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following persons with the laws and journals of the present session: To the secretary of the United States, one copy of the laws only; to the governor, one copy; to the judges of the supreme court, the presidents of the court of common pleas, auditor of public accounts, state treasurer, secretary of state, and to the clerks of the general assembly, each one copy, to be conveyed to the clerk of the common pleas of the county in which they respectively reside, and shall also retain for himself, one copy: Provided always, that where there shall be no clerks appointed in any counties, the laws and journals as aforesaid, shall be left with one of the associate judges of the courts of common pleas. And resolved also, that the governor of this state be authorized to transmit to the executives of the several states, one copy of the laws of the present session.


Speaker of the house of representatives.


Speaker of the senate.

February 18th, 1804.



Clerk of the house of representatives.


Clerk of the senate.

Resolved, By the general assembly of the state of Ohio: That the secretary of state be authorized and required, as soon as may be, to send and receive from Daniel Symmes, Esq., and also from James Findlay, Esq., the receiver of public monies at Cincinnati, the copies of the laws of the United States, for the use of this state, now in their possession; also, to send for and receive a box of the laws of the United States, at the mouth of Scioto river; and also, that he request Arthur St. Clair, Esq., late governor of the territory, or such other person as may be in possession of them, to deliver to him two copies of the laws of the state of South Carolina, which by a resolution of the territorial legislature, were appropriated to their use, and that the expenses of procuring said laws shall be defrayed by the state.


Speaker of the house of representatives.


Speaker pro tem. of the senate.

January 24th, 1804.



Clerk of the house of representatives.


Clerk of the senate.


Resolved, By the general assembly of the state of Ohio: That the persons hereinafter named, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, agreeable to the provisions of an act, entitled, "An act establishing seats of justice," viz: For the county of Muskingum, John Guthrie, Sen., James Grubb and William M'Farland, which commissioners are authorized and empowered, to proceed to examine and select the most proper place for the seat of Justice in said county, agreeably to the act before mentioned.

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Resolved, By the general assembly of the state of Ohio: That the election of the major general and quartermaster general of the several divisions of the militia in this state, shall be conducted in the following manner: The senate will attend in the representatives' chamber, at three o'clock, this day, and being seated and a teller from each house being nominated by their respective speaker, the persons voted for as majors general and quartersmaster general shall be included in one ballot, with a designation of the several divisions for which they are designed; then the tellers shall collect and canvass the votes, beginning with the first division and proceeding in rotation as the divisions. are numbered, and that if it shall appear that two or more persons have an equal number of votes, either for major general or quartermaster general, in any one division, then the legislature shall go into a second election, and the person having a majority shall be elected.

ELIAS LANGHAM, Speaker of the house of representatives.



Speaker pro tem. of the senate.


Clerk of the house of representatives..


Clerk of the senate..


Chillicothe, Ohio.

I hereby certify, that the foregoing laws and resolutions of the general assembly of the state of Ohio, are correct copies of the rolls in my office.

Given under my hand, the nineteenth

day of June, one thousand eight hundred and four and of the independence of this state the second. WILLIAM CREIGHTON, JUN.,

Secretary of State.

To the legislature

of the state of Ohio.

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