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be subscribed with the hands or names of the said Presi- Instructions, &c., dent and Council, or such of them as gave the judg-Nov. 20, ment or sentence: Also our will and pleasure is, and 1606. we do hereby establish, and ordaine, that the said several Regulation Colonies and Plantations, and every person and persons the Colonies, for of the same, severally and respectively, shall within the first every of their several precincts for the space of five five years. years next after their first landing upon the coast Everything to be of Virginia and America, trade together all in one stock, in common or divideably but in two or three stocks at the most, stock. and bring not only all the fruits of their labours there, but also all other goods and commodities which shall To be deposited in be brought out of England, or any other place, into the public same Colonies, into several magizines or store-houses, for storehousthat purpose to be made and erected there, and that in such for the order, manner, and form, as the Councel of that Colony, purpose. or the more part of them, shall set down and direct:

es erected

And our will and pleasure is, and we do in like man- A Treasner ordaine, that in every of the said Colonies and Plan-urer, or Cape-Mertations there shall be chosen there, elected yearly, by chant, to be chosen the President and Councel of every of the said Colonies in each and Plantations, or the more part of them, one person, Colony. of the same Colony and Plantation, to be Treasurer or Cape-Merchant of the same Colony and Plantation, to take the charge and managing of all such goods, wares, His powers and commodities, which shall be brought into, or taken and duties. out of, the several magazines or store-houses; the same Treasurer or Cape-Merchant, to continue in his Term of office by the space of one whole year next after his said office, and election, unless he shall happen to die within the said resignayear, or voluntary give over the same, or be removed or removal, how for any just or reasonable cause, and that thereupon alled. the same President and Councel, or the most part of them, shall have power and authority to elect him again, or others in his room or stead, to continue in the same One or office as aforesaid: And that also there shall be two or Clerks to more persons of good discretion within every of the said be chosen Colonies and Plantations, elected and chosen yearly Colony.

vacancy by

tion, death


in each



Νόν. 20, 1606.

Their duties.


during the said term of five years, by the President and tions,& Councel of the same Colony, or the most part of them, respectively, within their several limits and precincts, the one or more of them to keep a book in which shall be registered and entered all such goods, wares, and merchandizes, as shall be received into the several magazines and storehouses within that Colony being appointed for that purpose; and the other to keep a little book, wherein shall be registered all goods, wares, and merchandizes which shall issue or be taken out of any the several magazines or store-houses of that Colony; which said clerks shall continue in their said places

Term of office of Clerks.

but at the will of the President and Councel of that Colonists Colony whereof he is, or of the major part of them: to be sup And that every person or persons of every the said sevplied with necessaries eral Colonies and Plantations shall be furnished with from public store


The First
Colony em-

all necessaries out of those several magazines or storehouses, which shall belong to the said Colony and Plantation, in which that person is, for and during the term of five years, by the appointment, direction, and order of the President and Council there, or of the said Cape-Merchants and two Clerks, or of the most part of them, within the said several limits and precincts of the said Colonies and Plantations:

Also our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby orpowered to daine, that the adventurers of the said First Colony and establish a Plantation, shall and may during the said term of five Co. or years, elect and choose out of themselves one or more Agency in Companies, each Company consisting of three persons



and duties.

at the least, who shall be resident at or near London, or such other place or places, as the Council of the Colony for the time being, or the most part of them Its powers during the said five years shall think fit, who shall there from time to time take charge of the trade and account of all such goods, wares, and merchandizes, and other things which shall be sent from thence, to the Company of the same Colony, or Plantation, in Virginia; and likewise all such wares, goods and merchandizes, as



shall be brought from the said Colony or Plantation Instrucunto that place within our Realm of England; and of tions, &c. all things concerning the managing of the affairs and profits of the adventurers of that Company which shall so pass out of or come into that place or port.

ny empow

tablish a

AND likewise our will and pleasure is, that the adven- The Secturers in the said Second Colony and Plantation shall ond Coloand may during the said term of five years elect out of ered to esthemselves, one or more companies, each Company con- Mercantile sisting of three persons at the least, who shall be resi-Co., or Agency at dent at or near Plimouth, in our County of Devon, Plymouth. within our Realm of England, and at such one, two, or three other places, or ports, as the Councel of that Colony, or the most part of them, shall think fit; who shall there, from time to time, take care and charge of Its powers the trade, and account of all such goods, wares, merchandizes and other things, which shall be sent from thence for the same Colony and Plantation in Virginia; and likewise all such goods, wares, and merchandizes, all shall be brought from the said Colony and Plantation in Virginia into our Realm of England, and of all things concerning the managing of the affairs and profits of the adventurers of that Company.


and duties.


nists to


ALSO our will and pleasure is, that no person or perso sons, shall be admitted into any of the said Colonies as coloand Plantations, there to abide and remain, but such take ceras shall take not only the usual oath of obedience tain oaths. to us, our heirs, and successors, but also the oath which is limited in the last session of Parliament holden at Westminster in the fourth year of our reign, for their due obedience unto us, our heirs and successors: the trade to and from any of the Colonies aforesaid may be managed to and from such port and places, within our Realm of England, as is before in these Governarticles introduced, any thing set down heretofore to mental the contrary notwithstanding: And that the said Presi- Colonial dent and Councel of each of the said Colonies, and the and Counmore part of them, respectively, shall and may law-cils.

Powers of



Instructions, &c., Νοv. 20. 1606.



fully, from time to time, constitute, make, and ordain such Constitutions, Ordinances, and officers, for the better order, government and peace of the People of their several Colonies, so always as the same Ordinances

and Constitutions, do not touch any party in life or tions upon. member; which Constitutions and ordinances shall stand and continue in full force, until the same shall Force and be otherwise altered or made void by us, our heirs, or operation successors, or our, or their Councel of Virginia, so ordi- always as the same alterations be such as may stand with and be in substance consonant unto the laws of England, or the equity thereof.

of these


Furthermore our will, and pleasure, is, and we do Treatment hereby determine and ordain, that every person and perdians. sons, being our subjects of every the said Colonies and

of the In

Must aim

at their conversion

to Chris


Plantations, shall from time to time well entreat those Savages in those parts, and use all good means to draw the Savages and heathen people of the said several places, and of the territories and countries adjoining, to the true service and knowledge of God; and that all just, kind and charitable courses shall be holden with such of them as shall conform themselves to any good and sociable traffic and dealing with the subjects of us, our heirs, and successors, which shall be planted

there, whereby they may be sooner drawn to the true The con- knowledge of God, and the obedience of us, our heirs,

trary course to

be punished.

and successors; under such severe pains and punishments as shall be inflicted by the same several Presidents and Councils of the said several Colonies, or the most part of them, within their several limits and precincts, on such as shall offend therein or do the contrary:

Provision And that as the said Territories and Countries of

for further Instruc

Virginia and America, within the degrees aforesaid, tions, &c., shall from time to time increase in Plantation by our

from the Crown.

subjects, we, our heirs, and successors, will ordain and give such order and further Instructions, Lawes, Constitutions, and Ordinances for the better order, rule,



and government of such as so shall make Plantations Instructions, &c., there, as to us, our heirs, and successors, shall from Nov. 20, time to time be thought fit and convenient, which 1606. always shall be such, as may stand with, or be in substance consonant unto the laws of England, or the equity thereof.

in London,


of Colonial

AND lastly, we do ordain and establish, for us, our Council for heirs, and successors, that such oath shall be taken by Virginia each of our Councellors here for Virginia, concerning oath of their place and office of Councel, as by the Privy Councel of us, our heirs, and successors of this our Realm of England, shall be in that behalf limited and appoint-Members ed: And that each Councellor of the said Colonies Councils, shall take such oath for the execution of their place oath of. and office of Councellor, as by the Councel of us, our heirs, and successors here in England, for Virginia shall in that behalf be limited and appointed: And as well those several Articles and instructions herein mentioned and contained, as also all such as by virtue hereof shall hereafter be made and ordained, shall as need shall require, by the advice of our Councel here for Virginia be transcribed over unto the said several Councels of the said Colonies, under the seal to ordained for our said Councel here for Virginia. witness, &c.*,

be* 1, Hening's StatIn utes, Vol

Such was the First Charter upon which was based the first settlements, and such were the Royal instructions pursuant to the provisions of which was planned the first civilized Government ever known in America. The First Colony was afterwards more familiarly known as THE SOUTH VIRGINIA, OR LONDON COMPANY; and the Second Colony as THE NORTH VIRGINIA, OR PLYMOUTH COMPANY.

ume 1.

Dr. Rob

In alluding to this Charter and the Order of Instruc-Opinion of tions which followed it, Dr. Robertson says, "Thus, ertson without hesitation or reluctance, the Proprietors of upon the both Colonies-Virginia and Plymouth-proceeded to ter. execute their respective plans, and under the authority

First Char

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