4 annum, payable semi-annually and payable after five years When payable. and not exceeding twenty years from the date of their issue, as the council of said city may determine. Said bonds shall sale. SECTION 2. The proceeds arising from the sale of said Manufactobonds, or any portion of them, shall be expended for the pur- ries. pose of aiding and maintaining manufacturing establishments in any such city which are located therein. tion. SECTION 3. Before the bonds herein provided for shall Special elecbe issued, the question of issuing the same, or any portion of them, shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of such city, within thirty days after the passage of this act, at the usual places of voting in such city and at said [such] time as the council of said city may appoint, to determine the question of issuing said bonds. The tickets to be voted at such elec- Ballot. tion shall have printed or written thereon, "Authority to issue bonds-Yes;" "Authority to issue bonds - No." If the propo- Issue condisition to issue bonds be approved by two-thirds or more of those voting thereon at such election, then said council shall at once issue and sell said bonds for the purpose named, and as provided in this act; notice of such election shall be pub- Notice and lished in four newspapers published and circulating in said city, for not less than ten days prior to such election, which shall, in all respects not herein provided for, be managed and conducted as other municipal elections are, or may be required by law to be managed and conducted in any such city. tional. conduct of election. SECTION 4. To pay the principal and interest of any of Additional tax said bonds as the same shall become due, said city council is levy. hereby authoriz-d and empowered to levy a sufficient tax on all taxable property of said city, in addition to all other taxes authorized by law. Said taxes shall be levied and colle ted as other taxes in said city. SECTION 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. LEWIS C. LAYLIN Speaker of the House of Representatives. President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed February 17, 1892. 19G [House Bill No. 176] AN ACT To authorize certain villages to borrow a sum not exceeding $10,000 for general purposes and to issue bonds therefor. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the S'at of Ohio, That the council of any village which contained at the last federal census, or which shall hereafter contain a population of not less than one thousand three hundred and General purpose bonds (Norwood). of section 3951 of the Revised Statutes, as amended March 20, 1891 (88 O. L., p. 159). SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. LEWIS C. LAYLIN, Speaker of the House of Representatives. President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed February 17, 1892. 17G Appropria cation of list of cities and villages entitled to [House Bill No. 153.] AN ACT To provide for a deficiency caused by the publication of lists of cities and villages entitled to be advanced under the federal census of 1890. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Sate tion for publi- of Ohio, That there be and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundred advancement. and forty six dollars and eighty-seven cents ($246.87), to pay for the publication of lists of cities and villages entitled to be advanced under the federal census of 1890, in accordance with section 1618 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio. The same shall be paid upon the warrant of auditor of state, upon vouchers approved by the supervisor of public printing. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. LEWIS C. LAYLIN. Speaker of the House of Representatives. President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed February 17, 1892. 18G Bonds authorized in aid of inanufactur ing establ sh⚫ments (Fremont). Amount. Denomination. Interest. [House Bill No. 154.] AN ACT To authorize certain cities herein designated to issue bonds for the purpose of aiding, encouraging and maintaining manufacturing establishments in said cities. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Sate of Ohio, That the council of any city of the fourth grade of the second class, which at the federal census of 1890 had, and at any subsequent census may have, a population of seven thousand one hundred and forty-one (7,141), be and the same is hereby authorized and empowered to issue the bonds of such ci y in any sum not exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars ($35 000), in denominations not exceeding one thousand dollars each, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually and payable after five years When payable. and not exceeding twenty years from the date of their issue, as the council of said city may determine. Said bonds shall Sale. ries. SECTION 2. The proceeds arising from the sale of said Manufactobonds, or any portion of them, shall be expended for the purpose of aiding and maintaining manufacturing establishments in any such city which are located therein. tion. SECTION 3. Before the bonds herein provided for shall Special elecbe issued, the question of issuing the same, or any portion of them, shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of such city, within thirty days after the passage of this act, at the usual places of voting in such city and at said [such] time as the council of said city may appoint, to determine the question of issuing said bonds. The tickets to be voted at such elec Ballot. tion shall have printed or written thereon, "Authority to issue bonds-Yes;" "Authority to issue bonds - No." If the propo- Issue condisition to issue bonds be approved by two-thirds or more of those voting thereon at such election, then said council shall at once issue and sell said bonds for the purpose named, and as provided in this act; notice of such election shall be pub- Notice and lished in four newspapers published and circulating in said conduct of city, for not less than ten days prior to such election, which shall, in all respects not herein provided for, be managed and conducted as other municipal elections are, or may be required by law to be managed and conducted in any such city. tional. election. SECTION 4. To pay the principal and interest of any of Additional tax said bonds as the same shall become due, said city council is levy. hereby authoriz-d and empowered to levy a sufficient tax on all taxable property of said city, in addition to all other taxes authorized by law. Said taxes shall be levied and collected as other taxes in said city. SECTION 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. LEWIS C. LAYLIN Speaker of the House of Representatives. President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed February 17, 1892. 19G [House Bill No. 176] AN ACT To authorize certain villages to borrow a sum not exceeding $10,000 for general purposes and to issue bonds therefor. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the S'ate of Ohio, That the council of any village which contained at the last federal census, or which shall hereafter contain a population of not less than one thousand three hundred and General purpose bonds (Norwood). seventy and not more than one thousand four hundred, in counties containing cities of the first grade of the first class, be and said council is hereby authorized to borrow a sum of money not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), at a rate of interest not to exceed six (6) per centum, payable semiApplication of annually, for general purposes and to pay existing indebtedness against the general revenue fund of said village. Amount. funds. Bonds. Amount; denomination; SECTION 2. For the purpose of paying said loan, such village is hereby empowered to issue its bonds for the aggrewhen payable. gate amount borrowed, in such denominations and payable at such time, within five years from the date of issue, as the council may determine. Additional tax levy. SECTION 3. Said council shall annually thereafter cause the necessary taxes to be levied, in addition to those now authorized by law, to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, as the same shall become due, in the manner already provided for levying and collecting taxes for municipal pur poses. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. LEWIS C. LAYLIN. Speaker of the House of Representatives. President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed February 17, 1892. 20G Appropria. tion for common schools. [House Bill No. 180.] AN ACT Making appropriation for support of common schools. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the S'ate of Ohio, That there be and is hereby appropriated from any moneys raised or coming into the state treasury, for the support of common schools, the sum of one million seven hundred and one thousand and eighty-five ($1,701,085) dollars, or so much as may come into the treasury for that purpose, to be distributed and paid in manner provided by law, agreeable to section 3956 of the Revised Statutes. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. LEWIS C. LAYLIN. Speaker of the House of Representatives. President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed February 17, 1892. [Senate Bill No. 40.] AN ACT To provide for the division of precincts other than in cities of the first, third and fourth grades of the first class, and in cities of the second class. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Sate Conduct of of Ohio, That section 20 of an act entitled "An act to provide elections: for the mode of conducting elections, to insure the secrecy of the ballot, and prevent fraud and intimidation at the polls, and to repeal certain statutes therein named," be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 20. When 500 votes or more have been cast at the Division of last preceding election in any precinct, the county board of precincts. elections may, or when a majority of the voters of any precinct petition therefor, shall give ten days' notice at least thirty days prior to an election, by publication in two leading papers of opposite politics published in the county, that the same is to be divided into two or more precincts, on a day named in said notice. On said day, or some subsequent day to which the matter may be adjourned by the board, the matter of dividing the precinct as near equally in votes as possible shall be heard, considered and determined by the board, and if said board can not agree, the question shall be submitted to the probate judge, upon a written statement of such disagreement, signed by at least two members of the board. who shall forth with determine the same. Provided, that if Restoration of any precinct shall have already been divided under the provisions of this said original act contrary to the desires of a majority of the voters of said precinct, [that] said precinct may be restored to its original condition in the same manner as provided above for its division; and also provided that City election nothing in this section contained shall be construed to af- precincts. fect the powers and duties of city boards of elections, in reference to the division of election precincts within such cities, as provided in section 2926 of the Revised Statutes. divided precinct. SECTION 2. That said section 20 of the act passed April Repeals, etc. 30, 1891, be and the same is hereby repealed. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. LEWIS C. LAYLIN. Speaker of the House of Representatives. President pro tem. of the Senate. Passed February 18, 1892. 22G [Senate Bill No. 69.] AN ACT To provide for the appointment of directors or trustees of universities supported in whole or in part by public taxation in cities of the first class. Directors or SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That in cities of the first grade of the first class all va- universities trustees of |