Politics and Old Age: Older Citizens and Political Processes in BritainExploring the political identities of older people in Britain, this book examines their contrasting characterizations as a powerful pressure group and as marginalized by unresponsive political systems. Featuring the results of original research, it investigates the effectiveness of pressure groups and lobbyists for older people, the power and influence of older people as perceived by themselves and the general public, and the response of political parties and governments to older people and their needs. |
The Nature of Fears About an Ageing Population | 16 |
Older Peoples Advocates The Charities | 41 |
The Influence of Older Voters The Case of the 1997 General | 63 |
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1997 General Election activists activities Age Concern age groups ageing population ageism agenda attitudes Barbara Castle basic pension basic state pension BGOP BPTUAA Britain British Bruce Kent campaign citizenship compassionate ageism conference Conservative debate democracy demographic discussion earnings effective elderly electorate example focus group future going government's Greater London Forum Help the Aged identify impact important income increasing numbers influence interests Jack Jones Jeff Rooker Labour Party lobby London Forum manifesto means means-tested benefits minister movement National Health Service National Insurance NFOAPA numbers of older old age older people's issues older voters opinion OPPOL interview organisations participants particular pension schemes pensions issue political parties politicians priorities problem programme reform Report responsibility restore the link retirement role SERPS significant Social Security society stereotypes suggest survey target trade union vote welfare younger