover all my fin: Let the healing ftream abound; Make and keep me pure within: Thou of life the Fountain... | |
| Choice collection - 1776 - 566 pages
...fick, and lead the blind, Jufl and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteoufnefs ! Vile and full of fin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with thse is found, Grace to pardon all my fin ; Let the healing ftreams abound, Make and keep me pure within... | |
| David Simpson - 1780 - 628 pages
...and lead the Blind. Juft and holy is thy Name, Dd?. I am all Unrighteoufnefs ! Vile and full oi !,in I am, Thou art full of Truth and Grace. 4. Plenteous...healing Streams abound, Make and keep me pure within: Thqu of Life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of thee, Spring thau up within wy Heart, Rile to... | |
| George Whitefield - 1785 - 280 pages
...Name, More than All in thcc I find ; Raife the Fallen, chear the Faint, I am all Unrighteoufhefs ! Vile and full of Sin I am, Thou art full of Truth and Grace. Plenteous Grace with thee is found, Make, and keep me pure within ; Thou of Life the Fountain art,... | |
| 1787 - 112 pages
...fick, and lead the blind, Juft and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteoufnefs ! Vile and full of fin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with thee is found, • . Grace to pardoa all our fin : Let the healing ftreams abound, Make, and keep me pure within : Thou of life,... | |
| N Mosley Cheek - 1794 - 156 pages
...fick, and lead the blind: Juft and holy is thy name ; 1 am all unrighteoufnefs; Vile, and full of fin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my fin : Let the healing flreams abound, Make and keep me pure within. Them Thou of life... | |
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