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A. D. 1769, and descended from the grand master of Scotland.

On the 19th of June, A.D.1792, a grand masonic union was formed by the two grand lodges; and all distinctions between ancient and modern ma sons abolished.

Grand Officers elected in December, 5804. M. W. Isaiah Thomas, Esq. grand master. R. W. Simon Elliot, Esq. deputy grand master. W. John Proctor, grand secretary.

List of Subordinate Lodges.

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Eastern Star,

Ashby. Cincinnatus, G't Barrington.

Rehoboth. Cumberland, New-Glouces




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Randolph. Wisdom, West Stockbridge.

Dennis. Washington Remembered,

New Bedford.

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Grand Lodge of Rhode-Island.

THE Grand Lodge of Rhode-Island was organized on the 25th of June, A. L. 5791, agreeably to a plan previously proposed and adopted by St. John's lodge, No. 1, of Newport, and St. John's

ledge, No. 2, of Providence, which were the on

ly lodges in the state at that time.

List of Subordinate Lodges.

St. John's Lodge, No. 1, St. Alban's Lodge, No. 6,

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St. John's Lodge, No. 2, Friendship Lodge at Glou


cester, No. 7.

Washington Lodge, No. 3, Lodge at Smithfield, No. 8.


Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 4,

Washington Lodge, No. 5,

County of Washington.

Lodge at Pawtuxet, under dispensation.

Lodge at Greenwich under a dispensation.

The quarterly communications are holden at Newport, the Tuesday before the first Wednesday in May and November, and at Providence, on the Tuesday before the first Wednesday in February and August; and the annual meeting on the anniversary of St. John the Baptist.


Grand Lodge of Connecticut.

THE Grand Lodge of Connecticut was consti tuted on the 8th day of July, A. D. 1789, by fifteen lodges, which then existed in the state. These lodges were instituted by virtue of charters


derived from the grand lodges of Massachusetts and New-York, but chiefly from the former.

The grand communications are holden semi-annually, in the months of May and October. The members of the grand lodge consist of all past and present grand officers, and the master and wardens of all the lodges under its jurisdiction, or their proxies.

List of Subordinate Lodges.

No. 1, Hiram Lodge, New- No. 19, Washington, Hunt

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No. 2, St. John's, Middle- No. 20, Harmony, Berlin.

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No. 9. Compass, Wallingford. No. 26, Columbia, East Hada

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No. 14, Frederick, Farming- No. 29, Village, West Sims

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No. 18, Hiram, Newtown.

No. 32, Meridiau Sun, War


No. 33, Friendship, South- No. 41, Federal, Brookfield.

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Grand Lodge of Vermont.

THE Grand Lodge of the state of Vermont was constituted at Rutland, on the 14th day of October, A. D. 1794. Its annual meetings are holden "on the evening next succeeding the second Thursday of October, in the town where the legislature convenes." Its members are all past and present grand officers, and the masters and wardens of the several subordinate lodges.

List of Subordinate Lodges.

No. 1, Vermont Lodge, No. 6, Centre, Rutland.

No.2, North Star, Manchester.

No. 3, Dorchester, Vergennes.

No. 4, Temple, Bennington.

No. 5, Union, Middlebury.


No. 7, Washingtou, Burling


No. 8, Hiram, Paulet.

No. 9, Aurora, Montpelier.
No. 10, Franklin, St. Alban's.


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