An Account is given of every Book where the first Word of the Title is
printed in Capitals.
N. B. For the remarkable Passages, see the Index at the End of the Volume.
Anftruther's, A. Reports of Cafes deter
mined in the Court of Exchequer, Vol.3.
Part I. 75
Anthems, Six, by Marsh, 398
Antique Remains of St. Martin Outwich
APOLOGY for the Believers in the Shak
fpear Papers, by CHALMERS, 32
Appeal on Caufes of the War, 394
to the Feelings of Thornton, Burdon
&c. 237
ARABIAN Nights, Hole's Remarks on, 386
Architecture, Defigns in by Lewis, 80
Nicholfon's Principles of, 395
Ariftotle's Ethics, by Gillics, 239
Arithmetic, Bonnycafle's Guide to, 157
Arnold's Hymn Tunes, 399
Art of teaching Nirure of ali Languages, 77
Aftræa's-Return, by Freeman, 400
Aftronomy, Bryan's Syftem of, 159
Practical, by Ewin, 235
Atheism, Caufes of, by Eflin, 314
Aurelia: Figures of Moths, &c. by Martyn,
Azemia, a Novel, by Jenks, 457