| Philip Schaff - Church history - 1877 - 948 pages
...as long as they live here ; or deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent. OF THE CHUKCH. The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in which the pure Word of God is preached, and the sacraments duly administered, according to Christ's... | |
| Church orders, Ancient - 1675 - 314 pages
...Scripture doth set out unto us only the Name of Jesus Christ whereby men must be saved. 19. Of the Church. The visible Church of Christ, is a Congregation of faithful men, in which the pure Word of God is preached ; and the Sacraments be duly ministred according to Christs... | |
| Church of England articles - 1855 - 76 pages
...whereby men must be saved. XIX. Of the CJiurch. ППНЕ visible Church of Christ is a CongreJL gation of faithful men, in the which the pure Word of God...those things that of necessity are requisite to the same. As the Church of Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Antioch, have erred ; so also the Church of Rome... | |
| Thomas Brett - 1715 - 454 pages
...Den> nition of a Church in thofe Articles, to which we all fubfcribe. (c) The vijlhle Church of Cbrift -is a Congregation of faithful Men, in the which the...Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly mini ftred, according to Ch>ijYs Ordinance, in all thofe th ngs that of Necejfity are requijtte to... | |
| Thomas Bennet - 1715 - 228 pages
...Church. "' '" •'.". '." / j . J '.*./•"t THE Vifible C Lurch of Chrift is 9 congregation of faithfull men, in the which the pure word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly minifired, according to Chrift' s ordinance, in all thofe things that ofneceflity are requijite to... | |
| Europe - 1718 - 422 pages
...of the ipth Article of our Church, entitled, Of the Church, viz. * The vifible Church ot" Cbrijl c is a Congregation of faithful Men, in the which * the pure Word of God is preach'd, and the Sacrac raents be duly adminifter'd, according to Cbrijl's Qr* dinance, in all Things... | |
| George Hickes - 1727 - 478 pages
...Definition of the Church, in the i9th Article of the XXXIX. which fays thus:, The tvifible Church z* a Congregation of faithful Men, in the which the pure...Word of God. is preached, and the Sacraments be duly minijlred. It is but too apparent, that this Definition cannot poffibly be applied to innumerable Sefts,... | |
| Richard Baron - Church and state - 1768 - 320 pages
...peace and in righteoufnefs of life.'' The vifible church of Chrift, fhe defines [art. xix.] to be " a congregation of faithful men, in the '" which the pure word of God is preached, and " the facraments be duly miniftered according " to Chrift's ordinance, in all thofe things... | |
| Francis Blackburne - 1772 - 146 pages
...the Earl of Shaftsburfs demand. (3) His Lordfhip meant, that, according to this ipth Article, " EVERY congregation of faithful men, in the " which the pure word of God is preached, and the facra" ments be duly miniftred, according to Chrift's ordinance, ** in all thofe... | |
| John Gill - Sermons - 1773 - 618 pages
...tobe the filiar and ground of truth ; for the vifible church of Chrift, as the XlXth article runs, is " a congregation of faithful men, in the which the pure word of God is preach*' edi" of which pure word, the doctrines of grace are a confiderable part-, fuch as eternal... | |
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