PART I. 1611-12. VIRGINIA, Third Charter of James I., our will and pleasure is, that in any suit or suits, comto the Lon- menced or to be commenced, in any of our Courts at don Co., March, 12, Westminster, or elsewhere, by the said Treasurer and Company, or otherwise, against any such persons, that our Judges for the time being, both in our Court of Chancery, and at the Common Pleas, do favor and further the said suits, so far forth as law and equity will, in any wise, further and permit. compelled to make good and keep the same ; therefore Admission X. And we do, for us, our heirs, and successors, of new further give and grant to the said Treasurer and members. Admission gers. Company, or their successors, for ever, that they, the said Treasurer and Company, or the greater part of them, for the time being, so in a full and general court assembled, as aforesaid, shall and may, from time to time, and at all times forever hereafter, elect, choose, and admit into their company and society, any person of aliens or persons, as well strangers and aliens, born in any and stran- part beyond the seas wheresoever, being in amity with us, as our natural liege subjects, born in any our realms, and dominions; and that all such persons, so elected, chosen and admitted to be of the said company, as aforesaid, shall thereupon be taken, reputed, and held, and shall be, free members of the said company, and shall have, hold, and enjoy, all and singular Privileges freedoms, liberties, franchises, privileges, immunities, benefits, profits, and commodities, whatsoever, to the admitted. said company in any sort belonging or appertaining, as of members thus May solicit and transport emigrants. fully, freely, and amply, as any other adventurers, now being, or which hereafter at any time shall be, of the said company, hath, have, shall, may, might or ought to have and enjoy the same, to all intents and purposes whatsoever. XI. And we do further of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, for us, our heirs, and successors, give and grant unto the said Treasurer and Company, and their successors, for ever, by these presents, that it shall be lawful and free for them and their THIRD AND SEPARATE CHARTER TO THE FIRST COLONY. PART. I Charter of don Co., to assigns, at all and every time and times hereafter, out Third of any our realms and dominions whatsoever, to take, James I. lead, carry, and transport, in and into the said voyage, the Lonand for and towards the said plantation, of our said March 12, First Colony in Virginia, all such and so many of our 1611-12. loving subjects, or any other strangers that will become our loving subjects and live under our allegiance, as shall willingly accompany them in the said voyages and plantation, with shipping armour, weapons, ordnance, munition, powder, shot, victuals, and all manner of merchandizes and wares, and all manner of clothing, implements, furniture, beasts, cattle, horses, mares, and all other things necessary for the said plantation, and for their use and defence, and for trade with the people Goods, &c there, and in passing and returning to and from, with-duty for out paying or yielding any subsidy, custom or imposition, seven either inward or outward, or any other duty to us, our heirs, or successors, for the same, for the space of seven years from the date of these presents. free of years. XII. And we do further, for us, our heirs, and suc-Oaths of cessors, give and grant to the said Treasurer and Com-supremacy and pany, and their successors, for ever, by these presents, allegiance. that the said Treasurer of that Company, or his deputy, for the time being, or any two other of the said councel for the said First Colony in Virginia, for the time being, or any two other, at all times hereafter, and from time to time, have full power and authority, to minister and give the oath and oaths of supremacy and allegiance, or either of them, to all and every person and persons which shall at any time or times hereafter, go or pass to the said colony, in Virginia: XIII. And further, that it shall be lawful likewise Other for the said Treasurer, or his deputy, for the time Oaths. being, or any two or others of our said councel for the said First Colony in Virginia, for the time being, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to minister such a formal oath, as by their discretion shall be reasonably devised, as well unto any person or persons, PART I. Jamés I. VIRGINIA, Third employed in, for, or touching the said plantation, for Charter of their honest, faithful, and just discharge of their service, to the Lon-in all such matters, as shall be committed unto them don Co., March 12, for the good and benefit of the said company, colony 1611-12. and plantation; As also unto such other person or per Discretionary Oaths. Of deser and sons, as the said Treasurer or his deputy, with two others of the said councel, shall think meet, for the examination and clearing of the truth, in any cause whatsoever concerning the said plantation, or any business, from thence proceeding, or thereunto belonging. XIV. And furthermore, whereas we have been cermisrepre tified, that divers lewd and ill disposed persons, both sentations. sailors, soldiers, artificers, husbandmen, labourers, and others; having received wages, apparel, and other entertainment, from the said company, or having contracted and agreed with the said company, to go, or to serve, or to be employed, in the said plantation of the said First Colony in Virginia, have afterwards either withdrawn, hid, or concealed themselves, or have refused to go thither, after they have been so entertained and agreed withal; and that divers and sundry persons also, which have been sent and employed in the said plantation of the said First Colony in Virginia, at and upon the charge of the said company, and having there misbehaved themselves, by mutinies, sedition, or other notorious misdemeanors, or having been employed and sent abroad, by the Governour of Virginia, or his deputy, with some ship or pinnace, for our provisions of the said colony, or for some discovery, or other business and affairs concerning the same, have from thence most treacherously, either come back again and returned unto our realm in England, by stealth, or without licence of our Governour of our said Colony in Virginia, for the time being, or have been sent thither, as misdoers and offenders; and that many also of those persons, after their return from thence, having been questioned by our said councel here, for such their misbehaviors and offences, by their insolent and contempt THIRD AND SEPARATE CHARTER TO THE FIRST COLONY. PART I. Charter of uous carriage in the presence of our said councel, have Third showed little respect and reverence, either to the place, James I. or authority in which we have placed and appointed to the London Co., them; and others, for the colouring of their lewdness March 12, and misdemeanors, committed in Virginia, have endeav-1611-12. ored, by most vile and slanderous reports, made and tempts to divulged, as well of the country of Virginia, as also disparage of the government and estate of the said plantation pany and and colony, as much as in them lay, to bring the said Colony. Of at the voyage and plantation into disgrace and contempt; by means whereof, not only the adventurers and planters, already engaged in the said plantation have been exceedingly abused and hindered, and a great number of other our loving and well disposed subjects, otherwise well affected, and enclined to join and adventure in so Discouragnoble, christian, and worthy an action, have been dis-ing advencouraged from the same, but also the utter overthrow and ruin of the said enterprize hath been greatly endangered, which cannot miscarry without some dishonor to us and our kingdom; turers. these dis XV. Now, forasmuch as it appeareth to us, that Source of these insolences, misdemeanors, and abuses, not to be orders. tolerated in any civil government, have for the most part, grown and proceeded, in regard our said councel have not any direct power and authority, by any express words in our former letters patents, to correct and chastise such offenders; We therefore, for the more Remedial speedy reformation of so great and enormous abuses provision. and misdemeanors, heretofore practised and committed, and for the prevention of the like hereafter, do, by these presents, for us, our heirs, and successors, give and grant to the said Treasurer and Company, and their successors, forever; that it shall and may be lawful for our said councel for the said First Colony in Power to Virginia, or any two of them (whereof the said Treas-apprehend urer, or his deputy, for the time being, to be always ish. one) by warrant under their hands, to send for, or to cause to be apprehended, all and every such person, PART I. James I. to VIRGINIA, Third and persons, who shall be noted, or accused, or found, Charter of at any time or times hereafter, to offend or misbehave the Lon- themselves, in any the offences before mentioned and don Co., March 12, expressed; And upon the examination of any such 1611-12. offender or offenders, and just proof made by oath, Accused, taken before the said councel, of any such notorious how tried, &c. misdemeanors by them committed, as aforesaid; And also upon any insolent and contemptuous, or indecent carriage, and misbehavior, to or against our said councel, shewed or used by any such persons, so called, con vented, and appearing, before them as aforesaid; that in Where to all such cases, they, our said councel, or any two of them, be punish for the time being, shall and may have full power and The Com &c. authority, either here to bind them over with good sureties for their good behavior, and further therein to proceed, to all intents and purposes, as it is used, in other like cases, within our Realm of England; or else, at their discretion, to remand and send them back, the said offenders, or any of them, unto the said colony in Virginia, there to be proceeded against and punished, as the governor, deputy, or councel, there, for the time being, shall think meet; or otherwise according to such laws and ordinances, as are and shall be in use there, for the well ordering and good government of the colony. XVI. And for the more effectual advancing of the Pstablish said plantation, we do further, for us, our heirs, and Lotteries, successors, of our especial grace and favor, by virtue of our Prerogative Royal, and by the assent and consent of the Lords and others of our Privy Councel, give and grant unto the said Treasurer and Company, full power and authority, free leave, liberty, and licence, to set forth, erect, and publish, one or more lottery or lotteries, to have continuance, and to endure and be held, for the space of one whole year, next after the opening of the same; and after the end and expiration of the said term, the said lottery or lotteries to continue and be further kept, during our will and pleasure only, and not otherwise. And yet nevertheless, we are contented |