In Cuyahoga county, except Cleveland, laying of water pipes.... Malta, natural gas plant bonds, issue of................................................................ Labor upon streets in any, who liable to. ment of indebtedness..... ....... Taxes, maximum and distribution of in, other than Cincinnati........ Napoleon, water-works bonds, issue of.............. New Washington, levy of tax to pay bonds and interest..... Norwood, general purpose bonds, issue of Pomeroy, railway bonds, issue of........ Ravenna, board of improvement..... Transfer of funds to.......... Springfield, officers, powers, duties and compensation of....... St Mary's, electric light bonds, issue of......... Tiffin, redemption of bonds....... 275 417 ...... ........... ....... 34 17 61 64 Toledo, appropriation of property for street railways... 349 Bridges, bonds for construction of.......... 330 Council and board of education may set apart site for buildings and 250 May provide for the number of installments in which assessments for Weston, water-works and fire department bonds, issue of.......... Wilmington, town-hall improvement bonds, issue of.......... Woodsfield, cemetery bonds, issue of........... MUSKINGUM COUNTY-(See Zanesville.) NAPOLEON Water-works bonds, issue of............... NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED SOLDIERS Penalty for selling intoxicating liquors near.... NATIONAL WOMEN'S RELIEF CORPS HOME Appropriation for............ NATURAL GAS 70 Bairdstown, trustees authorized to make sale and transfer of plant........ McConnelsville authorized to issue bonds for plant........ Toledo authorized to issue additional bonds for purposes of.......... NEW WASHINGTON Council of authorized to levy tax to pay bonds and interest......... NILES Water-works and electric light bonds, issue of........... NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES-(See Elections.) NORWALK Bonds for construction of railway...... NORWOOD Bonds for general purposes and to pay existing indebtedness....... OATH ............................. Official of deputy state supervisor, clerk, etc.......... OATHS 324 29 458, 459 Clerks of justices of the peace in Cincinnati empowered to a minister............ 320OBSCENE LANGUAGE Use or occupancy of highways by railroad companies, penalty for............ 90 OFFENSES-(See Crimes and Offenses.) OHIO ASYLUM FOR EPILEPTICS Change of name to Ohio hospital for epileptics..................... OHIO HOSPITAL FOR EPILEPTICS Appropriation for............................... ..... Board of trustees of, report of epileptics to be made to........... Conduct of hospital............................. OHIO PENITENTIARY Appropriation for .. Employment of convicts....... Officers and employes, salaries of Parole of prisoners from.......... OHIO SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' HOME Admission to, etc............ 49 281 Bonds for payment certain mortgage debts upon Ohio state fair grounds OHIO STATE REFORMATORY .... 281 Right of way for road or street through university grounds.... OIL INSPECTION DISTRICTS Counties composing OTTAWA COUNTY-(See Genoa.) Townships in made road districts PALEONTOLOGY Report of, publication of........ PARKS Cincinnati, board of commissioners of PAROLE Of prisoners confined in jail in counties not having work-house PENALTY Assessments for improvements in Cincinnati and Toledo, penalty to be added for failure to pay installments when due............ Badge, unlawful wearing of G. A. R. and other society.... Barbering on Sunday, for.......... Cincinnati parks, for misdemeanors in..... County auditor Franklin county, for neglect of duty relative to firemen's pen sion fund Decennial equalization board Cleveland, for neglect or violation of duty of member of............ 261, 262 285 Dentistry, for practicing without certificate... Discharging employe for, for joining labor organization.... Ditch, for unlawful making of open along highways...... 240 269 51 41 Dynamite, for unlawful manufacture, storage and transportation of......... Fair grounds, for temporary business in vicinity of during fair.. Indecent exposure of person, for............................... Intoxicating liquors, for selling near soldiers' and sailors' home or national Label, for using illegally........... Numbering houses, for interference with Obscene language, for using Obstructing sidewalks, for...... Ohio soldiers' and sailors' home, for unlawful purchase of clothing, etc., of inmates of........... Oil inspector and deputies, for neglect to enter complaint for violation of law.. 280 Overcharge for, for freight on railroads... Railroad companies, for failure to provide proper platforms....... For violation of act regulating hours of service of employes PENALTY--Continued Scaffolding'in erection of building, for failure to provide...... Signs on licensed vehicles in Cincinnati, for failure to expose... Telegraph messages, for unlawfully obtaining.. PAGE 380 Tires and burdens for violations of regulations of........ Township clerk, for failure to make detailed report.......... Workshops and factories, for failue to make alterations or additions when noti fied by inspector of PEPPER, J. W.— Appropriation for.............. For ditch when cost five hundred dollars per mile, or more......... PHYSICIANS Employment of female, in insane asylums........ Freight trains, permitted to ride on........ PHYSICAL CULTURE Instruction in, in certain schools and educational institutions........... PICKAWAY COUNTY— Washington township, township roads in............ POLICE COURT |