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and disclosure

Sec. 6500. The garnishee shall appear before the justice Appearance in accordance with the command of the notice, and shall an- of garnishee swer under oath all questions put to him touching the property before justice. of every description and credits of the defendant, in his possession or under his control, and he shall disclose, truly, the amount owing by him to the defendant, whether due or not; and in case of a corporation, any stock therein held by or for the benefit of the defendant, at or after the service of notice; but at the time of such service the garnishee shall be entitled Demand for to demand his fees in the same manner and amount as other fees in adwitnesses, and if the same are not paid on demand or within

a reasonable time thereafter, the garnishee shall not be bound

by nor obliged to obey the notice.


SECTION 2. That said original sections 5547 and 6500 are Repeals, etc. hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect on its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Passed February 24, 1892.


President of the Senate.

[House Bill No. 158.]


To amend section one of an act passed March 17, 1891 (vol. 88, p. 139), to provide for the disposition of inmates of the Ohio soldiers' and sailors' home, who may become insane.

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SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That when any inmate of "the Ohio soldiers' and sailors' home becomes insane, the commandant of said home shall file with the probate judge of the county in which said home is located, an affidavit substantially as follows:

county, ss:

The state of Ohio, commandant of said home, being duly sworn, says that he believes an inmate of said home, is insane, or that in consequence of his insanity, his being at large is dangerous to the community; that said inmate was received into said home from county, on the day



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SECTION 2. That said section one, vol. 88, p. 139, be and Repeals. the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. That this act shall take effect and be in


force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Passed February 24, 1892.

President of the Senate.


(Geauga and




New public

roads and highways.

Repairs and



nary repairs,


Canada thistles.

[House Bill No. 217.]


To amend section 3 of an act entitled "An act to create township supervisors in certain counties, and to require the letting of certain portions of road work by contract," as passed April 15, 1889 (vol. 86, page 324).

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section 3 of an act passed April 15, 1889, be amended so as to read as follows:

Sec. 3. The duties of supervisor shall be as follows: To open, or to cause to be opened, all public roads and highways which shall be laid out and established in his district, and to maintain the proper legal width and location of the same; to keep the same in good repair and make, from time to time, permanent im- such permanent improvements by grading, draining, graveling or macadamizing, as the tax for road purposes will warrant; to remove or cause to be removed forthwith, all obGrading, ordi- structions that may be found thereon; to complete the work of grading and ordinary repairs between the first day of April and twentieth day of June of each year, and to complete within a reasonable time after having been commenced all repairs and improvements in a smooth and workmanlike manner, and in good condition for all kinds of public travel, and to grade, or cause to be graded and leveled off, the earth and gravel that may be scraped, shoveled or hauled into any public road under his direction or charge at the time such work is performed; and when the supervisor has knowledge that Canada thistles are growing on land in his road district he shall forthwith give notice to the owner or occupant of said land who shall at once proceed to kill and destroy the same and if at the end of thirty days from such notice such owner or occupant shall have failed to have proceeded to kill and destroy said Canada thistles the supervisor shall at once proceed to kill and destroy said Canada thistles or cause the same to be done. And if the owner or owners of land along said public roads and highways shall fail to cut down and destroy all weeds, burs, bushes and briers growing in the public highways against their lands, before the 15th of August of each year, then the supervisor shall at once proceed to cut down or cause to be cut down and destroy all such weeds, burs, bushes and briers that may be found standing after the 15th of August of each year, and the same to be paid for out of any road or township funds not otherwise appropriated [and the] trustees of said township shall make or furnish a statement of the cost of cutting and destroying said weeds, burs, bushes and briers, [and] Canada thistles, together with the name of the owner or person holding the title of the lands, along whose roadsides said weeds, burs, bushes and briers have been cut and destroyed by said supervisors, to the auditor of said county, who shall enter the costs upon the duplicate against the land upon which the weeds, burs, bushes and briers [and] Canada thistles have been cut and destroyed, which shall be collected as other taxes and return it with the road fund of said township. But no supervisor shall cut down or molest any of the shade trees

Weeds, burs, bushes and briers.

Cost of destroy

ing weeds, burs, bushes,

briers and Can

ada thistles.

Shade trees.


growing upon the highways, unless so ordered by the township trustees.

SECTION 2. That section 3 of the above recited act be Repeala. and the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force

from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Passed February 24, 1892.


President of the Senate.

[Senate Bill No. 71.]


To provide for the redemption of bonds and the payment of certain mortgage debts upon the Ohio state fair grounds.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there be and is hereby appropriated from money belonging to the sinking fund (received from the treasury of the United States as the portion of the state of Ohio of the direct tax reimbursement), the following sums for the purpose of paying the debt of the Ohio state board of agriculture, as herein named: To redeem first mortgage bonds of said board, payable July 1, 1892, of the sixty thousand dollar issue, authorized by act of the general assembly, passed May 1, 1885, which are [then] payable, five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). To redeem second mortgage bonds of said board, payable July 1, 1892, of the twenty thousand dollar issue, authorized by act of the general assembly, passed May 19, 1886, fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00). For one year's interest on the total unpaid bonds of said issues, three thousand nine hundred dollars ($3,900).

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

[blocks in formation]

Passed February 25, 1802.


President of the Senate.

[House Bill No. 50.]


To reimburse company D, seventeenth regiment, Ohio national guard.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State Appropria

of Ohio, That the auditor of the state of Ohio be and is here- tion for com

teenth regiment, O. N. G.

pany D, seven- by authorized and required to issue his warrant on the state treasurer to pay to company D, of the seventeenth regiment, O. N. G., out of the general revenue fund not otherwise appropriated, fifty ($50) dollars to reimburse said company D for actual and necessary expenses incurred by said company in taking charge of and burying John Heniger, a member of said company, who was killed on the nineteenth day of August, 1891, near Belle Valley station on a train on the Cleveland and Marietta railroad, on which the said company was returning home from the annual encampment of said seventeenth regiment at Newark.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker pro tem. of the House of Representatives.

Passed March 1, 1892


President of the Senate.



[House Bill No. 58.]


To reimburse George D. Hendricks for quarters, fuel and straw furnished the 34th regiment Ohio national guards in May, 1864.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State tion for Geo. D. of Ohio, That there be and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ninety dollars and seventy-five cents ($90.75) for the purpose of paying said Geo. D. Hendricks the amount of his claim.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker pro tem. of the House of Representatives.

Passed March 1, 1892.


President of the Senate.

Law libraries:

[House Bill No. 344.]


To amend section two thousand six hundred and eighty of the Revised
Statutes of Ohio.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section two thousand six hundred and eighty of the Revised Statutes of Onio be amended to read as follows:

fines for maintenance of.

Sec. 2680. All fines and penalties which are assessed and Police court collected by the police court, for offenses and misdemeanors prosecuted in the name of the state, except a portion thereof equal to the compensation allowed by the county commissioners to the judge, clerk and prosecuting attorney of such court, in state cases, which shall be retained by the clerk, shall be paid by the clerk quarterly to the trustees of such law library associations mentioned in the two next preceding sections, to be expended in the purchase of law books, and the maintenance of such associations; but the sums so paid shall not be less than five hundred dollars per annum, if there be such amount. And all justices of the peace of such Who entitled county, and all officers of townships, villages and cities to use of therein, shall have the same free use of the books of such library, as the judges and county officers. And the trustees of Annual report such associations shall on the first Monday of each year make a detailed statement to the auditor of the county, verified by the oath of the treasurer of the association, of the amount of the fines and penalties so received, and of the money expended by the association.


of trustees.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force Repeals, eta. from and after its passage, and original section two thousand six hundred and eighty is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Passed March 1, 1892.


President of the Senate.

[House Bill No. 79.]


To supplement section 6896, Revised Statutes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State Offenses of Ohio, That section 6896 of the Revised Statutes be supple- against public mented with sectional numbering as follows:



Sec. 6896a. Whoever wilfully disturbs, by disorderly Disorderly conduct, obscene language, or otherwise unlawfully interferes conduct upon with the peace and comfort of passengers upon any passenger train. train, shall be fined not more than twenty-five dollars, or imprisoned not more than ten days, or both.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate.

Passed March 2, 1892.

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