24. Organizing expenses. James E Roach, $48.10; Emmet T Flood, $51.50; Herman Robinson, $54.69; W C Hahn, $50.22; James Leonard, $57.55; Hugh Frayne, $57.73; J A Flett, $48.45 Cleaning wall, room 401, $1.25; cleaning book cases, $1.80; Arthur A Riemer.... Organizing expenses, Jacob Tazelaar.. 25. Expressage for feb, United States Express Organizing expenses, Cal Wyatt, $56.15; J D 26. Helpers, Edward S Manuel...... Legislative expenses, Thos F Tracy, $50; A AF of L per capita of expenses for compiling and printing Union Label Laws Digest 27. Organizing expenses, John Callahan, $15; M Grant Hamilton, $32; CO Young, $59 (Los Angeles); Wm E Terry, $49 (Los Angeles); A A Hay, $99.40... 29. 500 1-c stamps, $5; 130 5-c stamps, $6 50; 205 2-c stamps, $4.10; 80 3-c stamps, $2.40; PO dept 500 2-c stamps, legislative expenses, PO dept Installing lights, bells, and telephones, Tasker & Mitchell....... 30. 1 case water, Affleck's pharmacy. Organizing expenses. WC Hahn 4 weeks' salary, office expenses, E Valesh, $120; J Kelly, $100; R Lee Guard, $100; D F Manning, $85; J W Bernhard, $114; LA Gaver, $76; LA Stern, $87.68; JE Giles, $121.97; A L McCoy, $72; (3% weeks) DL Bradley, $59.30; James Gallaher, $72; FL Faber, $69.80; I M Rodier, $80.65; M C Farmer, $70.82; I V Kane, $67.12; M M Connell, $36; I M Lauber, $64; W H Howlin, $60; (3 weeks) A E Hawkins, $37; GA Boswell, $65.79; DJ Neilsen, $67.22; RS Thomas, $52.81; W J Campbell, $40.08; R G Tompkins, $53; Marion Webster, $73.04; Smith Lankford, $55.45; Francis K Carr, $44; BE Nabers, $36; (2 weeks) A McClellan, $38.80... One month's salary, Samuel Gompers, pres One month's salary, Frank Morrison, secy.. Organizing expenses, H L Eichelberger, $34.50; JA Flett, $47.45; Jacob Tazelaar, $60.45... Writing, stamping, and filling circulars, legal defense fund, 12 weeks' salary, Lula E Roberts, $14.16; 4 weeks' salary, J B Kane, $36; 1 weeks' salary, B L Calhoun, $14.16; 1% weeks' salary, Della H Sprogue, $11.16; 4 weeks' salary, A B Harkinson, $48; 11⁄2 weeks' salary: A B Grace, $14.36; 17/3 weeks' salary, H M Sprague, $12.66; 73 week's salary, M O Blake, $2.63; 1 week's salary, MA Jones, $8.40; EB Kane, $8.40; 5-6 week's salary, M A Rock, $7.50; 1% weeks' salary, ME Lynch, $11.25; 4 weeks' salary, E R Breneman, $36.... Organizing expenses, Herman Robinson. 2,000 1-c stamps, $20; 2,000 2-c stamps, $40; 300 3-c stamps, $9: 300 4-c stamps, $12; 800 5-c stamps, $15; 300 6-c stamps, $18; 200 8-c stamps, $16; 200 10-c stamps, $20; PO dept.. 31. Hooks, 5c; cheese, 5c; plaster, 10c; tumblers, 10c; pens, 10c; postage due, 33c; matches, 40c; dust cloths, 45c; newspapers, 46c; making keys, 60c; helper, 80c; mirror, $1.19; car tickets, $9.25; hauling and expressage, $10.33; J W Bernhard. Hauling AM FED. J W Bernhard Printing, corrections, organizers list, $5.50; 3,000 list of organizations, $200; 10,000 organizers reports, $40; 2.000 envelopes and printing, $6; 100 hatters appeal, Spanish, $5.25; Spanish seal and drawing, $2.50; 500 slips bond renewals, $2; 5,000 supply order blanks, $12.50; 3,000 letter circulars, prices (centrals). $24; 3,000 application blanks (centrals), $12; 500 letter circulars N Jersey legislation, $10; 2,000 labor press lists, $28; 5.000 stenographers order blanks $12.50; 10,000 application membership blanks, $13; gummed labels, $7.50; 25,000 Why's, $17.50; corrections, list of organizations, $12; corrections, list of organizers, $6.40; plate corrections, $2; The Trades Unionst..... Organizing expenses, El M Gross, $20; T H Flynn, $10.50; James E Roach, $47.50; Hugh Frayne, $54.51 Hanging 2 clocks, $1.50; 2 clocks, $5; A O 448 65 172 51 $145,822 12 FRANK MORRISON, Secretary, A. F. of L. The John Eichler Brewing Co. TELEPHONE CONNECTION Lager Beer Brewery and Bottling Department Third Ave. and 169th Street, New York "We Issue Surety Bonds" THE TITLE GUARANTY & SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICE, SCRANTON, PA. L. A. Watres, Pres.; Joseph A. Sinn, Mgr. Surety Dept.; J. H. Law, Sec. Capital and Surplus Over $1,000,000. Agencies in all the Large Cities and Towns SURETY CONTRACT BRANCH OFFICES: New York, N. Y., 84 William St.: Chicago, Ill., 725-7 The Rookery; Seattle, Wash., Bailey Bldg.; San Francisco, Cal., Merchants' Exchange Bldg.; Denver, Colo., Railway Exchange Bldg.; Des Moines, Iowa., Youngerman Block; Indianapolis, Ind., Pythian Bldg. GENERAL AGENTS: Boston, Mass., G. R. Griffin & Co., 70 Kilby St.; Pittsburgh, Pa.. Ball & Roberts, Frick Annex; Harrisburgh, Pa., Ball & Roberts, Union Trust Bldg.; Philadelphia, Pa, The Parker Co., Pennsylvania Bldg.; Washington, D. C., Geo. T. Parker Co., Colorado Bldg.; Baltimore, Md., McComas & Kroh, Abell Bldg.; Raleigh, N. C.. Parker & Hunter, Commercial & Farmers Bank Bldg.; Columbia. S. C., W. C. Swaffield; Atlanta, Ga., Haas & Macintyre, Century Bldg.; Little Rock, Ark.. Arnold, Raines & Co.; Louisville, Ky., Samuel K. Bland, Columbia Bldg.; Colum. bus, Ohio, C. H. Bancroft, Columbus Savings & Trust Bldg.; Detroit, Mich., The Haskins Agency Co., Hammond Bldg.; Minneapolis, Minn., Hood & Penney, Phoenix Bldg.; Kansas City, Mo.. L. H. Phister & Co., Fidelity Trust Bldg.; Omaha, Neb.. H. E. Palmer, Son & Co., Brandeis Bldg.: St. Louis, Mo.. J. C. Barrows & Co., Pierce Bldg. FLORY HOISTING ENGINES STEAM & Adapted for Contractors, Pile Driving, :: :: GET OUR CATALOG AND PRICES :: :: S. FLORY MFG. CO. :: :: Bangor, Pa. ELECTRIC The Sign of the Best Ale RANK JONES PORTSMOUTH ALES BERNHEIMER & SCHWARTZ Pilsener Brewing Co., New York 127th to 129th St.and Amsterdam Ave., New York City, N.Y. LIVE 100 YEARS WEAR HEALTH HOSE Breathe long, "about ten times each minute," use the whole lung power to pull in the air, let it out naturally. WEAR HEALTH HOSE Breathe through the nose, which is nature's filter for the air you take into the lungs, in order to purify the blood. WEAR HEALTH HOSE Keep the windows open nights. If you take cold easily use a night cap. "All animal life needs fresh air." WEAR HEALTH HOSE Eat pure food and drink pure water. Avoid stimulants, from which there is always a reaction sooner or later WEAR HEALTH HOSE Work eight hours daily. Avoid straining beyond your strength. Render honest service. Be careful not to rupture your veins or injure your muscles or nerves which are apt to bring premature old age. WEAR HEALTH HOSE Be true to the mother of your children; keep her smile youthful by asking of her only reasonable hours of labor and otherwise showing her your love. WEAR HEALTH HOSE They are as low priced as any non-union hose of equal appearance and wearing qualities. You can buy six pairs of Health Hose for $1, any size or color, for men, women, misses or infants. In sending by mail state if you saw the advertisement in the American Federationist. Wilkes-Barre Knitting Mills Co. WILKES-BARRE, PA. LABOR LITERATURE -FOR SALE AT American Federation of Labor No Compulsory Arbitration. By SAMUEL GOMPERS. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. Organized Labor; Its Struggles, Its Enemies, and Fool Friends. By SAMUEL GOMPERS. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. The "Philosophy of the Labor Movement." By GEO. E. MCNEILL; together with "What Does Labor Want?" by SAMUEL GOMPERS. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. What Labor Could Do. By JOHN SWINTON; with "Economic Conferences," by By HENRY D. LLOYD,Of Chicago. (In English or German.) Universal Education. By Senator HENRY W. BLAIR. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. Condition of Women Workers. By IDA M. VAN ETTEN. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. Why We Unite. Per copy, 2 cents; dozen, 20 cents; 100, $1.50. Report of Discussion on Political Program Denver Convention, 1894. Per copy, 10 cents. Report of Proceedings, A. F. of L. Conventions. Prize Essays, by WALTER MACARTHUR, P. H. SHEVLIN, and CHAS. D. HEMMING. Per copy, 5 cents; 100, $3.00. History of Trade Unions. By WM. TRANT, M. A.; with a sketch of the National and Philosophy of Trade Unions. By DYER D. LUM. Per copy, 10 cents; dozen, $1.10; 100, $9.00. The Eight-hour Primer. The Fact. Theory, and the Argument,by GEO. E.MCNEILL The Eight-hour Workday. Its Inauguration, Enforcement, and Influences. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. The Economic and Social Importance of the Eight-hour Movement. Trade Union Epigrams. Some Reasons for the Faith That is Within Us; by WALTER MACARTHUR. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. What Does Labor Want? By SAMUEL GOMPERS, together with "The Philosophy of the Labor Movement," by GEO. E. MCNEILL. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. Some Reasons for Chinese Exclusion. Published December, 1901, by the American Federation of Labor, being a comprehensive review of the whole question. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. St. Louis Exposition-Catalogue of A. F. of L. Exhibit, History of Movement to May 1, 1904. By SAMUEL GOMPERS. Per copy, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; 100, $4.00. MAY MANTON PATTERNS Have won their way into the best homes in the land, because they are the Most Perfect-Fitting Patterns in the Market Right in Quality For Sale by Agencies Everywhere ALL 10 CENTS EACH May Manton Pattern Company 132-142 West 27th St., New York OF NORTH AMERICA *REGISTERED* UNION LABEL UNITED OF NORTH AMERICA. WHEN you are buying a FUR HAT, either soft or stiff, see to it that the Genuine Union Label is sewed in it. The Genuine Union Label is perforated on the four edges exactly the same as a postage stamp. If a retailer has loose labels in his possession and offers to put one in a hat for you, do not patronize him. Loose labels in retail stores are counterfeits. Unprincipled manufacturers are using them in order to get rid of their scab-made hats. JOHN A. MOFFIT, President, MARTIN LAWLOR, Secretary, Orange, N. J. 11 Waverly Place, New York City. N THE FAMOUS OLD "D. R. Barton" Brand NONE BETTER MADE ANYWHERE For Carpenters, Coopers, Ship Builders, Coach Makers, Turners, Butchers, Pump Makers, Wood Carvers, Etc., the most complete and extensive line of strictly fine and superior edge tools made in this country. For Sale by First-Class Hardware Dealers If your dealer does not keep them and refuses to order them, send to us for catalogue, not failing to mention what kind of tools you use, as we issue separate catalogues, and state where you saw this "ad." The first brand of Union Tobacco ever produced SAVE LABEL FRONTS FOR PREMIUMS NOT MADE BY A TRUST |