Passengers Act Amendment. Deposit £ Total £ The following Quantities, at least, of Water and Provisions, (to be [Here insert the Victualling Scale intended to be used on [N. B. If Mess Utensils and Bedding are to be Signature in full Place and Date [If signed by a Broker or Agent, state on whose Behalf.] 1. If Passengers, through no Default of their own, are not received on board on the Day 2. Passengers should carefully keep this Part of their Contract Ticket till after the End of (a) The Christian and Surnames in full, with the Address of the Passengers Act Amendment. SCHEDULE (M.) FORM Of EMIGRANT RUNNER's Annual Licence. in the having made A. B. (a) of of to grant to him a Licence to enable him to be Party applying for the Licence, registered as an Emigrant Runner in and for (b) must be here correctly inserted. and the said [A. B.] having also been recommended as a proper Person to receive such Licence by an Emigration (b) City, Town, Officer, or by the Chief Constable [or other Head Officer of Police, [the District, Town, or Place, or District in which the Emigrant Runner is to carry on his Business. (1) Insert this when the Defendant is summoned. as the Case may be] of in which the said A. B. is to carry on his Business]: We, the under-mentioned Justices, having no sufficient Cause shown to us, and seeing of ourselves no valid Reason why the said A. B. should not receive such Licence, do hereby grant to him this Licence for the Purposes aforesaid, subject nevertheless to be revoked for Misconduct on the Part of the said A. B. as in the "Passengers Act, 1855," is provided. SCHEDULE (N.) FORM OF SUMMONS for a DEFENDANT or a WITNESS. A. B. Complainant. C. D. Defendant. This is to command you to appear without fail on the instant (or next) at noon at Day of o'Clock before County, or City, or Bo-) in the of (an Emigration Officer, or Assistant Emigration Officer, or Officer of Customs, or (in the Colonies a Government Emigration, or Immigration Agent, as the Case may be,) for a Breach of the Section, (or Sections, as the Case may (2) Insert this be,) of the Passengers Act, 1855,] (2) [or to give Evidence in in case a Witness is summoned. the Complaint of A. B. against C. D. for Breach of the Passengers Act, 1855.] Passengers Act Amendment. SCHEDULE (0.) FORM OF CONVICTION and ORDER of ADJUDICATION under the County, or City, or Bo- (as the Case may be.) vernment to answer the Emigration Complaint of A. B. (1) for a Breach Agent, or Pasof the sengers of the Section (or Sections, Ship as the Case may be,) of the Passen- as the Case may be. gers Act, 1855, in that, &c. (2) or (as the Case may be,) for a (2) Here deBreach of the Contract contained in a certain Contract Ticket, scribe briefly and issued by in the Ship and in general Terms the Requirement (or Requirements) of the Act which has not been fulfilled. Whereupon I (or we) did proceed to examine into the Complaint so made against the said C. D., and the same having been (admitted to be true by the said C. D., or as the Case may be,) fully proved to my (or our) Satisfaction by the Testimony on Oath of E. F. (3) a credible Witness (or Witnesses), (3) Name the Witness, or I (or we) (4) [do convict him the said C. D. of the Offence (or Witnesses if Offences) aforesaid: and I (or we)] do adjudge and order that more than One. he shall pay to the said A. B. as such (Emigration Officer, or (4) Omit these Government Emigration Agent, or Officer of Customs, or Pas- Words where senger of the Ship , as the Case may be,) the Sum viction, but 1. by way of Penalty (or by way of Subsistence only an Order of Money, or of Return of Passage Money, or as Damages for Breach of such Contract as aforesaid, as the Case may be), (5) Insert this [(5) and shall also pay to the said A. B. the further Sum of Compensation 1. as Compensation for the Loss and Inconvenience is awarded. occasioned to (6) Ship of ]. by the Loss of Passage in the there is no Con Adjudication. ,in Cases where (6) Name the Passenger or Passengers by or on whose Behalf the (7) [And I (or we do also adjudge and order that the Licence Compensation granted to the said C. D. to act as a Passage Broker be forfeited.] Sum of (7) Insert this where the Offender is a Pas-sage Broker, cence is declar (8) [And I (or we) do hereby also adjuge and order that the and his Li1. being a Part not exceeding One Moiety of ed forfeited. the said Penalty of l., be applied to compensate (9) (8) Insert this for the Wrong or Damage which he (she or they) pensation out of has (or have) sustained in this Matter. And I (or we) do further adjuge and order, that the C. D. shall forthwith pay to the said A. B. the further where Com the Penalty is awarded to any aggrieved Pas said senger. Sum Name the Passenger or of Passengers. of Passengers Act Amendment. l. for the Costs and Charges by him the said A. B. incurred in the Prosecution of this Matter. Given under my Hand and Seal (or our Hands and Seals)' this Day of One thousand eight Justice of the Peace, Police or Stipendiary Magistrate, or Sheriff, or Steward, or Sheriff or Stewards Substitute, as the case may be, for FORM OF CONVICTION and ORDER of ADJUDICATION where the (1) State whe- A. B. Complainant. ther Emigra- C. D. Defendant. as the Case may be. (2) Describe briefly and in general Terms the Requirement (or Requirements) of the Act which has not been fulfilled. } of Be it remembered, That C. D. being duly summoned to answer the Complaint of A. B. (1) for a Breach of the Section ((or Sections) of the Passengers Act, 1855, in that, &c. (2) or (as the Case may be), for a Breach of the Contract contained in a certain Contract Ticket, dated County, or City, or Borough, try of , as the Case Passage to 10 and for a in the Ship did not appear before me (or us), pursuant to the said Summons. Nevertheless, I (or we) (did proceed to examine into the Complaint so preferred against the said C. D., and the same having been duly proved to my (or our) Satisfaction by the (3) Name the Testimony on Oath of E. F. (3) a credible Witness (or Wit Witnesss or nesses), I (or we) do, &c. (proceed as in preceding Form of Conviction according to the Circumstances of the Case.) QUEBEC:-Printed by G. DESBARATS & M. CAMERON, ANNO REGNI VICTORIÆ, Britanniarum Reginæ, ANNO VICESIMO SEXTO & VICESIMO SEPTIMO. Ar the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Nineteenth Day of February, Anno Domini 1859, in the Twenty-second Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith: And from thence continued, by several Prorogations, to the Fifth Day of February, 1863; being the FIFTH SESSION of the EIGHTEENTH PARLIAMENT of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. QUEBEC: PRINTED BY GEORGE DESBARATS AND MALCOLM CAMERON, |