The forty-seventh Problem of Euclid Charge at Initiation into the Third Degree Prayer rehearsed during the Ceremony of Exal- tation to the Degree of Royal Arch Mason Particulars relative to K. Solomon's Temple II. Constitution of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Northern States of America III. Powers vested in the General Grand Officers IV. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts V. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Rhode-Island VI. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Connecticut PAGE, Uniforms and Badges of different Orders of Knights 249 OF ENCAMPMENTS OF KNIGHTS IN AMERICA. ib. THE FREEMASON'S MONITOR. PART I. BOOK I. 6000009 CHAPTER I. Origin of Masonry, and its general Advan tages. FROM the commencement of the world, we may trace the foundation of masonry.* Ever since symmetry began, and harmony displayed her charms, our order has had a being. During many ages, and in many different countries, it has flourished. In the dark periods of antiquity, when literature was in a low state, and the rude manners of our forefathers withheld from them that knowledge we now so amply share, masonry diffused its influence. This science unveiled, arts arose, * Masonry and Geometry are sometimes used as synoni mous terms. B |