RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, By the general assembly of the state of Ohio: That the governor be requested to forward to the speaker of the house of representatives of the United States, in congress assembled, a certified copy of the act, entitled, "An act declaring the assent of the general assembly of the state of Ohio, to an amendment proposed by the congress of the United States, in lieu of the third paragraph of the first section of the second article of the constitution of the United States." ELIAS LANGHAM, Speaker of the house of representatives. NATH. MASSIE, Speaker of the senate. December 30th, 1803. Attest: G. HOFFMAN, Clerk to the house of representatives. THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk of the senate. Resolved, By the general assembly of the state of Ohio: That the measures taken by the government of the United States, to secure to the citizens the free and uncontrolled navigation of the Mississippi river, and to obtain the right to and the possession of the province of Louisiana, merit the approbation of this assembly. ELIAS LANGHAM, Speaker of the house of representatives. NATH. MASSIE, Speaker of the senate. December 31st, 1803. Attest: G. HOFFMAN, Clerk to the house of representatives. THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk of the senate. Resolved, By the general assembly of the state of Ohio: That the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives, be and they are hereby directed to deposit in the office of state, all enrolled bills, as soon as they shall have passed both houses and shall have been signed by the speakers. ELIAS LANGHAM, Speaker of the house of representatives. NATH. MASSIE, Speaker of the senate. January 17th, 1804. Attest: G. HOFFMAN, Clerk of the house of representatives. THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk to the senate. Resolved, By the senate and house of representatives: That the committee of ways and means, be instructed to contract with Nathaniel Willis, for such printing as may be directed upon the terms included in his proposals to said committee. ELIAS LANGHAM, Speaker of the house of representativės. NATH. MASSIE, January 17th, 1804. Attest: G. HOFFMAN, Clerk of the house of representatives THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk of the senate. Resolved, By the general assembly: That the joint committee of revisal and unfinished business, be instructed to report as soon as may be, what laws of a general nature are necessary to be enacted or revised at the present session; and that after such report being made, the two houses will, by joint resolution, determine what laws so reported as necessary, shall be taken up. ELIAS LANGHAM, Speaker of the house of representatives. NATH. MASSIE, January 17th, 1804. Attest: G. HOFFMAN, Clerk of the house of representatives. THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk of the senate. |